Mintel in the Media – this week’s highlights – October 21st 2013

October 21, 2013
13 min read

Mintel in the Media is a weekly review, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights from the past two weeks include:


Bloomberg: Marlboro Man Dons Lab Coat to Find Next Big Tobacco Hit. The clampdown will force many e-cigarette companies out of business as they lack the resources to abide by the new rules, leaving the market to the big tobacco companies, according to Iwona Mamczur, an analyst at research company Mintel.

Financial Times: Back from the rave – US electronic dance scene mirrors 1990s Britain. In general, however, demand for live music in the UK has been slack in recent years. The market for concerts and festivals has hovered at about £1.5bn in sales for the past five years, Mintel, the research group, reckons. It is expected to grow by only 10 per cent during the next five years to £1.65bn in 2018.

The Economist: Giving up the gosht. Indian restaurants have missed the trend for casual dining, says Helena Spicer, an analyst at Mintel, another market researcher.

BBC: UK v France: The Sunday shopping difference. “It’s fairly obvious that Sunday is a huge trading day in this country in spite of the fact that it’s limited to six hours,” says Richard Perks of market research firm Mintel.

BBC: Asia’s parents suffering ‘education fever. Matthew Crabbe, Asia research director at Mintel, says that people in China are using the savings that might have been put aside for healthcare. “But because the cost of education has risen and the competition for places at good universities have become so much more intense, they are investing more of their savings to make sure the child can get the grades they would need to get in.”

The Times: Don’t pour money down the drain, get the right skincare. Research by Mintel shows the market for facial skin care has increased 20% in the last 5 years alone.

The Independent: Oat cuisine: Half of us now start the day with a bowl of porridge. According to research by Mintel, nearly one in two Britons (49 per cent) are porridge eaters, with a quarter of the population treating themselves to a bowl nearly every day.

China Daily Europe: It is meat and drink for them. Marcia Mogelonsky, a food and drink analyst at London-based research company Mintel Group Ltd, says Chinese companies can learn best practices through acquisitions.”

China Daily Europe: Holding a mirror to China’s economy through cosmetics. “Chinese women are developing more sophisticated routines,” Lui Meng Chow, a Mintel research analyst, said in the company’s Facial Skincare — China — July 2013 report.

City AM: Innovation Diary: Why food innovators have broken out of the development kitchen. According to Mintel, there were 47 per cent more new UK food and drink product launches in 2012 than in 2010. This dwarfed the rise in the number of personal care products released over the period – a still respectable 16.5 per cent.

Yahoo! Lifestyle: Go meat-free (most of the time): Why the semi-vegetarian diet could be your ideal compromise. “The real growth area is meat reducers. These are people who haven’t given up meat completely, but are making a conscious effort to eat less of it. The value of the vegetarian food market has grown from £333 million in 1996 to £786.5million in 2011 (Mintel), showing that a lot more vegetarian food is being eaten throughout the country.”

Scotsman: £7.2m marketing campaign for Johnnie Walker. But Jonny Forsyth, a global drinks analyst at market research firm Mintel, told The Scotsman that Diageo faces an up-hill challenge. “Scotch whisky producers are at a disadvantage because they can’t add flavouring to their products, like Jack Daniel’s has done with honey. Perhaps Diageo might look at producing Johnnie Walker ready mixed in cans.”

The Week: Good Week for. Porridge. According toa report from Mintel, 49% of us enjoy a hearty bowl of porridge, while 23% eat it every morning.

The Mail on Sunday: Free From Food the new “normal”. Moreover, according to market analysts, Mintel, freefrom consumers are mainly in the 20-40 year-old-age bracket, so once adopted, for them freefrom is likely to be a lifelong choice.

Sunday Mirror: Horlicks gets a makeover as sales dive. Mintel analyst Jodie  Minotto said: “Malted drinks do have the potential to  make a comeback.”

The Sun: Captain Crunch. Sales of porridge and other hot cereals have almost doubled in five years, according to retail analysts Mintel.


Reuters: Analysis – Lululemon’s next challenge: overseas growth. China is “awash with foreign niche brands … so they’ve got to plan for maintaining their longevity and not just be a flash in the pan,” said Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific research director at Mintel International Group, a London-based global market research firm. “If you look at the major sports brands in China, they’ve all had problems at some stage.”

Reuters India: Liquor retailers toast online model in India. “Because of the potential of growth in e-commerce itself, it makes a lot of sense for a lot of companies to start selling alcohol online,” said Ranjana Sundaresan, food and drink analyst (India) at Mintel, adding that online alcohol sales will grow as the country’s internet penetration improves.

Yahoo!7 News (Australia): Analysis – Lululemon’s next challenge: overseas growth. China is “awash with foreign niche brands … so they’ve got to plan for maintaining their longevity and not just be a flash in the pan,” said Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific research director at Mintel International Group, a London-based global market research firm. “If you look at the major sports brands in China, they’ve all had problems at some stage.”

West Australian (Australia): Analysis – Lululemon’s next challenge: overseas growth. China is “awash with foreign niche brands … so they’ve got to plan for maintaining their longevity and not just be a flash in the pan,” said Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific research director at Mintel International Group, a London-based global market research firm. “If you look at the major sports brands in China, they’ve all had problems at some stage.”

