Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 19 May 2016

May 19, 2016
17 min read

Mintel in the Media is a review of the past week, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:


BBC Radio 4 You and Yours Tamara Sender discusses the state of the UK high street.

Financial Times Japan’s Snow Peak stakes claim to global glamping The concept has taken off in the UK, where the term glamping was coined. According to Mintel, the market research group, 2 per cent of Britons and 3 per cent of the Irish population have been glamping, such as staying in a yurt, camping pod, safari-style tent or shepherd’s huts.

The Guardian Turmeric latte: the ‘golden milk’ with a cult following The market research firm Mintel named turmeric as one of its foods to watch in 2016.

The Times The rise of the hair narcissists That’s the thing with men and hair. It matters. Really matters. Much more than you might think. Certainly, much more than we let on, an obsession confirmed by a Mintel survey this week.

Retail Week Automation and the future of the retail workforce Nick Carroll, retail analyst at researcher Mintel, notes that Amazon has filed a patent for a full automated store.”It”s a bit pie-in-the-sky, but using RFID tags, cameras and sensors means customers wouldn’t even have to complete a payment transaction, so you wouldn’t need any staff,” he says.

CNBC AB InBev faces stiff competition from craft beer: Mintel Jonny Forsyth discusses AB Inbev’s latest results on CNBC.

The Independent The slow death of the most British thing there is “It has a serious image problem here,” said London-based Emma Clifford, who is the senior food and drink analyst at Mintel, an industry research group. “People, especially young people, are not excited about it at all. It’s just too mundane.”

The Times {Skincare & Dermatology} £1bn skincare market is a healthy business Forget must-have Birkin bags or stylish Saint Laurent Which is probably why, according to Mintel, we spent £1.07 billion on skincare in the UK last year, up 17 per cent since 2009.

Marketing Week Can Cadbury help reverse declining chocolate bars sales? Figures from Mintel show that the ‘chocolate confectionery’ category saw volume sales fall by 1.8% in 2014 and 0.3% in 2015 and Antoja said while the category “is recovering” it is “not in positive numbers yet”.

The Sunday Telegraph Bye-bye, Hollywood smile Has whitening gone tooth far? Indeed, currently a quarter of Britons have had some kind of cosmetic dentistry, making the industry worth £2 billion, according to market-research organisation Mintel.

The Times Board game boys and girls date over dice According to the market research company Mintel, 2013 was the first time the market grew since it began measuring the sector in 2007.

Daily Mail Are women really the weaker sex? Retail analysts Mintel found that women said they had experiences more illnesses than men over the past year.

Metro Forget flat whites and invest in some ice: The coffee trends you need to know about But Coffee Juice isn’t the only place mixing coffee with sweeter stuff: according to industry analyst Mintel, sales of flavoured coffees are up 800% since 2010.

BBC Radio Rebecca McGrath discusses key findings from the latest music and video streaming report.

Daily Mail Baby food sales slump Sales of manufactured wet and dry baby food have dropped by 14 per cent between 2012 and 2015, according to retail analysts Mintel.


Los Angeles Times When Sports Authority closes, these retailers win “There are more choices for the consumer in the sporting goods retail market now,” said Diana Smith, senior research analyst for retail and apparel at the research firm Mintel Group Ltd. “There is not enough room for everyone.”

The Washington Post Why the British are drinking coffee instead of tea “Tea has a serious image problem here,” said London-based Emma Clifford, who is the senior food and drink analyst at Mintel, an industry research group. “People, especially young people, are not excited about it at all. It’s just too mundane.”

National Public Radio Cold Brew Coffee is Hot Trend Sales of cold brew coffee boomed last year. According to consumer research firm Mintel, they were up 115-percent from the year before.

Associated Press Are you ready to replace your moisturizer with a pill? “The theme across all consumer categories is more natural ingredients for all the products they’re purchasing,” said Sarah Jindal, a senior beauty analyst for Mintel. “That’s going to continue to become more and more important to the consumer.”

Money Young Dads Like Shopping…With the Kids (VIDEO) A recent survey by market research firm Mintel found that young men actually warmed to shopping when they took their kids along.

Business Insider Millennial dads are the future of retail According to a recent report from Mintel, young dads could be extremely profitable to retailers and companies should start marketing to them.

