Mintel in the Media – The latest highlights, 5th October 2016

October 5, 2016
17 min read

Mintel in the Media is a review of recent coverage, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:


The Daily Telegraph Rise of the contactless card bounces cheques into history. Only 31 per cent of adults have written a cheque in the past three months, down from 40 per cent last year, making it the least popular form of payment, a study by Mintel, the consumer analysis company, found.

Metro ‘Tap and pay’ more popular than cheques ‘They’ve moved beyond coffee shops and sandwich bars and are now entirely commonplace,’ said Richard Shepherd of analysts Mintel. However, more than half of adults say they are not ready for a totally cashless society.

Financial Times Datawatch Payment methods Contactless cards are now more popular than cheques as a form of payment, according to research by Mintel.

The Guardian UK nightclub visits fall by a quarter in five years As the nightclub industry reels from what insiders call an “ongoing war” by regulators, revenue fell by more than a fifth between 2010 and 2015, with Britons spending about £300m less in the sector than they did five years ago, analysts Mintel said.

BBC Breakfast Mintel’s nightclub research made headlines on BBC Breakfast.

The Times High heels cut down as women turn to trainers Figures from Mintel, the retail analyst, show that 37 per cent of women who bought any type of shoe in the year to May purchased trainers compared with 33 per cent who chose heels.

BBC News Have high heels toppled out of fashion? Market research group Mintel says trainers have overtaken heels in popularity, with 37% of women in the UK buying trainers last year, compared to just 33% of women splashing out on high heels.

London Fashion Week London Fashion Week September 2016 Is Open For Business £27billion worth of womenswear (RTW) sales in the UK in 2015. This figure is predicted to grow 23% by 2020 to £32billion (Mintel, 2016).

Daily Mail High street is failing us on the fashion front, say older women Research by consumer analysts Mintel suggest there is a big market in offering stylish clothes to older women who have plenty of money in their purses.

London Evening Standard This is the reason why you crave a gin and tonic on a Friday night So popular is it, in fact, that according to a recent report from market research agency Mintel, UK sales of the spirit surpassed £1 billion for the first time in 2015 – thanks to a new Millennial interest.

City A.M. Ozwald Boateng’s guide to success and being the best-dressed man in London The men’s clothing market in the UK is now worth £13.5bn and is growing faster than womenswear – up by 22 per cent over the past five years, according to market researcher Mintel.

The Times Wimpy takes a cut-price bite of posh burger bars The burger market is forecast to rise from £3.2 billion last year to £3.8 billion by 2020 as demand for superior quality, freshly prepared patties increases, according to Mintel.

Daily Mail Half of us are popping a daily dose of vitamins This year sales are set to increase a further 2 per cent to £421million, says the study by consumer analysts Mintel.

Retail Week What high-street retailers can learn from the garden centre experience And this is where garden centres are in luck because as Jane Westgarth, senior retail analyst at Mintel, says, by their very nature, these stores are leisure destinations where families visit to eat, explore and shop.

CNBC Street Signs Pernod Ricard’s products fall in the “squeezed middle” of the drinks market – and this has affected sales – says Jonny Forsyth, global drinks analyst at Mintel.


New York Times Value-Seekers Warm to a $450 Annual Credit Card Fee Americans received 1.2 billion direct-mail credit card solicitations in the second quarter of this year, according to research by Mintel Comperemedia.

Marketplace Prestige credit cards are a big hit with millennials “So, it’s slightly different from premium cards of the past,” said Andrew Davidson from market research firm Mintel Comperemedia. “It’s not just about relying on the cachet of owning a premium card, but it’s sort of demonstrating its value for money that I think appeals to younger consumers.”

The Washington Post Millennials are picking pets over people Three-fourths of Americans in their 30s have dogs, while 51 percent have cats, according to a survey released by research firm Mintel. That compares to 50 percent of the overall population with dogs, and 35 percent with cats.

Chicago Tribune Americans eating less ice cream, paying more for good stuff Americans are eating less ice cream, according to an unsettling new study from market research firm Mintel. While some 92 percent of households bought frozen treats in the past six months, 22 percent indicated they’re cutting back on the quantity purchased, mostly for health reasons, according to the study.

Adweek Magazine Why So Many Legacy Fast-Food Restaurants Are Getting Makeovers As fast-food chains revamp their menus to adapt to changing consumer tastes, revamping their restaurants makes sense, too, noted Diana Kelter, food-service analyst at Mintel.

New York Times Spin Class Full? Feel the Burn From Your Living Room Just 15 percent of consumers who are regular exercisers have paid for a fitness video subscription, and only 16 percent are interested in purchasing one, according to Mintel research.

