Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 8 July 2016

July 8, 2016
17 min read

Mintel in the Media is a review of recent coverage, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:


The Telegraph As facial hair kills moisturiser sales, where in the UK has the most beards? The UK’s continuing passion for beards is hampering sales of men’s facial skincare, according to a new report. The market has “stalled” because of our love of the beard, according to a senior beauty analyst at market research firm Mintel.

Daily Mail Men’s skincare sales hit by a beards: Trend for facial hair leads to drop in the market after booms of the previous two years Charlotte Libby, of market analysts Mintel, which produced the report, said: ‘The male facial skincare market shows signs of stalling. Sales growth is being hampered by discount retailers and price promotions, as well as the fashion for beards.’

Metro Hairy time for sales of male grooming products Charlotte Libby, of market analysts Mintel, said: “The male facial skincare market shows no sign of stalling. As moisturiser is most frequently applied after shaving, the fashion for facial hair is further dampening sales.”

Financial Times Slow insurance sales shake comparison sites According to market research firm Mintel, more than two-thirds of consumers have researched an insurance product using a price comparison site.

The Guardian Are we falling out of love with our pets? “Older people – more than a third of us will be over 55 in the next five years – don’t really tend to have really high pet ownership,” says Ina Mitskavets, a senior analyst for Mintel.

The Week UK Bad week for companion animals Last year, a survey fond that after years of growth, the number of pet dogs and cats in Britain had started to fall. Now, Mintel has confirmed the trend, by reporting that pet food sales are in decline.

BBC Business Richard Perks, director of retail research at Mintel, discussed the impact of Brexit on consumer spending and M&S and Sport Direct’s latest retail results.

CNBC Can the retail sector cope with Brexit? Richard Perks, director of retail research at Mintel Group, says uncertainty from the Brexit vote is going to have an impact on consumer behavior.

Financial Times Birch water: big business? The traditional soft-drinks market continues to be in a state of flux. Mintel analysis shows that fruit-juice sales in the UK fell 13 per cent from 2010 to 2015; in the US, sales of orange juice have declined 45 per cent since 2000, and sales of full-calorie soda drinks have dropped by a quarter in the past 25 years (sales of diet drinks are falling too).

The Guardian Warning after high costs put squeeze on profits for UK’s music festivals Music festivals and concerts have been the fastest growing area of leisure spending over the five years to 2015, according to the market researcher Mintel.

The Daily Telegraph Men’s style enters a brave new world A study by the British Fashion Council and Mintel announced that sales in men’s clothing grew by 4.1 per cent last year to reach £14.1 billion, compared with a 3.7 per cent rise in women’s clothing sales.

London Evening Standard How beak to claw dining became the new nose to tail Indeed, according to Mintel, sales of offal rose from £56m in 2010 to £67m in 2015.

Marketing Week Why Coca-Cola’s CokeTV must prioritise authenticity to reach young consumers Figures provided by Mintel show 71% of 16 to 24-year-olds use YouTube regularly, suggesting that Coca-Cola’s move has true potential to reach the youngest demographics. YouTube also has high engagement levels, with a third of users saying they visit several times a week.

Buzzfeed This Is How Much Women’s Sizes Differ At UK High Street Stores Tamara Sender, a senior fashion analyst, said Mintel’s own research found that 83% of women want to see size standardisation across different brands.

Daily Mail Stress to blame as millions of women suffer tummy trouble Research by consumer analysts Mintel found 88 per cent of women suffered from a gastrointestinal ailment in the past year, compared with 83 per cent of men.


USA Today We’re eating less cereal. Here’s what Kellogg’s is going to do As customers’ lives have gotten busier and more reliant on grab-and-go food, cereal has been squeezed out of morning routines. Then came an eye-popping Mintel report that seemed to spell doom for Cap’n Crunch and friends: Nearly 40% of Millennials said they thought cereal was inconvenient because it requires too much cleanup.

Wall Street Journal Kellogg’s Cereal as Dining Event? Welcome to the Experience Economy A 2016 survey by market-research firm Mintel showed that nearly 40% of millennials think cereal is too inconvenient. The problem? You have to wash the bowl after you eat.