Chicago Tribune Growing arts and crafts market isn’t just for kids “The DIY (do it yourself) movement took off during the recession, and as the economy recovered, people just continued with their crafting habits,” said Dana Macke, lifestyles and leisure analyst at market research firm Mintel.

CBS This Morning Yelp fights back against fake reviews (VIDEO) Mintel found nearly 70 percent of Americans seek out others’ opinions online before making a purchase, but only 59 percent trust the recommendations.

Today Why a gluten-free diet may be bad for healthy kids While there has been a slight uptick in the diagnosis of celiac disease, that increase doesn’t explain the rapid rise in the sales of gluten-free products, which increased by 136 percent between 2013 and 2015, according to the consumer research firm Mintel.

Forbes Meet The British SMEs Determined To Take On Nespresso Market research company Mintel says instant coffee sales in the UK are already 3% down on 2013 because of the move towards capsules – that represents a trend many businesses will be interested in exploiting.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show Cereal: The struggle is real Mintel research on Millennials’ attitudes toward cereal is discussed on by Ellen.

Financial Times Print Edition (USA) Staycations: Millennials pitch in for more days glamping According to Mintel, the market research group, 2 per cent of Britons and 3 per cent of the Irish population have been glamping, such as staying in a yurt, camping pod, safari-style tent or shepherd’s huts.

QSR Magazine Consumers Take Stress with More Than a Grain of Salt The latest research from Mintel reveals that three in five (62 percent) consumers are eating salty snacks as a stress reliever, compared to 16 percent of American snackers who attributed stress as a reason for snacking one year ago.

HAPPI Magazine Kitchen Counter Cosmetics According to Mintel, one of the four key trends set to impact the global beauty and personal care industry over the next decade includes “gastronomia.”


Wiadomości Handlowe Mintel: Convenience to nie wszystko Wygoda jest wciąż ważna, ale należy zaproponować coś więcej – przede wszystkim dodatkowe wartości związane ze zdrowiem, jakością i kreatywnością – wynika z konferencji Big Conversation zorganizowanej przez firmę Mintel.

Lebensmittel Praxis Pizza wie bei Mama Wie Handel- und Markenhersteller gemeinsam noch besser TK-Kost verkaufen können sagt Katya Witham, Senior Food & Drink Analyst in London.

Handelszeitung „Superfoods”: + 202 % in fünf Jahren Laut einer neuen Untersuchung von Mintel stieg die Anzahl der eingeführten Lebensmittel- und Getränkeprodukte, die als „Superfood“, „Superfruit“ oder „Supergrain“ bezeichnet werden, im Zeitraum von 2011 bis 2015 weltweit um 202 %.

Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung Superfoods sind auf dem Vormarsch Laut einer neuen Untersuchung des Marktforschungsunternehmens Mintel, das in München ein Niederlassung hat, stieg die Zahl der eingeführten Lebensmittel- und Getränkeprodukte, die als „Superfood“, „Superfruit“ oder „Supergrain“ bezeichnet werden, im Zeitraum von 2011 bis 2015 weltweit um 202 %.

Portalspoż Fenomen “superfoods”: Oferta nowych produktów zwiększyła się globalnie o 202 proc. od 2011 r. Jak wynika z Globalnej Bazy Nowych Produktów Mintel (Mintel GNPD), w latach 2011–2015 nastąpił fenomenalny (202-procentowy) wzrost liczby wprowadzonych na rynek nowych produktów w kategorii żywności i napojów z określeniami „superfood”, „superfruit” lub „supergrain”.

Puro Marketing La personalización de los vídeos, clave ante la saturación de contenidos De hecho, y como recuerdan desde Mintel en un alalisis sobre el presente y el futuro del video en internet, uno de los grandes problemas a los que trendra que enfrentarse y una de las tendencias que se daban por hechas para 2016 en lo que a estrategia se refiere es que los consumidores se empezaran a enfrentar este ano a una sobrepasara al consumidor.

Markenartikel Superfoods: Zahl der Neueinführungen steigt rasant Das zeigt eine Untersuchung des Marktforschungsunternehmens Mintel. Sie ergab zudem, dass die USA im Jahr 2015 die meisten Produkte mit diesem Label einführten (30 %), gefolgt von Australien (10 %), Deutschland (7 %), Großbritannien (6 %) und Kanada (6 %).