Fortune Pets Are Basically People Nationwide, one in 10 pets has its own social media account, according to the market research agency Mintel.

MarketWatch The real reason we don’t have taco trucks on every corner That mirrored the growth of “fast casual” restaurants in general, said Caleb Bryant, a food analyst for market-research firm Mintel. “We can point to that moment as a time of increased awareness of better, higher-quality fast food,” he said.

Fast Company Retailers Big And Small Want A Piece Of The Thriving Korean Beauty Business “Skincare is a very competitive market, and brands are looking for ways to stand out,” Mintel’s Margie Nanninga says. “And I think [incorporating Korean beauty culture] is going to be one of the strategies to stand out to consumers.”

USA Today No sale: NCAA standards stymie energy drink campaign Sales of energy drinks and shots are forecast to reach $17.3 billion in 2020, up from $11.2 billion in the USA in 2014 and $8.1 billion in 2010, according to market research firm Mintel.

The Washington Post Whatever happened to plain iced coffee? Cold brew. Cold-brew is generally a millennial’s drink. The marketing intelligence agency Mintel found that 66 percent of American millennials drink iced coffee, compared with 34 percent of Generation Xers.

National Public Radio Organic Gatorade: It’s Still Loaded With Sugar, Folks “Gatorade really dominates the [sports drink] market right now,” says Beth Bloom, senior food and drink analyst at the market research firm Mintel. Gatorade commands 77 percent of sports drink sales in the U.S.

Grocery Headquarters Americans Eating Less Ice Cream but Willing to Pay a Premium, Study “While little opportunity exists to acquire new customers in the universally penetrated frozen treat market, interest in premium and healthy options gives brands the opportunity to offer products that communicate health and wholeness, while also encouraging moderation, which can aid in increasing trials through smaller sizes,” says Beth Bloom, senior food and drink analyst at Mintel.

QSR Americans are Eating Less, Paying More for Ice Cream Gelato remains a bright spot for the US market, drawing continued interest from consumers; however, there has been a gradual slowdown in sales and new product development. Mintel research reveals that 43 percent of consumers purchase gelato today, up from 39 percent in 2015. Trends shaping NPD and consumer behavior in the US bakery market Mintel’s William Roberts Jr. names the trends shaping product development and consumer behavior in the baked goods market ahead of the International Baking Industry Exposition in Las Vegas.


ICS TV Matthew Crabbe speaks with ICS about China retail market.

Sina Starbucks new tea line chases China’s $9.5b market “The health trend is growing strongly across Asia, and as with most things, uptake of new trends in China tends to be faster than the rest of the world,” said Matthew Crabbe, Mintel’s head of Asia-Pacific Research. “There is a strong tea identity in Asia and it also chimes well with the particularly Asian view of healthcare as being centered around prevention, rather than cure. Because of this, tea-based products are likely to see strong growth.”

China Daily Liquid gold, in a nutshell Julia Lee, a food-and-beverage analyst with Mintel in China, said a related drink, juice squeezed from coconut pulp, has been popular in China for more than 20 years. “The non-alcoholic drinks category, with coconut water as a key offering, has developed dramatically in recent years,” she said, adding such products have gained visibility thanks to their pro-health image.

凤凰网 英敏特:旅游度假成中国家庭第三大开销 旅游度假成为继住房/理财和家庭食品之后的第三大家庭开销。另外,旅游不再是富人专属的奢侈消费,英敏特调查显示,一线到三线城市大多数的受访者均在2015年2月到2016年1月期间去旅游过,比例高达92%。

Shanghai Daily Exercising helps sports drinks sales to surge China experienced the fastest growth pace between 2014 and 2015, jumping 25 percent annually compared with a growth rate of 10 percent globally, market research firm Mintel said. It added that consumption of sports drinks hit 1.4 billion liters.

食品商务网 咸蛋黄从传统菜肴到休闲食品的多品类开发 英敏特近期发现咸蛋黄因为其味道而越来越流行,并且已经开始出现在多个品类中,比如烘焙、甜点甚至酒精饮料、薯片。

界面 运动能量饮料在中国市场的增速全球第一 市场研究咨询公司英敏特近日发布的《运动及能量饮料2016年度回顾》显示,全球能量饮料市场2015年强劲增长10%,达到88亿公升,销量居前五的国家分别是美国、中国、英国、泰国和越南。其中,中国能量饮料2015年的销量增长最快,年增长率高达25%,几乎是美国市场的四倍。