Forbes Food Trends vs. Food Fads Mintel reports that in 2014 more than 14,000 new food and drink products from both large and small companies were introduced in the U.S., of these only 40 percent were truly new – the others were a combination of new flavors, new packaging, new formulation or a relaunch.

Adweek Magazine How Hotels Are Luring Millennials in the Era of Airbnb “Millennial-targeted hotel chains are value-brand hotels, but what they’re doing differently than old-school budget brands is, they’re focusing on the design aspect, which is huge for millennials,” said Fiona O’Donnell, director of travel and leisure research at Mintel.

New York Times In China, Cheese Is Strange, but Pizza Is Hot  Supermarkets in big cities are starting to put blocks of cheese on display. And China’s imports of cheese rose 70 percent from 2009 to 2014, according to Mintel.

The Washington Post Why this start-up wants to put vegetables you’ve never heard of on your dinner table Analysts say Blue Apron and others of its ilk seem to have tapped into something very powerful and appealing to today’s consumer. “Everyone’s busy; no one has any time. This is a trend we’re seeing across multiple industries, not just food. People are increasingly demanding that products and services come to them,” said Fiona O’Donnell, an analyst at Mintel.

Adweek Magazine Why General Mills and Campbell Soup Are Investing in Up-and-Coming Food Brands Having a stake in up-and-coming food companies serves two purposes: It’s an easier way for CPG companies to expand their business, as opposed to creating new products from scratch, and it’s less risky than buying these companies outright, explained Lynn Dornblaser, director of innovation and insight at Mintel.

MarketWatch A young bachelor’s apartment could be cleaner than you think Young men are now cleaning more often because, well, they have to – more young men now live alone and are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining their houses. “We see young men delaying life decisions such as marriage and see more young men living by themselves,” Stephen Brown, Household Care Analyst at Mintel said.

Bloomberg Silicon Valley Takes on Skin Care The men’s personal-care market grew 15 percent from 2010 to 2015, reaching $4.2 billion, according to Mintel Group.

Fox News Why you can’t say no to salty snacks when you’re stressed out When your stress levels skyrocket, your urge to snack spikes, too. In fact, 61 percent of men admit to turning to salty snacks when the pressure hits, a new Mintel report found.

Chicago Sun-Times Local craft soda gives Chicago a blast from the past Craft soda makers face two major hurdles: getting people to drink it more often and justifying its higher price, according to Elizabeth Sisel, Beverage Analyst at Mintel.

CNBC 5 quirky drink trends for the summer Two-thirds of Americans say they sometimes or frequently purchase new or different beverages, and 18 percent say they drink a wide variety of beverages, according to research from Mintel.

Chicago Tribune Consumer spending moves up but shoppers still cautious with their dollars Americans seem to be shifting a larger share of their spending to experiences like travel and dining out, according to a report from market research firm Mintel.

Business Insider Here’s where Americans are spending their extra money Where do consumers spend their extra money, once they’ve paid their monthly bills? Unsurprisingly, the bulk of it is on experiences, according to a recent study from Mintel.

MarketWatch How the recession changed where Americans spend their money “People are placing more value on experiences, personal identity and what they have accomplished, and believe that tangible goods may not last forever,” said Fiona O’Donnell, Director of Multicultural, Lifestyles, Travel & Leisure Research at Mintel.


China Daily Gorging on healthful types of ice cream According to Mintel, although China overtook the US as the world’s largest ice cream consumer, the latter with far fewer people still managed to consume 5.8 billion liters – just 1 million liters less than China last year.

Shanghai Daily A nod to British seaside towns Men’s fashion is increasingly big business, accounting for 25 percent of Britain’s total clothing market, according to Mintel research cited by the British Fashion Council.

