Insurance companies maintain steady direct mail through end of 2009

February 25, 2010

Mintel Comperemedia hosts webinar on future of insurance marketing communication

Chicago (February 25, 2010) – Direct mail is still a formidable force in the insurance industry. Mintel Comperemedia, a service that provides direct marketing competitive intelligence, reports that insurance companies upheld direct mail volumes throughout 2009, despite budget cuts and the growing strength of social media.

Mintel Comperemedia saw modest changes in insurance direct mail during 2009: life insurance offers rose 9% from 2008, health insurance offers increased 4%, and property and casualty direct mail declined 5%. In contrast, credit card direct mail fell by approximately one-third.

Daniel Hayes, VP of insurance services at Mintel Comperemedia, comments:

” insurance companies continue to rely on direct mail to communicate with clients and prospective clients. In the face of social media, direct mail is still one of the best ways to put an insurance offer in front of an unfamiliar client. It can even drive people towards a company’s social media website. Direct mail’s strength lies in its ability to present ample information and to cement a company’s brand message with other media forms. “

Join Mintel Comperemedia’s Daniel Hayes for a free webinar,” insurance Communication: Moving Into Tomorrow”

On February 25 at 2:00pm CST, Mintel Comperemedia will host a webinar to examine the changing ways insurance companies communicate. Digging deep into direct marketing trends and consumer attitudes about insurance, Daniel Hayes will discuss the current state of insurance communication, as well as how insurers can tap into social media, technology and customer relationships to grow their businesses. Register .

After the webinar, visit for a recording, a copy of the presentation slides, and answers to questions submitted by attendees.

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