好奇心日报 8 种新时代旅行人格,你旅游的时候能对号入座几种? | 好奇心研究所 根据英敏特《2016 年中国旅游度假趋势》报告,中国旅游市场快速增长,2016 年消费者在旅游度假方面的开支超过四万亿元人民币,相比去年增幅为 16.2%,旅游度假成为继住房/理财和家庭食品之后的第三大家庭开销,一线到三线城市大多数的受访者均在 2015 年 2 月到 2016 年 1 月期间去旅游过,比例高达 92%。

China Daily South Korean beauty brands most popular Some 33 percent said South Korean brands are their most often purchased brands, whichrank the highest amongst all listed countries of origin. Chinese women are enthusiastic fansof cosmetics endorsed by South Korean celebrities, particularly those popular with youngaudiences aged 20-24. They are tempted to buy skincare brands used by leading actors inSouth Korean TV dramas. Chinese women have established a distinctive association ofbrands from different countries.

中国食品报 新品研发如何切准市场脉搏? 敏特食品与饮料趋势平台分析经理Pam做了《全球营养趋势于中国食品饮料创新发展之影响》的演讲,英敏特中国报告研究总监徐如一针对消费习惯变化分析了消费者的健康诉求

中国公关网 “个性趋势”兴起是快时尚零售商的一个挑战 从2011年到2016年,中国快时尚市场高速增长至2,550亿元人民币,年均复合增长率为20%;但是,据预测从2016年到2021年该市场年均复合增长率将逐步下降到12%的水平,达到4,490亿元人民币的规模。

好奇心日报 这个夏天的冰激凌变小了,不过更贵了 | 好奇心小数据 根据市场调查公司英敏特(Mintel)对美国消费者的调查,过去半年内,有 90% 的受访者曾经购买了冰激凌等冷冻甜食产品。不过在受访者中,22% 的人购买冰激凌的数量减少了。

界面 “滴滴香浓”的麦斯威尔咖啡在中国混不下去了么? 英敏特咨询公司的报告显示,过去5年,速溶咖啡的市场份额从2009年的80.7%降至2014年的71.8%,并且还会继续下滑,根据预测,到2019年,速溶咖啡的市场份额会降至66%。

ICS TV Terra Xu speaks with ICS about Wechat launch alpha for new inbuilt app.

中国网 猫狗吃粮也讲究“天然无添加” 市场研究咨询公司英敏特数据显示,2011-2016年期间,中国猫粮和犬粮市场年复合增长率达到28.1%,2016年销售额预计将突破535亿元。对于这一高速增长的消费品市场,英敏特9月23日发布报告《宠物食品——中国2016》,公布了一些有趣的调查发现。


Marketing Magazine Building ‘natural’ buzz with moms For young moms in particular, there’s no better product endorsement than a recommendation from a friend. According to Mintel’s Social Media Trends Canada 2015 report, millennial women (41%) and mothers with children at home (38%) are most likely to get reviews from friends and peers before buying.

Strategy Deliver us from meal planning Grocers could also look to tier their meals according to banner, with discount retailers offering kits at a lower price point without the need for a dedicated HMR department, says Joel Gregoire, senior analyst, food and drink at Mintel.

Toronto Star Manulife Centre reno to include Eataly outlet Joel Gregoire, senior food and drink analyst at Mintel, compared it to the partnership between Pusateri’s and Saks Fifth Avenue, combining to create a destination for shoppers seeking luxury items and high quality food.

Strategy Frosted Flakes goes after the millennial man Kellogg’s data mirrors that of a widely publicized survey by Mintel for 2015 cereal consumption, which found that millennials around the world are consuming less cereal than ever before.

Toronto Star Millennials find the price is right for pets, not houses: Teitel According to a new survey released by the research firm Mintel, American millennials are more likely than their parents to own pets. And perhaps more surprising, male millennials are more pet-prone than their female counterparts.

Financial Post The end of meat: Economics, the environment and changing tastes have top protein feeling the heat Jenny Zegler, a food and drink analyst at market researcher Mintel Group Ltd., said North American customers are ready to embrace new meat and dairy alternatives. The category may be small, but it’s growing quickly.


Cosmética News Berço de ativos Também fazem parte do evento as apresentações Marketing Trends, com dados de pesquisas mais recentes, estudos de caso e insights para auxiliar os profissionais de Marketing no desenvolvimento da próxima geração de produtos, apresentados por empresas como Euromonitor, Mintel e Kline&Company. Nos Technical Seminars, expositores compartilharão informações detalhadas no desenvolvimento de matérias-primas e técnicas de formulações, com foco nos profissionais ligados a formulação, testes e regulamentação. Starbucks mira mercado de chá de US$ 9,5 bilhões da China “A tendência da saúde está crescendo com força em toda a Ásia, e como acontece com a maioria das coisas, a adoção de novas tendências na China tende a ocorrer mais rapidamente do que no restante do mundo”, disse Matthew Crabbe, diretor de pesquisa para a região Ásia-Pacífico da Mintel Group.

