Education and Libraries
Mintel provides your students with the data they need and ideas that will set them apart. Gain dynamic, relevant market intelligence designed to help students learn, grow and inspire change.
Trusted by leading global corporations customised for education, our market and consumer research is robust, comprehensive and easy to access. Your students will benefit from the same top-notch data, expert analysis and informed recommendations used by today’s leading businesses.
Give your students the tools they need to succeed. We help students expand their horizons and think across categories. We provide the data, the analysis and the implications, so students can expand their knowledge and learn to connect the dots. Our research sparks creative thinking and problem-solving. We open doors and ask questions, challenging your students to respond with new ideas and better answers. We help get them ready for today’s competitive business environment.
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Questions we can help you answer
How can I quickly understand a category or market? + -
How can I enhance my library’s assets? + -
How can I understand consumer trends better? + -
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