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Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 10 June 2016

June 10, 2016

Mintel in the Media is a review of recent coverage, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:


USA Today Nitro cold brew launch pits Starbucks up against specialty shops Starbucks said iced coffee consumption has grown 75% in the past decade and sales of cold brew in particular grew nearly 340% between 2010 and 2015, based on data from Mintel.

Chicago Tribune Starbucks bets on Nitro cold brew in Chicago, six other U.S. cities U.S. iced coffee consumption has grown by 75 percent over the last two years, Starbucks said, and cold brew consumption grew more than threefold between 2010 and 2015, according to Starbucks and research firm Mintel.

Business Insider Starbucks is launching a gourmet drink you’ve never heard of — here’s what you need to know The launch of cold brew in 2015 signaled that Starbucks would be expanding its appeal to coffee snobs to cold beverages. It’s a move that makes sense, with sales of cold brew in the US growing 339% from 2010 to 2015, according to Mintel data.

Fortune Starbucks Is Betting on This Hot Trend in Coffee According to market research firm Mintel and Starbucks, U.S. iced coffee consumption has grown by 75% in the past decade and Cold Brew sales grew 338.9% between 2010 and 2015.

Good Morning America Big Board: This morning’s top stories Mintel research on consumers’ trust in online reviews is highlighted as Amazon cracks down on fake reviews.

New York Times Plant-based, the Beyond Burger aims to stand sturdy among meat Caleb Bryant, a food service analyst at Mintel, said most consumers continued to think of a burger as meat-based, though he said he saw growing interest in plant-based alternatives among younger consumers.

Time Magazine Most Americans Think Burgers Are Healthy A new survey from Mintel reveals that 82% of Americans who eat hamburgers think that the sandwich is a good source of nutrients.

Wall Street Journal Gluten-Free Water? A Fad Without a Grain of Sense This fear of gluten has become so widespread that the market for gluten-free foods is estimated to hit $15 billion by the end of this year, according to the research firm Mintel.

Adweek Magazine Why Fast-Food and Snack-Food Brands Are Introducing Smaller Signature Offerings “There’s been a switch in consumers’ attitudes about being healthy, away from restriction. It isn’t about good food versus bad food. It’s about having a small treat. It’s about balance. Companies are finding a way to provide the fun food they have in a smaller size,” said Lynn Dornblaser, director of innovation and insight at Mintel.

Wall Street Journal ‘No’ Lists on Labels Make Shoppers Say ‘Yes’ In a survey from market-research firm Mintel last year, 77% of product users said among products making natural or organic claims, it is “hard to tell” which “were actually natural and/or organic.”

Bloomberg Can Food Labels Kill Added Sugar? A study by Mintel last year ranked “trans fat-free” as the most important “free-from” claim, with 78 percent of label-conscious shoppers looking for it, easily beating out “GMO-free.”

QSR Magazine Consumers: Bring on the Burgers, Hold the Beef New research from Mintel reveals that not only do 82 percent of consumers agree that burgers are a good source of nutrients, but another 80 percent would pay more for burgers made with premium ingredients.

Prepared Foods Burgers and the American Diet New research from Mintel reveals that not only do 82% of consumers agree that burgers are a good source of nutrients, but another 80% would pay more for burgers made with premium ingredients.

Racked The Death of the Great American Sporting Goods Store While a typical Sports Authority shopper might be different from a Lululemon one, Mintel senior research analyst Diana Smith believes “there’s definitely more of an overlap today.”

Fox Business 5 Things You Should Know About No-Interest Credit Cards During the first 3 months of 2016, direct mail offers for pre-approved credit cards with an introductory annual percentage rate of 0% increased by nearly 5% over the same period of 2015, according to Mintel Comperemedia.


Independent i High earners help holiday market enjoy £40bn boost Confident higher-earners gave the holiday market a 6.5 per cent boost last year to reach an estimated £39.9bn, while the leisure and entertainment market rose by 3.7 per cent to £30.22bn, research firm Mintel said.

Metro Metro Bites People with household incomes over £50,000 are spending more on travel, dining and sparkling wine. Four in ten “feel better off” than a year ago, found Mintel.

The Daily Mail Making a comeback, the dreaded shellsuit Research by retail analysts Mintel found 52 per cent of Britons have bought sports clothing in the past year without any intention of taking exercise.