Australian Food News: More than a quarter of Americans eat gluten-free foods to ‘help lose weight’. The popularity of gluten-free foods shows no signs of slowing down, with consumers in the US who are not gluten-intolerant also buying wheat-free products, according to new findings from global market research organisation Mintel.

中国服装网(China): Lululemon拟香港开店 (Lululemon plans to open a store in Hongkong). 英国咨询公司Mintel International Group 亚太区研究总监Matthew Crabbe 表示中国充斥着大量的国外品牌,所以要想在中国发展,品牌必须有长期计划,而是不是图昙花一现,“如果你了解那些在中国市场的体育品牌,它们或多或少在某一阶段都会出问题。”

慧聪制药工业网 (China): 全谷物产业搭车全球财富第五波 打造经济新引擎  (Whole wheat industry will be the future of China food industry). 依据Mintel全球新产品数据库统计,2007年世界范围内全谷物新产品比2000年增长了15倍,而2007后的几年,国际上全谷物食品又增长了14倍,2010年美国烘焙谷物市场,全谷物面包已经超过了白面包。 作为经济发展的新引擎,全谷物食品将是我国粮食加工和食品工业的发展方向.

慧聪制药工业网 (China): 维生素K2酝酿爆炸式增长 市场潜力巨大 (Vitamin K2 has huge growth potential).  市场调研机构Mintel公司近日发表的研究报告指出,过去5年来,全球各地新推出的含有维生素K2的食品和饮料产品增长了近1倍(增长183%)。然而,维生素K2供应商、挪威NattoPharma公司负责营销事务的高级副总裁 表示,这只是维生素K2的冰山一角”.

媒体新闻滚动_搜狐资讯-搜狐滚动 (China): 16个项目落户 科技创业大厦. 本报讯 (记者贾秋敏 特约记者王跃军 田爱平)记者昨日从国家级科技企业孵化器华信科技创业园获悉,自科技创业大厦6月份建成投运后,目前已有16个科技型项目落户。业大厦 本报讯 (记者贾秋敏 特约记者王跃军 田爱平).

天津日报 (China): 治过敏 老中医亮绝技. 长春姜氏老中医有一治过敏绝活,不用打针、吃药、抹激素、也无需查过敏源,用上就灵,治一个见好一个!(专利证号201010125588.5),管它叫敏特 中医叫它 体外拔毒 ,通过肚脐.

South China Morning Post: Global challenge. Mainland China was “awash with foreign niche brands … so they’ve got to plan for maintaining their longevity and not just be a flash in the pan”, said Matthew Crabbe, the Asia-Pacific research director at Mintel International, a London-based market research firm. “If you look at the major sports brands in China, they’ve all had problems at some stage.”


The Gulf Today (United Arab Emirates): US market has the capacity to handle some 300 stores. China is “awash with foreign niche brands … so they’ve got to plan for maintaining their longevity and not just be a flash in the pan,” said Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific research director at Mintel International Group, a London-based global market research firm. “If you look at the major sports brands in China, they’ve all had problems at some stage.”

La Depeche (France): Kraft lance une version enrichie en protéines de son célèbre Philadelphia. Selon l’analyste Mintel, les produits hyper-protéinés ont représenté 19% des lancements internationaux en 2012. Selon la firme, la demande en produits hyperprotéinés émanant des personnes réticentes à la consommation de protéines animales (pour des raisons environnementales, sanitaires ou éthiques) est croissante.

TMC (Monaco): La marque Kraft présente le fromage à tartiner Philadelphia enrichi en protéines. Ainsi, le cabinet spécialisé Mintel rapporte que les produits de cette gamme représentaient 19% des nouveautés internationales, pour la seule année 2012.

Confectionery News (France): Dried fruit health halo prompts rise as chocolate inclusion. Chocolate makers are increasingly opting for dried fruit inclusions over sharper flavor additions like chilli and nuts because of their perceived healthy image and flavor enhancing properties, according to confectionery equipment supplier Egan Food Technologies and market analysts Mintel.

L’Observatoire des Cosmétiques (France): Dossier Hydratation. 2/3 des soins de la peau ont affiché des revendications relatives à l’hydratation en 2012. Du fait des conditions météorologiques et du stress qui perturbent les routines de soin de la peau des consommateurs, les produits de beauté portant des revendications d’hydratation n’ont jamais été aussi recherchés, selon le cabinet d’études Mintel.

L’Observatoire des Cosmétiques (France): Cosmétiques hommes : focus sur 6 nouveaux rituels de beauté. Lors du Beyond Beauty 2013, le cabinet d’études Mintel a présenté une sélection de nouveautés masculines glanées aux quatre coins du monde. Focus sur 6 d’entre elles.

Yahoo! News (South Africa): Analysis – Lululemon’s next challenge: overseas growth. China is “awash with foreign niche brands … so they’ve got to plan for maintaining their longevity and not just be a flash in the pan,” said Matthew Crabbe, Asia-Pacific research director at Mintel International Group, a London-based global market research firm. “If you look at the major sports brands in China, they’ve all had problems at some stage.”