Gastronomía & Cía Las ventas de los denominados ‘superalimentos’ han aumentado un 202% Un informe de Mintel, empresa especializada en la investigación y análisis de mercado, marketing y publicidad, concluye que entre el año 2011 y el año 2015 las ventas de los denominados ‘superalimentos’ han aumentado un 202% a nivel mundial.

tk -18 Report Gemüse aus dem Meer Mit ihren gesundheitlichen Vorzugen und als Salzersatz sind Meeresalgen pradestiniert, sich als nachstes „Superfood” zu etablieren, meint Mintel.

Milch Marketing Rohmilchkäse liegt im Trend Nach Erkentnissen der britischen Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel fristet Rohmilchkäse in Deutschland noch ein Nischendasein, entwickelt sich aber durchaus positiv.

Die Welt Viele Chinesen sind ohne Smartphone nicht lebensfähig Pro Tag buchen die Chinesen Reisen im Wert von 344,3 Millionen Renminbi, umgerechnet fast 47 Millionen Euro, mit dem Mobiltelefon. “Smartphones werden zum wichtigsten Kanal für den Onlinehandel”, sagt Matthew Crabbe, Forschungsdirektor für Asien-Pazifik bei Mintel.

Glamour France Ce qui va (enfin) vous donner envie d’en mettre Commencons par quelques chiffres, plus efficaces qu’un long sermon: 88% des Francais sont conscients des risques au soleil mais imprudents, 72% ne respectent pas les recommendations de reapplication, seuls 59% se protegent pour prevenir le cancer et 38% pour lutter contre le photovielliessement. Mintel (2014).

Food Aktuell Premiumschokolade legt weltweit zu Gemäss einer neuen Studie der internationalen Marketingagentur Mintel wird mehr Premium-Schokolade angeboten als je zuvor. Das Ungesund-Image spielt keine grosse Rolle aber innovative Aromatisierungen.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Fertiggerichte gehen gut ohne Eine neue Untersuchung der Agentur Mintel zeigt, dass die Zahl der Fertiggerichte, die damit werben “vegetarisch” zu sein, in Deutschland zwischen 2011 und 2015 um mehr als das Siebenfache (633 %) gestiegen ist und die Zahl der “veganen” Fertiggerichte sogar um das Zwanzigfache.

Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung Veggies lieben Fertiggerichte Vegetarische Gerichte werden in Deutschland populärer. Wie eine Mintel-Studie ergab, trugen 12 Prozent der 2015 auf den Markt gebrachten Fertiggerichte diese Bezeichnung.


Associated Press Top tech trends at Shanghai’s CES Asia Laurel Gu, Research Manager, Mintel Reports China: “We do see that China’s economy has been slowing over the past few years, but what is worth noticing is that it is mainly the second industry sector, just the manufacturing industry sector that is dragging the economy, but it actually had relatively less of an impact on consumer spending.”

China Daily VR headsets, 3D printing dominate 2nd CES Asia China’s economic growth slowed to a seven-year low of 6.7 percent in the first quarter of this year. However, Laurel Gu with the Global market researchers Mintel says China’s recent economic slowdown has had relatively little impact on purchasing.

Shanghai Daily Cyberspace and chicken nuggets converge UK-based research firm Mintel estimates the market value of the fast-food industry will top 1 trillion yuan (US$154 billion) by 2020, with more than 950,000 outlets nationwide. The market is starting to recover after a series of food-safety scandals curbed growth between 2012 and 2014.

China Post IMAX agrees 40-cinema deal with JinYi Media Latest figures from Mintel China show last year total domestic leisure spending increased by 12.5 percent, while spending in cinemas increased by more than 50 percent, to 44 billion yuan ($6.75 billion).