The Daily Telegraph Britons ‘falling out of love with their pets’ Mintel, the consumer trends specialist, has listed pet products among a handful of likely “losers” in the retail market over the next five years. The forecasts are set out in Mintel’s annual British Lifestyles report. The 125-page study charts a string of key consumer trends in the last year including a boom in sales of sparkling wine, foreign holidays and gourmet dining signalling an end to austerity at least for well-off Britons.

Metro Inflation dives with air fares Corner shop tills ring all hours More than two in five busy Britons say they regularly visit convenience stores, with three in five popping in at least twice a week, according to retail analyst Mintel.

Daily Mail End of the weekly supermarket shop as busy families increasingly turning to online retailers and convenience stores before ‘topping up’ with fresh items Mintel retail analyst, Nick Carroll, said: ‘Convenience stores have been a firm favourite in Britain since the cherished sitcom ‘Open All Hours’, and it seems that business is still booming for these stores today due to the growth of top-up shopping.

Daily Telegraph Corner shops boom as consumers top up The research, by consumers analysts Mintel, shows almost half of all adults (45 per cent) say they regularly visit convenience stores to do a “top-up” shop, while around one in 14 (seven per cent) visit such outlets for their main shop.

Independent i The 30 Second Briefing CRAFT SPIRITS According to research from data company Mintel, spirits branded as “craft” have so far accounted for 15 per cent of new global spirits launches so far in 2016, up from just five per cent in 2011.

Metro Taste for craft spirits booms Spirits classed as “craft” now account for one in seven new launches, compared with one in 20 in 2011, according to analysts Mintel.

City A.M. Have we reached peak hipster? Sainsbury’s is now the UK’s biggest vinyl record retailer Figures from Mintel published this time last year showed five per cent of the population had bought a record in the last 12 months, compared with seven per cent who had bought a CD single.

Marketing Week Peroni is a marketing-driven success story, says SABMiller Figures from Mintel show that sales beer sales have remained broadly flat over the past five years, at around the 4.2 billion litres mark. Lager sales in particular have plateaued, but are expected to see growth if lager can tap into the craft beer movement.

The Guardian Fit, macho, sexy: the reinvention of vegans The market in animal-free food and drink is growing – according to the research company Mintel, the number of products launched in the UK market “suitable for vegans” grew by 134% between 2012 and 2015.

The Times Book sales get lift from adult colouring craze Print and e-book sales increased by 5.7 per cent to £1.828 billion last year, the market analysts Mintel claimed.

BBC News – Business Sainsbury’s takeover of Home Retail to be probed Richard Perks, retail director at Mintel, said the watchdog had every right to examine the deal, but he described the move as “rather odd”.

The Times Tech giants aim to make it big on TV Rebecca McGrath, a Mintel research analyst, said that stalling sales of tablets, laptops and other mobile devices had forced mature technology companies to look beyond hardware sales and into media content.


China Daily A 360-yuan juice cleansing, anyone? Or, how abouta detox smoothie? “The market share of juices with cleansing and detox functions may be small now but theirdynamic innovations, such as products designed for different demographics, or blending withtrendy and healthy ingredients, allowed them to gather lots of attention in recent years,” saidChing Yang, a market analyst from Mintel Group Ltd.

ECNS Say it with flowers, but now say it online The contribution of women consumers is in line with findings from market consultancy Mintel’s 2016 China Consumer Trend Report. With women increasingly independent in their personal and financial lives, Chinese women are creating a “Women Only” market, the report finds.

China Business News 中国日化品牌如何逆袭 根据调研机构英敏特的最新数据显示,联合利华旗下的中华牙膏近几年在口腔清洁领域的市场份额在5%-6%之间,排在宝洁、高露洁、好维股份(黑人牙膏)、云南白药之后第五名。

中国内衣网 国际内衣品牌在中国市场过的怎样? 根据英敏特(全球领先的独立市场研究咨询公司)的调查显示,2015年,中国内衣市值1672亿人民币(约合255亿美元),而在2010年内衣市值是1016亿人民币(155亿美元),在五年间,增长了65%;其中,女性内衣的增长趋势更加显著:销售额从590亿人民币(90亿美元)增长至1176亿人民币(179亿美元),几乎是增长了一倍,年复合增长率达到了14.8。因此,国际内衣品牌的商机正在快速显现。

Global Foodmate Meat substitutes show potential for expansion in China This compares to the US where about 7% of the population, or about 22 million people, claim to be vegetarians, according to Mintel’s Meat Alternatives-US-June 2013. Growing interest in vegetarian foods and diets in China has provided opportunities for the development of vegetarian foods such as meat analogues catering to this growing consumer group.

