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Beauty Spot: Beauty taps into the emotions

June 26, 2018

New age philosophies, such as crystal therapy and energy cleansing, are emerging as modalities to maintain a healthy mental state. Self-care is also becoming a critical concept in emotional health management.

In fact, consumers, today, are more aware of their emotional healths. According to Mintel research, 23% of urban Chinese females aged 20-24 report that they are suffering from anxiety disorders or depression, while 72% of British females aged 16-24 are interested in using a fragrance to destress and almost half to boost mental clarity.

Solving a new consumer need

As discussed in Mintel Trend ‘Mood to Order’, consumers are looking for ways to enhance their mood and feelings through products. Mintel’s 2025 Global Beauty & Personal Care Trend ‘Power Play’ also highlights how consumers are recognising that they need to address their low energy levels while proactively managing their looks.

Mintel predicts that the beauty industry will meet this new consumer need with mood-enhancing products that directly address emotional health and healing, and ‘serve up’ a menu of new emotions, from inspiring creativity to peace and courage.

The beauty routine will transform into a self-care routine and all categories of beauty will be expected to deliver these benefits. Although fragrance is the easiest category to implement these claims using essential oils, there is opportunity for brands in colour cosmetics, skincare and bath products to generate innovation with other methods.


OH YEAHH! Lip Balm claims to increase serotonin levels by up to 2.8 times in just 30 minutes. The Melon shade is targeted at creativity and vitality, while its Red shade inspires courage.

Source: girlundiscovered.com

Under the Waterfall Crystal Cleansing Water is a micellar water with a combination of two powerful crystals: rose quartz and citrine, to create positive energy in every bottle. It is also infused with signature WILD ingredients that are ethically and sustainably sourced and are cruelty free.

Source: shigeta.fr

Shigeta Luna Bath Salts were created to strengthen consumers’ natural powers, making them feel more relaxed, radiant and beautiful. There are three blends that coincide with three moon phases: new, crescent and full, and each is accompanied by a mantra. For instance, Love is used during the full moon and claims to help consumers to let go and build self-confidence.

The way forward

As skincare transforms into self-care, emotional benefit claims will become a universal offer and will appeal across demographics, reaching a range of categories from facial skincare to bodycare.

Beauty brands should tap into both unproven and proven modalities, such as aromatherapy, floral therapy and other alternative medicines, for ingredients that promote emotional health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be further explored, as it links key emotions to vital organs and would prove to be rich in insight for emotional management.

Angelia Teo
Angelia Teo

Angelia is a Content Manager for Beauty and Personal Care and is based in Mintel’s Singapore office. She leverages her knowledge of shopping behaviour, purchase drivers and cultural shifts to inform insight in Asian markets for beauty and beyond.

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