Mintel in the Media – This week’s highlights, 30th October 2014

October 30, 2014
11 min read

Mintel in the Media is a weekly review, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights from the past weeks include:


Marketplace Radio: Why hair oil from Morocco costs a small fortune. Mohamed Omer, an industry analyst with Mintel, says the oil is difficult to produce.”Argan oil can only be extracted from the argan fruit, which can only be found in Morocco. It can only be collected by hand. And the kernels have to be taken out by hand. It’s not an easy oil to get,” he says.

Forbes: Five marketing lessons for brands in the adult beverage category. According to 2013 research conducted by Mintel, close to 50 percent of millennials said they have consumed craft beer in the past.

Bloomberg Businessweek: Taco Bell mobile ordering app launches today. According to a recent restaurant study by market research firm Mintel, “out-of-store ordering and payment” has increased 11 percent compared to last year and is especially popular among millennials. Bethany Wall, a food service analyst at Mintel, said on-the-go consumers love the convenience of “line skipping.” And some of the nation’s biggest brands in the $199 billion fast-food industry are taking note.

Businessweek: Laundry detergent makers want more suds. Total U.S. detergent sales fell 6.4 percent from 2009 to 2013 and will slip an additional 5.9 percent through 2018, says John Owen, an analyst at market researcher Mintel Group.

Business Insider: Gluten-free food: against the grain. Health-conscious Americans were first to avoid it in significant numbers. Sales of gluten-free food and drink there have surged from $5.4 billion to $8.8 billion over the past two years, according to Mintel, a market-research firm.

Philadelphia Inquirer: Mirror, mirror: at the gallery, human hair from a machine. Black women are expected to spend $774 million on hair-care products in 2014, according to Mintel, a Chicago-based market research firm. According to the same study, four out of 10 women wear a weave, wig, or extensions in their hair.

Orange County Register: Taco Bell mobile ordering app launches today. Still, mobile ordering is not for everyone, Mintel’s Wall said. Today, roughly 60 percent of consumers surveyed don’t use mobile apps. Some say it’s not reliable. “There’s slow adaption for baby boomers. They are not jumping on board,” she said. “They’re afraid if they order, it won’t go through.”

Chicago Business Journal: Mintel looks into its crystal ball and shares top 2015 consumer behavior trends. Stacy Glasgow and Jenny Zegler do trends for a living. And in their consumer behavior trend analysis role for Chicago-based Mintel, a consumer research organization, they have pinpointed what they believe will be four major trends in 2015.

Food Dive: Mintel releases 2015 consumer trends research. Mintel has released its lists of consumer trends in regions across the globe. Many of the trends will have a considerable impact on food production, marketing, and sales.

Convenience Store News: Four consumer trends that will define 2015. With the new year approximately two months away, Mintel trend analysts identified four key U.S. consumer trends that will have the most impact in 2015.

Progressive Grocer: Mintel unveils top consumer trends for 2015. “Smart innovations are no longer the domain of start-ups,” said Stacy Glasgow, Mintel’s consumer trends consultant. “Major players, such as Amazon, Apple, Google and Samsung, as well as retailers are embracing the trend and raising consumer confidence in it.”

Gourmet Retailer: Mintel: 4 key consumer trends for 2015. Mintel has identified four key US consumer trends as the most impactful for 2015 — Get Smart; My Wallet, My Way; Fight for Your Rights; and Gender Agenda.

GCI Magazine: Mintel explores 2015 US consumer macro trends. Mintel trends analysts Stacy Glasgow and Jenny Zegler discuss the four key U.S. consumer trends identified by Mintel as the most impactful for 2015—and what this will mean for both consumers and brands in the year ahead.

CSP Magazine: Four trends changing consumer culture. Regarding the latter, Mintel reported that so far this year, “clicktivism” campaigns have forced companies to revise marketing campaigns, reformulate ingredient statements or simply acknowledge consumer sentiment.

Cosmetics Design USA: US consumer trends to influence beauty and skin care brands in 2015. Mintel just released its trends report for the coming year, and some personal care brands are ahead of the curve, developing products and consumer relationship solutions that anticipate emerging consumer expectations.