慧聪食品工业网 雀巢推出新款摇着喝咖啡 能在便利店跟现煮咖啡竞争吗? 咨询公司英敏特预计,截至2019年,速溶咖啡的份额将下降超过5个百分点至66%。

Industry Sourcing Sweetness at its best: The taste of sugar without the calories According to market research firm Mintel, there was a close to 25 percent increase in the number of new no/low sugar packaged drinks and food launches from the year 2011 to 2015.

微头条 12个问题带你读懂外卖O2O 援引Mintel报告,中国快餐和外卖市场规模预计到2017年达到1.8万亿元;再看国外,美国外卖O2O公司Grubhub在IPO当日股价上涨50%,当前市值超过30亿美金;今年4月英国在线外卖平台Just Eat以数十亿美金IPO,外卖前景非常可观。

微头条 英敏特博客 : 激发创新的东南亚食品和饮料产品 今年初,英敏特预测了2016年全球食品和饮料市场的主要趋势。在亚洲食品观察论坛(Food Vision Asia)之前,英敏特澳洲、东南亚和印度市场洞察总监简.巴奈特(Jane Barnett)与我们分享推动市场前进的重要趋势和让大多消费者越来越感兴趣的产品

懒熊 粉红色运动饮料百淬在中国能打得过佳得乐、红牛吗? 懒熊体育从市场研究咨询机构英敏特了解到,中国的非酒精饮料市场从2009年后发展趋缓,由2011年的17.7%的年增长率降到了2015年的11.2%。

微头条 四步决胜终端,像这款饮料一样做市场,产品想不大卖都难! 据市场研究和咨询机构英敏特(Mintel)最新报告《植物蛋白饮料2016》显示,随着中国消费者健康意识的不断增强,植物蛋白饮料正广受青睐。

微头条 英敏特:韩国天然护肤品的发展趋势 植物成分在化妆品市场中的地位依然十分稳固。但除了来自植物的成分,市场中还出现了一些新兴的趋势。健康食品和动物原料成为创新的天然成分来源。而且,消费者对这些元素更加熟悉,传播/沟通变得相对容易

红商网 继红牛后 可口可乐在华涉足椰子水 在中国市场,英敏特(Mintel)的一份报告显示,被认为具有滋养功效的植物蛋白饮料稳步增长,其中椰汁饮料是增长最快的子品类。30%的中国消费者表示,在截至2015年10月之前的半年中,比过去饮用了更多的椰子汁,超过大豆饮料(29%)和谷物饮料(26%)。

中财网 今夏洗涤继续玩升级 新一代的洗衣粉主打“温和” 据Mintel全球及亚太市场大众消费品趋势,诉求天然、安全的产品在亚太区洗涤用品市场中,成为消费者最关注的诉求。因此各洗衣粉品牌都在配方上不断改良和升级,在产品功能上不断细分,推出不伤手、天然温和的新一代的洗衣粉,而皂粉就是其中一个典型代表。

中国糖烟酒网 外资企业看好中国调味品市场潜力 根据英敏特报告,无论是雀巢、亨氏还是味之素,都已跻身中国调味品十强行列。

东方财富网 饮料企业抢滩植物蛋白饮料市场 “植物蛋白饮料的渗透率是很高的,其销售额增长率的提高主要由市面上日益增多的高端款所拉动。但是,我们也发现不同的地区偏好不同的子品类,比如北方地区更偏爱杏仁露。”英敏特食品饮料分析师杨晴表示。

糖烟酒网 国内精酿啤酒市场掀热潮 市场咨询机构英敏特调查发现,77% 喝过啤酒的消费者认为味道比品牌更重要。此外,英敏特调研显示,有 67% 的消费者会把原材料的质量与它是否高端联系在一起,而将近一半的人觉得精酿啤酒意味着高端。

Global Foodmate Mintel: Three in five consumers love burgers on the menu While consumption of beef has been down over the past decade, burgers endure as a mainstay of the modern American diet. In fact, new research from Chicago-based Mintel reveals that not only do 82% of consumers agree that burgers are a good source of nutrients, but another 80% would pay more for burgers made with premium ingredients.