Sohu 爱露肉的夏天 防晒的姿势要正确(组图) 根据市场调查公司英敏特的调查,中国市场防晒化妆品的表现非常抢眼。近5年来,防晒化妆品的销售额达到了年均18.2%的增长。随着生活品质的提高,防晒日益受到人们重视,市面上的防晒化妆品日益丰富。记者昨日走访各大卖场和美容用品专卖店看到,各种防晒霜、防晒喷雾、防晒凝胶、防晒湿巾、防晒粉底、防晒唇膏……纷纷摆上了最显眼的货架,十几个品牌的防晒霜纷纷贴上了“热销”的标签。

Vogel 【产业观察】未来五年饮料产业发展趋势浅析 近年来冷泡咖啡已经获得了同样的成功。英敏特的数据显示,这部分的业绩从2014至2015年增长了115%。2010年以来,这一增长速度已经超过2015年估计总量的339%。

Wtoutiao “明星+酒”成红酒市场新风尚 全球消费、产品和市场情报供应商英敏特(Mintel)最新发布的行业分析报告指出,到2017年,中国葡萄酒市场消费能力将达到28.27亿升,消费总额将达到938亿元人民币,增长幅度达102.5%

Chinastock 冷饮市场的消费导向逐渐低价策略转向注重健康消费 英敏特(Mintel)公司发布的一份市场调研报告显示,中国已经超过美国成为全球最大的冰淇淋市场,2014年中国冰淇淋销售总额就达到了114亿美元,几乎相当于全球销售总量的1/4。报告显示,中国中产阶级对有机冰淇淋的兴趣正在逐步提升,中国冰淇淋产品也从群雄逐鹿,走向以品牌和品质为主要竞争手段的精细化竞争阶段。

北方网 第二届CES Asia展会:VR/可穿戴设备成新风尚 中国的经济增速在最近7年间达到了一个最低点,尽管如此,全球市场研究公司Mintel研究员Laurel Gu认为中国近期的经济增速放缓对购买力的影响相对要小。“中国的经济增速的确在最近几年间减缓了不少,但我们需要特别注意的是,这主要是由于第二产业,也就是制造业拖了经济增长的后腿,消费者的购买力遭受的影响相对来说要小很多。”

FNEWS 品质决定未来——国内CS渠道面膜产品回归理性厮杀阶段 近日,英国咨询公司英敏特发布的一份报告显示,仅2015年全年,中国面膜市场线上交易额就将达到50.4亿元,在过去六个月内,有95%的20岁—49岁的中国女性曾经使用面膜或撕式面膜。

China Daily Era of viewer-cum-broadcaster dawns in China “Among online media formats, video is a powerful storytelling instrument that can vividly convey a message and entertain an audience at the same time. With the ‘new norm’ of live streaming, everyone can be a content creator and a broadcaster, with true ownership of personal media content,” said Philix Liu, Mintel’s APAC trends analyst.

Industry Sourcing 10个重要的国际趋势——包装业的网络世界 因此,据目前态势估计,数码印刷将超过包装市场份额的10%。Mintel公司相信,2016年将成为数字包装印刷的转折点,品牌和包装转换器将通过限量版和个性化实现飞跃,并开始在主流包装装饰方面充分利用经济和快速推向市场的优势。

中国食品设备网 未来五年饮料产业发展趋势浅析 近年来冷泡咖啡已经获得了同样的成功。英敏特的数据显示,这部分的业绩从2014至2015年增长了115%。2010年以来,这一增长速度已经超过2015年估计总量的339%。

中国糖烟酒网 美国啤酒销量猛增 或是下一个行业风口 “国内市场有精酿啤酒这个概念大概已有5 ~10年的时间,但最近一两年是真正火起来了。”市场研究机构英敏特的中国饮料高级分析师张一说。据统计,2014年超过18%的消费者饮用过精酿啤酒,近一半的人觉得精酿啤酒意味着高端,34%的酒客愿意为口感更好的精酿啤酒付更多钱。而收入普遍较高,是这群消费者的另一个特点。


IB Times China’s Uber Headache: How Ride Hailing Apps Have Enraged Taxi Operators, Delighted Consumers, And Challenged China’s Government “The genie’s out of the bottle now – these apps have challenged the old order,” says Matthew Crabbe, Asia Pacific research director of market intelligence consultancy Mintel, who recently published a report on the impact of smartphone apps, including ride-hailing ones, on China’s economy.

Times of India Turmeric latte’ is how the West is quaffing haldi doodh To those outside the subcontinent whose only acquaintance with turmeric is in a curry, this new manifestation comes as a revelation, and it joins Getty Images other newly discovered culinary exports from the subcontinent like ghee, dahi and coconut oil. Predicting the trend, market research firm Mintel named turmeric one of the foods to watch in 2016.