Happi Magazine: Four big consumer trends in 2015. Market research and analysis firm Mintel has revealed four key US consumer trends for 2015: Get Smart; My Wallet, My Way; Fight for Your Rights; and Gender Agenda. Here’s a closer look at them:

QSR Magazine: Grabbing a bite. “Snacks have become a much bigger part of the restaurant mix,” says Paul Pendola, senior foodservice analyst for market research firm Mintel. “So much of the restaurant experience is about a treat, rewards, and celebrations.”

CSP Magazine: Niche thirst. Market-research firm Mintel, Chicago, saw sales of sports drinks, nutritional drinks (including meal replacements) and protein drinks rise by 48% from 2008 to 2013. This segment totaled $12.3 billion in sales last year and is expected to grow by 44% to $17.7 billion by 2018.

Happi Magazine: Put your best face forward. In fact, a recent study by Mintel states that 74% of US consumers are interested in anti-aging facial skin care products that contain SPF[2].

UK & Ireland

Financial Times: Front page DATAWATCH: Click & Collect Orders. Click-and-collect orders are set to make up a greater portion of online sales, Mintel estimates that the value of orders, where you buy online but pick up goods in store, will grow 42 per cent year on year in 2014 but contribute less than 2 per cent to total retail sales.

The Guardian: Will moustaches ever be as popular as beards? While almost half (42%) of us believe it is ‘fashionable for men to have beards’, almost the same number say ‘they feel pressure from others to keep their facial hair neat and tidy’, a facial kit box ticked only by the moustache.*Survey: Mintel market research.

The Economist: Gluten-free food Against the grain. Sales of gluten-free food and drink there have surged from $5.4 billion to $8.8 billion over the past two years, according to Mintel, a market-research firm.

The Telegraph: France develops taste for vegetarian cuisine. Vegetarians are now estimated to account for three to five per cent of the population, or as many as 3.3 million, mostly urban professionals, according to Manon Dupré of the market research company Mintel.

Bloomberg Businessweek: Laundry Detergent Makers Want More Suds. Total U.S. detergent sales fell 6.4 percent from 2009 and 2013 and will slip an additional 5.9 percent through 2018, says John Owen, an analyst market researcher Mintel Group.

Daily Mail: Healthy? No, honey can be WORSE for you than sugar. Market research company Mintel estimates honey sales totalled a staggering £112 million last year.

Retail Times: Mintel pinpoints four key US consumer trends for 2015. Looking ahead, Mintel’s trends analysts Stacy Glasgow and Jenny Zegler discuss the four key US consumer trends identified by Mintel as the most impactful for 2015 — and what this will mean for both consumers and brands in the year ahead.

World Advertising Research Center: China’s consumers fear pollution. The Consumer Trends 2015 report from researcher Mintel, based on consumer surveys in first- and second-tier cities along with assessment of FMCG trends and contributions from its analysts, identified four “megatrends” that will affect many categories in some way in the near future.


LSA (France): Hygiène-beauté et produits d’entretien: des opportunités pour les MDD à condition d’innover. Yannick Troalen, consultant tendances et innovation chez Mintel, a détaillé les innovations de ces dernières années : « Pour les produits d’entretien, la praticité est moteur des innovations avec des claims sur la facilité d’emploi et le gain de temps qui sont présents cette année respectivement sur 25,7% et 19,6% des références lancées en Europe à mi-année contre 18,5 et 14,6% en 2011.

Confectionery News (France): Combined cocoa ratio grinds down bean processing in Q3. Marcia Mogelonsky, director of insight at Mintel, said that economic growth in Asia had slowed in Q3 from over 10% to 7.3%. (France): La cosmétique Homme, parité oblige. Pour la période 2009/2010, ce marché affichait une augmentation de 3,1 % des ventes de cosmétiques pour homme contre 2 % pour l’ensemble du marché (Euromonitor). En 2010, dans son ensemble, il pesait 6,6 milliards d’euros avec une progression attendue à 7,2 milliards d’euros en 2014, soit une progression de 8 % (Mintel).

