Mintel Market Sizes

Markets sized, segmented and forecasted.

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Mintel Market Sizes

A database of market size, market segmentation, market share and market forecasts for 16 global markets.

Know your market. Expand your brand.

Whether you’re seeking expansion opportunities, diversifying to new markets or capturing new clients, understanding the characteristics of the market is critical to your decision-making process.

Fast and easy to use.

Quickly compare market size, market segmentation, market share, and market forecast across consumer packaged goods categories in:

AMERICAS: Brazil, Canada, Mexico, US.

EMEA: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK.

APAC: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand.
Mintel Market Sizes
Mintel Market Sizes

Market Sizes can help with:

  • Marketing & Advertising +

  • Strategic Planning +

  • Sales +

  • Research & Development +

If you’re presenting new ideas, it’s essential they are underpinned by robust data and evidence, and rooted in fact. Mintel gives us all that. It’s a great brand and one that’s trusted by clients.

Wunderman Thompson

Mintel Market Sizes

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