中国服装协会网 脱欧之后愈发边缘化的英国时尚产业 根据Mintel信息咨询公司近期发布的数据,2015年英国时尚产业中女装销售额达到了270亿镑,预测到2020年将增加23%至320亿镑。2015年线上时装购物销售额达到124亿元,比2014年的107亿镑上涨了16%。而根据OxfordEconomics2014年发布的数据称,英国时尚产业直接为英国经济贡献260亿镑的经济收入,提供了797000份工作。

红商网 报告:面部护肤依旧最好卖 56%消费者支出更多 根据英敏特数据显示,2015年中国消费总支出增长了10%(甚至超过了GDP增速),达317470亿元,即人均消费32089元。报告认为,这主要是由于消费者对经济前景持乐观态度,而他们的可支配收入也在不断增多,2015年增加了7.4%。

ECNS Sugar and fat go low in new-age ice cream According to a 2015 report by research firm Mintel, more ice cream-5.9 billion liters-is consumed in China annually than anywhere else in the world.

第一女人网 英国人每年花150亿来健身 调查机构MINTEL公布的《2015年消费趋势报告》发现,从今年开始,可穿戴技术已经快速进入主流市场,特别是健康和健身领域。

21食品商务网 外资品牌加码中国调味品市场,市场潜力被看好 根据独立市场研究咨询公司英敏特2014年报告,瑞士雀巢、美国卡夫亨氏、日本味之素,都已跻身中国调味品十强之列,而在更加细分的酱油市场,外资品牌也已占据品牌十强的半壁江山。

慧聪印刷网 被忽略的食品标签也需重新看市场偏好 据Mintel的食品包装发展趋势:聚焦食品标签的报告中指出,2015年,将近一半的美国消费者表示他们“经常读”在产品标签上的信息,那么消费者究竟在食物标签上寻找什么呢?70%的购物者寻找食物包装上所列成分。如此高的应答率是一个明显的迹象,在包装上突出定位或功能成分信息应该是品牌的一个优先事项。

好奇心日报 植物蛋白饮料受欢迎,维他奶卖得越来越好了 维他奶的发展和植物蛋白饮料越来越受欢迎这一点分不开。根据市场研究和咨询机构英敏特(Mintel)的报告,自 2010 年以来,中国植物蛋白饮料整体市场的销售额年均复合增长为 24.4%。英敏特预计,到 2020 年,中国植物蛋白饮料市场总销量将由 2015 年的 58.43 亿升增长至 107.97 亿升。

荣格 新时代的零食物语 肉类零食增长的势头还很猛。它们被视为一种很好的蛋白质来源,因而可以满足消费者对有益健康同时低脂肪食品的需求。根据英敏特公司的2015年零食报告,这一市场规模超过13亿美金,并且美国的牛肉干销量在2015年就增长了12.5%。

微头条 雀巢、家乐氏、桂格领衔20年的早餐谷物“革命”,下一步何去何从? 英国市场调查公司英敏特(Mintel)2015年9月发布的《产品创新报告》显示,早餐已成为饼干品类的一大新的关键消费增长点,饼干品牌仍有巨大的机会去抓住这块市场。而家乐氏官方则预计,到今年年底中国休闲食品市场的产值就会达到120亿美元,较2008年增长44%。

环球标签 食品标签必须适应不断变化的消费偏好 据Mintel的食品包装发展趋势:聚焦食品标签的报告中指出。2015年,将近一半的美国消费者表示他们“经常读”在产品标签上的信息,那么消费者究竟在食物标签上寻找什么呢?70%的购物者寻找食物包装上所列成分。如此高的应答率是一个明显的迹象,在包装上突出定位或功能成分信息应该是品牌的一个优先事项。

Qdaily 汪星人在想什么?宝路狗粮为此做了个宠物可穿戴设备 中国的宠物食品市场正在快速增长。根据英敏特的数据,2013 年中国宠物食品零售额达到 43 亿美元,是 2005 年的八倍之多,中国一跃成为销售额第三、销售量第六的大市场。

Asia Pacific Food Industry Designing Adequate Infant Nutrition Products According to Mintel, most infant formulae are made with cow’s milk. However, goat milk is also emerging as an alternative.

中国食品机械网 行业巨头在纷纷加大对冰淇淋市场的布局 恒天然引述市场研究公司英敏特的分析称,“中国是全球最大的冰淇淋市场”,并表示,借助该“试验项目”,TipTop可以测试一下品牌及产品,同时捕捉未来的增长机会。


Portalspożywczy Funkcjonalne napoje dla sportowców przypadną do gustu prozdrowotnie zorientowanym Polakom? Badania konsumenckie Mintela pokazują, że 34 proc. Polaków chciałoby zmienić swój styl życia na zdrowszy. Wśród tzw. Millenialsów, czyli osób w wieku 16-24 lata, wskaźnik ten rośnie do 41 procent.

