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Musgrave Group

George Macleod - Product Developer Lead

As Product Developer Lead, covering Group Own Brand Packaged, I head up a team responsible for the development and launch of a wide range of own-brand products covering both food and non-food.

My team’s responsibilities include new product development, reformulation, redesign, brand maintenance etc.

We need to understand trends and new developments across multiple product categories, as well as the ingredients and formulations behind these.

Mintel GNPD

Mintel GNPD is a great tool that our full team use on a number of different levels to better understand both products and markets with the ability to drill down into a great level of detail.

We have also used Mintel services to conduct a number of specific market reviews tailored to particular parameters as feeds into wider presentations for the different divisions within the group.

We find the Mintel services within GNPD an excellent, efficient and cost-effective way to clearly understand market activities across a wide variety of product categories and are able to review product design, ingredients, nutritional and legal claims for any products of interest.

These services are used by both our developers and technologists to better understand our competitor base across a number of criteria.

They offer great account management and have ran a number of tailored market analysis reports for us as part of our service agreement.

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