Supermercado Moderno SM – Aposte nos saudáveis para vender mais Pesquisa da consultoria internacional Mintel identificou que 30% dos brasileiros querem encontrar maior variedade de produtos saudáveis nas gôndolas dos supermercados.

Cosmética News Esmaltes: Extensão de cores Na visão da Mintel GNPD (Banco de Dados de Novos Produtos), o Brasil é um mercado único na categoria de esmaltes. “Em 2009 e 2010, a maioria dos novos lançamentos no setor de maquiagem e esmaltes foi representada no quesito cor. Em 2010, os esmaltes responderam por 14,9% dos lançamentos, contra 33,1% de maquiagem para lábios neste quesito.

Brazil Business Today – EIN News The Sad Slippery Slope of Bar Soap Who would have ever thought we’d be bemoaning the banishment of bar soap? But here we are. A new report from research group Mintel reveals that the sales of bar soap are down as sales of liquid soap are bubbling up. Here is a look at the numbers.


Lebensmittel Zeitung Mehr Veggie in den Truhen Laut dem englischen Marktforschungsinstitut Mintel Group Ltd. ist die heimische Branche europaweit die Nummer zwei, wenn es um vegetarische oder vegane Neuheiten in der Truhe geht.

Portalspoż Raport Mintel: Millenialsi zrewolucjonizują handel żywnością w Europie Pytani przez firmę Mintel o powody dokonywania zakupów w sieci, Millenialsi wskazują na aspekt braku stresu. Według badań, 36 proc. Niemców, 31 proc. Francuzów, 29 proc. Hiszpanów i 28 proc.

Gastronomía & Cía El aumento de las ventas de los alimentos ecológicos la impulsa la Generación del Milenio Hace unos días podíamos conocer, a través de este informe elaborado por Mintel, que la denominada ‘Generación del Milenio’ está protagonizando la revolución de las compras de alimentos online.

Brot+Backwaren Pizza-Umfrage Nach einer Umfrage der Mintel Group wünschen sich 22 % der deutschen Verbraucher eine größere Vielfalt an glutenfreien Pizzen. Damit bilden sie das Schlusslicht. Viel interessanter ist das Thema offenbar für die spanischen Verbraucher.

Handel Heute 46 PROZENT! Laut einer Untersuchung der Marktforschungsfirma Mintel geben nur 46 Prozent der Deutschen an, dass sie keinen Qualitätsunterschied zwischen Lebensmitteln und Getränken von Eigenmarken und Markenprodukten sehen. Cloumák od protinožců. Tato káva je 80krát silnější než espresso Hlavní analytik nápojů Jonny Forsyth z výzkumné společnosti Mintel pro CNBC odůvodnil současnou až virální popularitu australského nakopáváku. „Naše touha po vnitřním, intenzivním prožitku vzrostla kvůli přecpanému, nasycenému světu, v němž žijeme. A v tomto prostředí budou značky spojené se silným zážitkem přitahovat pozornost i oddanost zákazníků.“

Lebensmittel Praxis Unterschiede nicht erkennbar Eine Befragung von Mintel zeigt, dass 46 Prozent bei Lebensmitteln und Getränken keine Qualitätsunterschiede zwischen Marken- und Eigenmarkenprodukten erkennen.

Rundschau für den Lebensmittelhandel Einig Knabberland Laut einer Mintel-Umfrage von 2015 greifen hierzulande 70 % beim Fernsehen zu Erdnüssen, Chips und co.

Markant Magazin Am liebsten vorm TV Die Deutschen sind laut Mintel nicht nur Europameister beim Snacken vor dem TV (70%), auch das Snacken vor dem Computer wird immer beliebter – insbesondere bei den Millennials.

Bio Linéaire La distribution des produits naturels et bio au Brésil Selon une etude realisee par Mintel en 2015, seuls 9 % des consommateurs considerent par exemple que la qualite bio est un facteur influencant leur achat d’un juis de fruit pret a boire, 8 % pour du pain emballe et 5 % pour le viande transformee.

Convenience Shop Snacken vor dem Bildschirm Deutsche Verbraucher sind nicht nur beim Snacken vor dem TV Europameister (70 Prozent), sondern auch immer öfter vor dem Computer oder unterwegs, so eine Mintel-Untersuchung.