El Economista España, a la vanguardia en la producción de ‘superalimentos’ A escala global, el consumo de estos superalimentos se ha disparado más de un 200% entre los años 2011 y 2015, según datos de la consultora Mintel.

Cash Magazin Große Unterschiede im „laktosefreien Europa“ In Deutschland lag dieser Wert mit 18 % fast doppelt so hoch. Gleich dahinter kommt Österreich mit 15 %, wie eine Untersuchung von Mintel, laut eigenen Angaben die weltweit führende Agentur für „Market Intelligence“, zeigt.

Portalspożywczy Mintel: Natura, alternatywy, funkcjonalność, czysta etykieta – trendy w branży spożywczej Eksperci Mintel wyodrębnili cztery główne grupy trendów w branży spożywczej. Pierwszą z nich jest naturalność – dbanie o środowisko, odchodzenie od sztucznych składników i pragnienie autentyczności.

Lebensmittel Praxis Zwischendurch mal etwas anderes In Deutschland, Großbritannien und Frankreich ist laut Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel das Snacken, bezogen auf die europäische Ebene, besonder ausgeprägt.

Themavision 2015 : les innovations alimentaires à succès selon Mintel. Depuis plus de 40 ans, Mintel, base de données mondiale de l’innovation, offre un panorama des grandes tendances de l’innovation dans le monde entier, grâce à des données et analyses exclusives sur les différents marchés.

Wirtschaftsblatt Gefrorenes – der ewige Sommerhit China hat endgültig das Eis am Stiel entdeckt. 2014 war gleichzeitig das Jahr, in dem die weltweiten Umsätze bei Speiseeis die 50-Milliarden-$-Schwelle durchbrachen, heißt es vom Branchendienstleister Mintel.

Portalspożywczy Mintel: Europejski rynek marek własnych jest mocno innowacyjny W Niemczech czy Szwajcarii marki własne już stanowią około 50 proc. rynku – mówiła Honorata Jarocka, analityk food and drink w Mintel podczas Future Private Labels w Kielcach.

Die Welt Ernährung: Wenn der Health-Food-Trend zur Massenpsychose wird Das Marktforschungsinstitut Mintel verzeichnete 2013 bei den gluten- und laktosefreien Produkten dennoch ein weltweites Marktwachstum von 23 Prozent.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Craft ist auch bei Spirituosen in Mode Der Craft-Trend verändert nach dem Bier- auch den Spirituosenmarkt, stellt das internationale Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel fest.

Getränke Zeitung Diät-Produkte werden seltener konsumiert Eine Umfrage von Mintel zeigt, dass nur sieben Prozent der Deutschen speziell als “Light” oder “Diät” ausgewiesene Produkte konsumiert haben.

Lebensmittel Praxis Light-Produkte haben es gar nicht so leicht Lightprodukte sind in Deutschland nicht mehr angesagt. Zu dem Schluss kommt eine MarktAnalyse von Mintel, wonach nur noch 7 Prozent der Deutschen beim Abnehmen zu “Light-” oder “Diätprodukten” greifen.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Diät-Produkte verlieren an Reiz Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt zumindest Mintel, die Agentur für Market Intelligence, in einer Studie. Diese Untersuchung zeigt auf, dass zuletzt nur noch 7 Prozent der Deutschen speziell als “Light” oder “Diät” ausgewiesene Produkte konsumiert haben, um ihr Gewicht zu reduzieren oder zu halten.

Markant Starkes Wachstum für Superfoods Im Zeitraum von 2011 bis 2015 ist laut den Marktforschern von Mintel die Anzahl der eingeführten Lebensmittel- und Getränkeproduktem die als “Superfood”, “Superfruit” oder “Supergrain” bezeichnet werden, weltweit um 202 Prozent gestiegen.