Men’s Health (Ukraine): Ученые обратили внимание на побочные эффекты переедания меда. По оценкам исследовательской компании Mintel, продажи мёда в прошлом году в Великобритании составили ошеломляющие 112 млн фунтов стерлингов. Не слабая популярность у этой сладости и в других странах.

L’Equipe (France): Djokovic, le bon grain de Gerble. 15,6 Mds $ Soit 12 milliards d’euros, la talle du marche des produits sans glutens en 2016 selon Mintel. Cette compagnie d’analyse marketing estime qu’il etait six fois moindre en 2012 (2 Mds €)

Yahoo! Finanzas – España (Spain): La muy rentable moda de la dieta sin gluten. Las ventas de productos sin gluten en Estados Unidos se han disparado los dos últimos años de 5.400 a 8.800 millones de dólares. según la empresa de estudios de mercado Mintel.

Food Navigator (France): Mobile apps ‘will take consumer awareness to the next level’, says Mintel. Consumers are exploring new ways od educating themselves about food and increasingly are using mobile apps to make well-informed choices, according to Mintel’s ‘Consumer Trends 2015’ report.

Food & Drink Europe (France): Veggie NPD isn’t about recreating meat but demonstrating an alternative, says Italian firm. Earlier this month, research firm Mintel released data that showed vegetarian and vegan product launches had doubled over the past five years – with 12% of global food and drink product launches using vegetarian claims in 2013.

Food & Drink Europe (France): Half of UK seniors take daily supplements, say analysts. The older population is not only growing but also dramatically changing, said Laura Jones, analyst from Mintel.

Fresh Plaza (Netherlands): AU: Key trends for 2015: tech and cauliflower. The Mintel research also concentrates heavily on the unfolding of digital opportunities in bricks and mortar shopping experiences.

Lider (Croatia): Noć vještica postaje zlatna koka svjetskih oglašivača. Prema procjenama agencije Mintel, tvrtke će na osnovi prodaje prigodnih prodaja uprihoditi 240 milijuna funti.

Confectionery News (France): Market research firm Mintel has forecast that value sales of chocolate confectionery in Brazil will reach BRL 7.8bn ($4bn) by 2015, up 24% from 2011.

Food & Nutrition (Netherlands):  Gezonder snacken in verzadigde markten. Ambachtelijkheid en gezondheid zijn de trends in hartige snacks in verzadigde Westerse markten. Hier groeit de categorie nog wel in waarde, onder meer door productconcepten die inspelen op bovengenoemde trends. Beeld: Mintel


中国化妆品杂志China Cosmetics Review Magazine (China): 宝洁“瘦身”对市场意味着什么?宝洁公司最近宣布计划剥离百余较小品牌,以将注意力集中到主要品牌,减少利润降低。英敏特美容与个人护理分析师们就此解读该举措对于宝洁的意义,预测宝洁将如何实施品牌变化。

中国时尚品牌网 (China): 男装市场增长势头胜过女装 背后有怎样的原因? 消费者研究公司Mintel报告发现三分之一的男性都会选择在网上购物。这就解释了为什么有些专门进行男装零售的在线平台创立之初就能取得良好发展。

招商网 (China): 浅析国内外纸尿裤品牌中国市场集中度. 英敏特(Mintel)中国研究总监徐如一表示,说服中国妈妈们使用纸尿裤是一个很慢的过程。

世界服装鞋帽网 (China): 爱马仕“上下”品牌2016年有望实现盈亏平衡. 对于上下品牌的前景,行业人士均持保守态度,英国咨询机构mintel group英敏特亚太区研究总监表示,上下品牌在吸引中国消费者方面表现欠佳;咨询公司 a.t. kearney科尼尔合伙人则认为,中国消费者的兴趣正在从知名大品牌向小众个性品牌转移,因此对上下的品牌关注度不高。

看看新闻网 (China): Mintel:2013年美国原生广告支出13亿美元. 【Mintel:2013年美国原生广告支出13亿美元】 在销售原生广告的时候,发行商应该清楚了解他们的受众。TripleLift and DMR发现在衡量在哪里进行原生广告战略时,受众是媒体买家的首要关注,有70%的人选择。内容紧随其后,占24%,位置不怎么重要(6%)。