Getränke Zeitung Die USA überholt In Deutschland wurden 2015 im weltweiten Vergleich die meisten Innovationen im Segment Energydrinks eingeführt. Das geht aus der aktuellen Datenbank des Marktforschers Mintel hervor.

3sat Online Smartphone-Nutzung in China Schon für 2016 erwarten die Marktforscher von Mintel, dass 96% aller Onlinekäufe per Smartphone getätigt werden.

Pagamentidigitali Le contactless card superano i cheques Da una ricerca Mintel emerge la preferenza in Gran Bretagna verso le contactless debit cards e le contactless credit cards.

RIA Probiotiques : en quête d’ailégâtions Les yaourts et les yaourts a boire comptent pami les principales categories d’aliments et boissons fonctionnels consommes par les adultes en France, en Allemagne, en Italie, en Espagne et en Pologne, selon une analyse de Mintel.

APAC Teh, Strategi Starbucks Menguasai Pasar China dan Asia Matthew Crabbe, head of Asia-Pacific research Mintel Group Ltd said, there is a strong identity of tea in Asia and also in line with the view of maintaining health Asia.

Nikkei Asian Review Starbucks pushes own tea brand in Asia “[Asian] consumers are used to constant changes and are constantly anticipating the next new thing,” said Matthew Crabbe, research director for Asia Pacific at consultancy Mintel Group. “In China, we have already seen the growth and acceptance of coffee. New tea products and tastes, in a way, are just an extension of that.”

The Star Online Starbucks new tea line chases China’s US$9.5bil tea market China tends to be faster than the rest of the world,” said Matthew Crabbe, Mintel Group Ltd.’s head of Asia-Pacific research.

Forbes Starbucks Wants To Crack Asia’s Tea Market With Upscale Teavana Brand “Starbucks isn’t aiming at traditional tea drinkers, but people open to new experiences,” says Matthew Crabbe, managing director at consultancy Mintel.

Fortune How Starbucks’ New Line Hopes to Win Customers in the ‘Land of Tea’ Jodie Minotto, a global food trends analyst at market research firm Mintel Group, said Starbucks’ approach to Teavana would likely prove a safe bet with consumers. “I think if they just didn’t do anything new and interesting, it would be tough,” she said.

Bloomberg News Starbucks New Tea Line Chases China’s $9.5 Billion Market “The health trend is growing strongly across Asia, and as with most things, uptake of new trends in China tends to be faster than the rest of the world,” said Matthew Crabbe, Mintel Group Ltd.’s head of Asia-Pacific research.

Food News International Asia Pacific: More Chinese consumers eat out in the morning, Mintel About 66% of urban Chinese consumers eat breakfast at home at least two to three times a week, down 11% compared with 2013 (77%). Breakfast stalls/kiosks (49%) and convenience stores (29%) are now becoming the places where consumers eat breakfast more often, states a Mintel research report.

The Australian UK nightclub attendance slumps in 5 years Just 8 per cent of Britons describe themselves as regular clubbers now, almost three in 10 avoid the dance scene entirely and up to 27 per cent claim to have never visited a nightclub, Mintel analysts said.

The Jakarta Globe Global Chocolatiers Dwarfed in Indonesia as Local Champions Dictate Taste The chocolate confectionary market is likely to jump 42 percent to 19.5 trillion rupiah ($1.49 billion) in the next three years, data from researcher Mintel showed.

The Star Online Big 4 global chocolatiers hold 10% market share in Indonesia compared to 60% in Malaysia The chocolate confectionary market is likely to jump 42 percent to 19.5 trillion rupiah ($1.49 billion) in the next three years, data from researcher Mintel showed.

Reuters India Global chocolatiers dwarfed in Indonesia as local champions dictate taste The chocolate confectionary market is likely to jump 42 percent to 19.5 trillion rupiah ($1.49 billion) in the next three years, data from researcher Mintel showed.

Asia Pacific Food Industry The Clean Label Evolution Mintel further reports that consumer focus is definitely on ‘natural’ nutrition and products incorporating inherently natural, fresh, wholesome, balanced nutrition are increasingly popular in the savoury goods sector.

The Australian Taste for gluten free diets driven by fashion, says study A report by the retail analyst Mintel found that one in seven households was avoiding gluten and wheat, more than half because they believed that it was part of a healthier diet.

Asia Pacific Food Industry Energy Drinks Grow 29 Percent Worldwide Over Past Five Years More energy drinks were launched worldwide in 2015 than in any year since 2008. Volume sales also rose 10 percent worldwide, with China experiencing the highest volume growth, according to a report by Mintel.

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