WirtschaftsWoche Online Mikkeller: Das Erfolgsgeheimnis des dänischen Craftbier-Königs Eine Umfrage des Marktforschers Mintel unter mehr als 1300 Internetnutzern zeigte, dass knapp ein Viertel der Biertrinker 2015 bereits einmal Craft Beer gekauft hat.


Campaign Asia Six ways to connect with ‘Generation Me’ from Mintel Mintel’s new white paper, Individualism: The rise of Generation Me, points to the dramatic upheavals that have taken place in China since economic reforms began in 1979 and the shift in attitudes that have followed.

Market+ Magazine Krim Mata untuk si Tampan Beruntung menjelang 2012, produk perawatan untuk pria mulai bermunculan. Mintel, perusahaan riset global untuk konsumen, produk dan badan intelijen media mencatat pertumbuhan mendekati 20% dengan total $3 miliar pada tahun itu. Asia sendiri merupakan satu dari market yang bertumbuh besar sebagai konsumen produk perawatan kulit, terutama Tiongkok dan Korea Selatan.

The Times Of India People are incorporating coconut oil in their diet According to market analyst Mintel, coconut oil accounted for 26% of the food and drink products launched in 2012, up from 15% in 2008. In India, people are using the renewed interest in the coconut to set up businesses.

Business Times Brexit’s bitter aftertaste empties London restaurant tables During that downturn, quarterly spending in cafes and restaurants dropped as much as 6.6 per cent. Last year, Mintel estimates UK dining establishments took in 36 billion pounds.

Fashion Net Korea 남성복 시장, 여성복 앞지르다 마켓 리서치 회사 민텔(Mintel’s)에 따르면 영국 남성복 시장은 2010년 114억 파운드에서 2015년 141억 파운드(약 23조9,815억원) 규모로 4.1% 증가했다.

Business Insider Dunkin’ Donuts has a new weapon in the coffee wars against Starbucks The launch of the new beverage comes one year after Starbucks’ national launch of cold brew, in summer 2015. Cold brew more generally has grown explosively in recent years, with sales of cold brew in the US growing 339% from 2010 to 2015, according to Mintel data.

Food News International Asia Pacific: Fonterra’s ice cream brand to retail online in China Research from Mintel shows the total market value for ice cream sales in China increased by 90% between 2008 and 2014 to reach US$11.4 billion.

Nutradex 美 소비자 39% “기능성 음료로 아침식사 바꿔” 영국 런던에 글로벌 본사를 둔 국제적 시장조사기관 민텔社(Mintel)는 지난 1일 공개한 ‘2016년 미국 기능성 음료’ 보고서를 통해 이 같이 밝혔다.

SCMP Hold the chop suey: British fans of Chinese cuisine can now eat, and cook, the real thing Market research firm Mintel announced early last year that 78 per cent of Britons surveyed had eaten Chinese food at home in the previous three months – a greater number than had eaten Indian food, Britain’s other go-to Asian favourite. Mintel also revealed that sales of soy sauce were estimated at four million kilograms in 2014, up 25 per cent on a year earlier.


Marketing Magazine Canadians spending more on food, less on leisure (Study) “Canadians are being hit on multiple different levels, and day to day, the costs are going up,” said Carol Wong-Li, senior analyst, lifestyles and leisure at Mintel. “You can’t get away from the basics, so with groceries you just have to bite the bullet. But that means you have to make different choices in terms of non-essentials.”

Strategy Instabuggy to deliver prepared meals Carol Wong-Li, senior lifestyle and leisure analyst at Mintel, said while consumers overwhelmingly still want to visit grocery stores, there are huge opportunities for grocery retailers who chase occasion-based shops.

Canadian Grocer What we learned at our inaugural Thought Starters Conference According to Joel Gregoire, senior food and drink analyst with Mintel, two out of five consumers believe the centre store is mostly filed with junk food.

Marketing Magazine How in-aisle ads could bring life back to the ‘centre store’ Joel Gregoire, Senior Food and Drink Analyst at Mintel, highlighted how grocery stores must think strategically during a panel discussion at Canadian Grocer’s Thought Starters event.

Cosmetics Magazine Lush Cosmetics Launches App in Canada Mintel reported that “smartphones are the preferred device used to purchase cosmetics (22 percent), the only category surveyed in which consumers were most likely to shop via smartphone.”