News24 (South Africa) : Internet of everything will drive mobiles, says Qualcomm. According to a survey by Mintel Technology, digital camera sales fell by around 30% between 2006 and 2011.

Alimarket (Spain): Fabricantes de salsas, caldos y sopas debaten sobre los desafíos del sector. En los últimos 3 años se han lanzado 252.545 productos denominados saludables, según datos de Innova Market Insights. Sin embargo, todavía existen productos lanzados al mercado sin declaraciones de salud, según Mintel.


DCI: Pesquisa indica que homem cede mais às promoções do que as mulheres

Pesquisa realizada pela Mintel mostra que o comprador brasileiro não resiste à tentação de uma promoção. Segundo o relatório Hábitos de Gastos do Consumidor, divulgado …

Meio & Mensagem: Mais Comida e menos lazer para o Brasil

Pesquisa da Mintel sinaliza a concentração de hábitos de compra ligados a itens básicos, colocando em xeque a possibilidade de escolha por marcas.

Brasil Econômico: Diletto mira expansao no Nordeste

O mercado de sorvetes no Brasil cresceu 33% nos últimos cinco anos e atingiu volume de cerca de 398 milhões de litros, de acordo com a Mintel

New Trade: Marca de sorvetes finos mira expansao no Nordeste

De acordo com levantamento da empresa britânica de pesquisa de mercado Mintel feito neste ano, pelo menos 70% dos consumidores do Nordeste afirmaram estar dispostos a pagar mais caro por um sorvete com qualidade superior.

Folha de Pernambuco: Consumo

Com o aumento do poder de compra, a classe C acaba consumindo bens mais caros, acreditando que têm qualidade superior aos produtos mais baratos. Segundo pesquisa da Mintel, no Brasil, 70% dos consumidores pensam dessa maneira e 75% do total é representado pela classe C

Supermercado Moderno: Água com Vitaminas

Três em cada cinco brasileiros que compram água envasada estariam dispostos a pagar mais por uma água mineral com benefícios extras, como por exemplo, adição de vitaminas. É o que aponta o relatório Água em Garrafa, da Mintel, empresa global de inteligência de mídia.


The New York Times: Snacks for soccer stars, and their fans. Among Hispanic men, 14 percent reported frequently watching World Cup soccer matches on television, compared with 7 percent of white men, and 9 percent of Hispanic men reported watching other soccer league matches, compared with 3 percent of white men, according to a 2012 report by Mintel, a research firm.

Huffington Post: Why hybrid cars are really becoming popular among older drivers. Sales of hybrid cars have risen in recent years, rising by around 73 percent from 2011 to 2012 to an estimated 440,000 units, according to market research firm Mintel.

Huffington Post: Silence and inaction on bullying are not an option. Just as it pertains to teenagers, consider the results of a new study released by the market research firm Mintel: Among 12 to 17-year olds, nearly 50% of girls and more than one in three boys reported that they have been bullied either face-to-face or online.

Palm Beach Post: Dollar stores popular with high-income shoppers. Mintel, a Chicago-based global supplier of consumer research said Monday the perception that all income levels shop at dollars stores is true. Roughly two-thirds of people with household incomes of $150,000 and up said they shop at dollar stores, a recent Mintel survey of 2,000 adults found.

Chicago Grid: Get better furniture than your neighbors by judging it yourself. But people are willing to shell out more for furniture they won’t see in their neighbor’s living room, says Ali Lipson, senior retail and apparel analyst for research firm Mintel. She said 55 percent of consumers surveyed in 2012 said they look for unique, interesting designs, and three-quarters are willing to pay more for quality furniture that lasts.

MediaPost Marketing Daily: Movie theaters are the walking dead. Is it any surprise that almost 50% of adults (according to Mintel 2012), now say they would prefer to watch movies at home?

MediaPost Marketing Daily: High income shoppers do dollar stores. According to new research from Mintel, Dollar stores are popping up all over the US, but it’s not just discount shoppers taking advantage of these discount prices. 32% of respondents from the highest-income households ($150k+) claim not to shop at dollar stores, and 50% in this income group say that they are shopping at dollar stores the same amount this year compared to last year.

MediaPost Marketing Daily: General Mills launches National Cereal Lovers Week. Cold cereal is still the number one choice for breakfast in the U.S., consumed by 92% of households (per Mintel), with sales topping $9 billion over the last year.

MediaPost Marketing Daily: Direct banking gains popularity. Twenty percent of checking and savings direct mail in the first eight months of 2013 is from direct banks, compared to only 4% in 2012, reports Mintel Comperemedia

Sports Business Journal: NCAA adding Burger King as sponsor. “Burger King has gone through a couple of years of menu rework,” said Kathy Hayden of market research firm Mintel. “They’re doing more to try to reach families and broaden their audience. Infographic: Unemployment makes consumers critical of debt. Those struggling to find work (about 35 million Americans at the end of 2012) are more likely to look down their noses at your credit card debt, according to a July 2013 report, “Lifestyles of the Under- and Unemployed” from Mintel.


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