第一商业网 (China): 奢侈品牌拓展男装产品线 新兴市场将成发展主力. 消费者研究公司Mintel 报告发现三分之一的男性都会选择在网上购物。这就解释了为什么有些专门进行男装(例如男士西装,衬衫,裤子和定制鞋)零售的在线平台创立之初就能取得良好发展。

中国食品商务网 (China): 酒企突围,如何冲破固化藩篱? 全球知名市场分析和调研公司英敏特(Mintel)发布的一份对于中国酒类市场的最新调查表明,中国酒类市场正在经历一个特殊的历史时期。

赢商网 (China): 男装市场增长势头胜过女装 揭秘这一现象背后的原因. 消费者研究公司Mintel 报告发现三分之一的男性都会选择在网上购物。这就解释了为什么有些专门进行男装(例如男士西装,衬衫,裤子和定制鞋)零售的在线平台创立之初就能取得良好发展。

Pikiran Rakyat Online (Indonesia): Madu Bisa Lebih Buruk dari Gula. Perusahaan riset pasar Mintel memperkirakan penjualan madu total tahun lalu mencapai 112 juta pounds atau Rp 2,2 triliun.

Malaysian Digest (Malaysia): Below 25 And Bankrupt: An Alarming Issue Among Malaysian Youth. According to Mintel, a UK based global market research firm, a June 2007 survey found that as many as 3 million UK youths aged between 18 to 34 would consider bankruptcy if their situation forces them to it, noting back then that “many young adults have clearly adopted an easy-debt lifestyle, fuelled by cheap borrowing costs and willing lenders”.

东北新闻网 (China): 2015年巧克力流行趋势解读. 虽然橙子味巧克力糖果十分普遍,但据Mintel的调查,在过去的几年中,全球柠檬味巧克力产品翻了一倍。

New Sarawak Tribune (Malaysia): Gluten-free pastries and pasta: Europe wakes up to fussy eating. In France, four per cent of people say they follow a diet free from gluten — a protein found in wheat, rye and barley — along with eight per cent in Italy, seven per cent in Germany and six per cent in Spain, according to Mintel, a London based market research company.

The Malay Mail Online (Malaysia): Europe wakes up to fussy eating with vegan croissants and gluten-free pasta. In France, four per cent of people say they follow a diet free from gluten — a protein found in wheat, rye and barley — along with eight per cent in Italy, seven per cent in Germany and six per cent in Spain, according to Mintel, a London based market research company.

中国时尚品牌网 (China): 爱马仕中国品牌上下上海开业 称2016年实现盈亏平衡. 对于Shang Xia上下品牌前景,接受WSJ采访的行业人士均持保守态度,英国咨询机构Mintel Group英敏特亚太区研究总监 Matthew Crabbe 表示Shang Xia上下品牌在吸引中国消费者方面迟缓;咨询公司 A.T. Kearney科尼尔合伙人Torsten Stocker 称中国消费者的兴趣正在从知名大品牌往小众个性品牌身上转移。

Asia One(Singapore): Vegan croissants, gluten-free pasta: Europe wakes up to fussy eating. In France, 4 per cent of people say they follow a diet free from gluten – a protein found in wheat, rye and barley – along with 8 per cent in Italy, 7 per cent in Germany and 6 per cent in Spain, according to Mintel, a London based market research company. – See more at:

新华网 (Simp.)(China): 无用和上下“打擂台” 都主打亚洲传统工艺奢侈品.  对于Shang Xia上下品牌前景,接受采访的行业人士均持保守态度,英国咨询机构Mintel Group英敏特亚太区研究总监 Matthew Crabbe 表示Shang Xia上下品牌在吸引中国消费者方面迟缓;咨询公司 A.T. Kearney科尼尔合伙人Torsten Stocker 称中国消费者的兴趣正在从知名大品牌往小众个性品牌身上转移。

中国化妆品China Cosmetics Review(China): BPC analysts view on P&G’s recent move on cutting brands,including Vivienne Rudd/Emmanuelle Meoglin/Jamie Rosenberg/Henrik Miller/Laurie Du


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