AM800 Afternoon News Financial Feature: Conservative Canadian Spending Carol Wong-Li, Senior Analyst, Lifestyles and Leisure at Mintel, discusses consumers’ changing spending habits as the cost of groceries rises.

Yahoo Finance Rent rises, online competition squeeze London’s diamond district Research by Mintel shows the internet has become an increasingly important retail space for jewellery, particularly among younger consumers.

Food In Canada Who’s eating what? “Interestingly, Millennials are also more likely to agree that restaurants generally offer better quality compared to food they bring from home,” says Joel Gregoire, senior food and drink analyst at Mintel. “If you’re a manufacturer, the question becomes: how do you look at what foodservice has done and provide the same quality and convenience?”

Travel Pulse Canada Rising Food Costs Threaten Travel Budgets A new survey from Mintel finds that “food-related” categories like groceries and foodservice accounted for a large chunk of Canadian spending last year.

Food In Canada Vegging out According to Mintel, 86 per cent of Canadians ate one or more frozen RTE meal in the six months leading up to March 2015, and 55 per cent said “RTE meals allow them to try different foods and flavours,” with 53 per cent “agreeing that ethnic-inspired RTE meal options are more adventurous.”

Canadian Pizza Magazine 75% of Canadians test other cultures through food, report says A new report from Mintel suggests more than half of Canadians are more open to trying ethnic foods now than they were a few years ago as 72 per cent of consumers turn to ethnic-inspired dishes to break the monotony at mealtime.


Meio & Mensagem Empresas podem passar de marca para confidente dos consumidores Segundo Stacy Glasgow, analista global em tendências de consumo da Mintel, ao desempenharem funções de apoio na vida das pessoas, tanto marcas quanto consumidores se beneficiam.

Cosmetica News Focus Group: A vez dos perfumes Segundo pesquisas realizadas pela Mintel, em 2013, 90% dos brasileiros compram perfume regularmente e 84% afirmam usar o produto com frequência.

Doce Revista Envelhecimento da população acentua a demanda por alimentos com menos sal e açúcar Apesar do atual cenário brasileiro de estagnação econômica, pesquisa da Mintel identifica novas demandas para bebidas e produtos alimentícios.

Doce Revista Pesquisa inedita com consumidores sinaliza a aceitacao do amendoim na dieta regular dos brasileiros Dados da Mintel, que mantem um painel global de lancamentos, colocam o Brasil na quinta posicao, entre paises que mais lancam produtos alimenticios com amendoim em todos o mundo.

Radio CBN Desconhecidos influenciam escolhas de 56% dos consumidores nos EUA Estudo da empresa de tendências de consumo Mintel aponta algumas transformações em curso no modo de vida das pessoas que têm aberto espaço para que marcas assumam um papel de suporte.

Cosmetics Innovation Maquiagem: crise pode aumentar desejo por kits e refis, aponta Mintel O recém publicado relatório Mintel, de Maquiagem e Esmalte para Unhas, 2016, revela que 24% das brasileiras afirmaram que ofertas especiais/preços baixos as encorajam a experimentar novos produtos.

Cosmeticos BR Embalagens: um olhar sobre o mercado e suas melhores soluções “Quando os consumidores tem mais opcoes do que nunca de produtos embalados”, afirma David Luttenberger, diretor global do departamento de Embalagens, da agencia britanica Mintel.

Cosmeticos BR Packaging: a look over the market and its best solutions “In an age where consumers have more choices than ever across all packaged goods”, says David Luttenberger, Global Packaging Director at Mintel.

Brazil Beauty News French company Gattefossé records 30% growth in Brazil with a focus on dermocosmetics and sun care products Brazil is bound to generate R$ 4 billion is sales this year, according to market research firm Mintel, with a forecasted growth of 14% compared to 2015.

Brazil Beauty News Francesa Gattefossé cresce 30% no Brasil com foco em dermocosméticos e produtos de cuidados com o sol Segundo maior consumidor mundial de itens de cuidado solar, o Brasil deve movimentar mais de R$ 4 bilhões na categoria neste ano, segundo a consultoria de mercado Mintel.

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