Business Insider Indonesia Millennial dads are the future of retail Young dads actually like shopping with their children. In fact, Mintel highlights how they prefer to shop for their kids over shopping for themselves.

Naver “여자는 실제로 연약.. 잔병치레 많아” 11일(현지시간) 영국 일간지 가디언은 시장조사업체 민텔(Mintel)의 리서치를 인용, 여성들이 남성에 비해 잔병을 많이 치르고, 침대에서 쉬려고 하는 경향이 더 많으며, 약을 복용하는 비율도 높은 등 실제로 연약하다고 전했다.

Foodmate Protein-packed items may need specific messaging Data from the Mintel Global New Products Database show U.S. protein product launches jumped to 418 in 2013 from 255 in 2012. However, the number of launches dropped to 377 in 2014 and 265 in 2015.

Moneynet 從淘寶大數據看中國更精準 要如何解讀中國官方發布的各項經濟統計數據?研究機構「解讀亞洲」(Access Asia)合夥人馬修.克拉伯(Matthew Crabbe)接受本刊專訪時指出,中國官方發布的經濟統計數據固然常失真,甚至明顯不合理,例如各地方GDP(國內生產毛額)全部加起來大於全國GDP,但這並不代表官方刻意造假,要真正了解中國經濟狀況,宜由下而上,從細節著手。

Real Foods ‘생 와인’이 뜬다 영국의 시장조사기관 민텔(Mintel)에 따르면 와인은 아직까지 전통적인 음료이다. 코르크가 아닌 틀어서 여는 뚜껑을 와인 병에 사용할 수 있게 되기까지는 수 년이 걸렸다. 하지만, 최근 소비자들은 전통에서 탈피한 캔 와인 혹은 생 와인에 대해 관심을 보이고 있다.

The Philippine Star Are you ready to replace your moisturizer with a pill? The theme across all consumer categories is more natural ingredients for all the products they’re purchasing, said Sarah Jindal, a senior beauty analyst for Mintel. “That’s going to continue to become more and more important to the consumer.”

Naver 애완동물 먹이 시장에도 건강 열풍? 영국 시장조사 전문기관인 민텔(Mintel)과 ‘리얼푸드’에 따르면, 영국 애완 동물 소유자는 대부분 오래 보관할 수 있는 동물먹이를 구매한다. 이는 대량구입이 가능하며, 음식물 쓰레기도 줄이고 냉장 보관시 자리도 차지하지 않는 등 각종 이점이 있기 때문이다.

Real Foods 美 초콜릿 시장, 10년째 감소…왜? 또한, 다크 초콜릿은 2014년에 새로 출시된 초콜릿 식품에서 36%를 차지했고 2015년에는 37%를 차지했다고 시장조사 전문업체 민텔(Mintel)이 밝혔다.


Strategy Women less confident with financial decisions As Canadian women earn more and expand their influence in household financial decisions, new research from Mintel shows a lack of assurance in the role.

Food in Canada “Superfoods” soaring in popularity Superfoods – nutrient-packed foods that are frequently marketed as the answer to consumers’ health woes – have become super popular, according to new research from Mintel.

National Post Researchers, nutritionists and celebrities are eating their words (and fat), and going back to butter According to global market research agency Mintel, the demand for butter is part of the overall shift towards natural foods. They dub it the “Free-from” trend that focuses on food free of additives like preservatives, hormones, artificial flavours and other chemicals.

Toronto Star Barbecuing isn’t just for suburban dads anymore Research by Mintel in the U.S. found that men and women aged 25 to 34 were more likely than the average consumer to buy a grill within the next two years.

Marketing Magazine Best Reputations 2016: The big winners New data from Mintel suggests consumers have been inspired by the growth of online arts and crafts communities to share and sell their own creations.

CBC Gluten-free isn’t healthy choice for most children, pediatrician says In 2015, 25 per cent of U.S. consumers reported consuming gluten-free foods, according to market research by the Mintel Group.

Think with Google In Canada, Do-It-Yourself Becomes Do-It-Yourself-With-Your-Smartphone Eighty-four percent of Canadians who have engaged in a DIY project in the past year say they take pride in knowing how to fix things around the house, according to Mintel.


Meio & Mensagem Bom para a saúde e para o bolso O levantamento da Mintel também mostra que 24% dos consumidores declaram que “comeriam mais grãos integrais (como quinoa e linhaça, por exemplo) se soubessem como usá-los em diferentes receitas.”

Estadão A revolução da comida está chegando O relatório Mintel de Hábitos Culinários entrevistou 1.500 pessoas nas dez maiores cidades do País. Entre os principais resultados, 92% dos entrevistados disseram que cozinhar em casa é um bom jeito de economizar.

Brazil Beauty News Cuidados da Pele: quais as estratégias disponíveis contra a poluição? Segundo a Mintel, entre 2011 e 2013 foi observado um aumento de 40% no número de cosméticos que anunciam efeito antipoluição lançados no mercado.

Cosmetics Online FCE Cosmetique recebe mais de 14 mil visitantes Na Arena do Conhecimento – que também integrou o Circuito de Conhecimento e Inovação – além de soluções inovadoras para o setor, foram apresentadas palestras como as da analista da Mintel, Emmanuelle Moeglin.

Laticinio Alibra aposta no mercado de sorvetes Como a da Mintel realizada em 2013, com 2500 pessoas e empresas, denominada “Sorvetes Brasil- Janeiro de 2013”, que apontam que o sorvete regular é indulgente.

Mundo do Marketing Superfoods crescem globalmente 202% entre 2011 e 2015 A popularidade desse tipo de alimento esta longe de chegar ao fim, segundo a pesquisa realizada pela MIntel, que apontou ainda que somente em 2015, houve um aumento de 36% no número de produtos para categoria.

Supermercado Moderno Mais velhos estão consumindo menos carne Pesquisa da consultoria Mintel constatou que alguns motivos são preço e recomendação médica

Brasil Alimentos Pesquisa revela aumento de consumo Segundo a ferramenta GNPD (Banco Global de Dados de Novos Produto) da Mintel, agência mundial de inteligência de mercado, entre 2011 e 2015 houve crescimento de 202% no consumo de novos produtos alimentares e bebidas lançados contendo os termos “superfood”, “superfruit” ou “supergrain”.

Cosmetics Online Interação, conhecimento e inovação Faz parte do circuito a Arena do Conhecimento, que hoje traz temas como: “Good Enough to Eat – Mintel” (Emmanuelle Moeglin, analista global para Beauty & Personal Care).

Supermercado Moderno Lançamentos no setor de super alimentos avançam 202% Entre 2001 e 2015, os lançamentos mundiais de alimentos e bebidasembalados denominados superfood (…), segundo análise feita pela ferramenta GNPD (Banco Global de Dados de Novos Produto), da consultoria Mintel.

Aditivos & Ingredientes LANÇAMENTO DE SUPERFOODS CRESCE, GLOBALMENTE, 202% ENTRE 2011 E 2015 Superfoods são frequentemente comercializadas como resposta para nossos problemas de saúde e, agora, pesquisa da Mintel destaca a popularidade desses alimentos nutritivos embalados.

Cosmetics Online FCE Cosmetique: palestras enfocam inovação, tendências e lançamentos “Experience is All – Mintel” (Emmanuelle Moeglin, analista global de Beauty & Personal Care). Em sua apresentação, a especialista Emmanuelle Moeglin aborda a experiência sensorial e a conexão entre produto e usuário.

Estadão Indústria cosmética busca novos ingredientes para a pele sensível Empresas grandes e pequenas estão na corrida para atender o número cada vez maior de adultos com pele sensível. Aproximadamente um quarto dos produtos lançados em 2014 e 2015 tinha essa função, de acordo com a empresa de pesquisa de mercado Mintel.

Clube da Embalagem O jantar vem na caixa. So precisa cozinhar “A alface pré-lavada parecia ser um modismo, também”, disse Jenny Zegler, analista de comida e bebida global da empresa de pesquisas Mintel.

A Tribuna 3 tendências que todo empreendedor moderno deve conhecer Elaborar estratégias de produtos e de vendas sem entender o cenário ao qual estamos inseridos é como tentar vender mini saia para as mulheres dos anos 60. Um Estudo da Mintel pesquisou as principais tendências para 2016 das quais vou analisar aqui.

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