环球标签 2016年杜邦包装创新大奖获奖产品揭晓 “今年参选作品的一个明显特征是,产品的包装更致力于上上善道的传播,逐渐从功能性包装向包装解决方案转变,让客户的生活更美好。”杜邦包装创新大奖首席评委David Luttenberger说。David Luttenberger同时也是Mintel GroupLtd的全球包装总监。“我们同时也看到了客户对外包装的需求——希望它是真实的,而非势不可挡的。”

和讯 英敏特:质量推动中国婴儿纸尿裤市场增长 中国纸尿裤和婴儿湿巾市场在过去五年里快速增长,而且随着中国的父母需求增多,该市场预计仍将继续增长。英敏特报告 《纸尿裤和婴儿湿巾——中国,2016年》 的最新研究显示,近六成(66%)中国妈妈表示她们会因为产品质量而更换另外一个纸尿裤品牌,其次是口碑(61%)方面的原因。

证券网 承德露露已到选择关口 市场研究和咨询机构英敏特(Mintel)最新报告《植物蛋白饮料2016》显示,预计从2015年到2020年,中国植物蛋白饮料市场总销量将由58.43亿升增长至107.97亿升。


Beverage Daily Craft spirits now account for one in seven spirit launches: Mintel Global craft spirits launches increased by 265% between 2011 and 2015, according to a report from Mintel.

Markenartikel Millennials treiben Wachstum von Craft-Spirituosen Tatsächlich stellen laut einer Untersuchung von Mintel Spirituosen, die als Craft-Produkte positioniert sind, bis dato im Jahr 2016 (Januar bis Mai) eine von sieben (15 %) weltweit neu eingeführten Spirituosen dar; 2011 war es lediglich eine von 20 (5 %).

ARD Plusminus Angst vorm Essen: Das Geschäft mit der Unverträglichkeit Laut einer Umfrage des Marktforschungsinstituts Mintel Group kaufen in Deutschland 7 Prozent der Verbraucher glutenfreie Produkte.

Portalspożywczy.pl Innowacyjne przekąski pomogą zwiększyć spożycie owoców i warzyw? Badania Mintela z listopada 2015 r. wykazały, że 4 na 10 Polaków kupowałoby więcej owoców i warzyw gdyby były one dostępne w niewielkich opakowaniach jako przekąski.

Process Alimentaire Les cinq voies d’innovation les plus « bankables » Lors de sa matinée « Big Conversation » organisée fin mai 2016 à Paris, le cabinet d’études de marché Mintel a fait ressortir les tendances de marché qui ont le plus « drivé » l’innovation alimentaire en France en 2015 : l’authentique facile à cuisiner, le snacking sain, les mini-formats à partager, le retour à la simplicité et les aromatisations cocktails.

WirtschaftsWoche Online Mikkeller: Das Erfolgsgeheimnis des dänischen Craftbier-Königs Eine Umfrage des Marktforschers Mintel unter mehr als 1300 Internetnutzern zeigte, dass knapp ein Viertel der Biertrinker 2015 bereits einmal Craft Beer gekauft hat.

Portalspożywczy.pl Mocne alkohole rzemieślnicze to już 15 proc. wszystkich nowych alkoholi na świecie Badania na podstawie globalnej bazy nowych produktów firmy Mintel (GNPD, Global New Products Database) wykazały, że liczba marek nowych mocnych alkoholi rzemieślniczych wprowadzanych na rynek wzrosła globalnie o 265 proc. między 2011 i 2015 rokiem.

Schweiz am Sonntag Das Geschäft mit Allergien Über 6 Prozent der neu in der Schweiz eingeführten Lebensmittel waren im vergangenen Jahr als glutenfrei gekennzeichnet. Noch vor fünf Jahren lag dieser Anteil bei knapp 2,5 Prozent, wie Zahlen des Marktforschers Mintel zeigen.

Gazeta.pl Weekend Polska uczta na Wyspach. Damian Wawrzyniak nakarmi Brytyjczyków żurkiem w chlebie Według badań rynku (badanie Mintel Research z 2015 roku), blisko 50 proc. Brytyjczyków chciałoby kiedyś spróbować polskiego jedzenia, ale narzeka na brak wiedzy, czym właściwie ono jest.

B&L MedienGesellschaft “Diät” und “light” ziehen immer weniger Eine Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2015 von Mintel zeigt auf, dass nur 7 % der Deutschen speziell als “Light” oder “Diät” ausgewiesene Produkte konsumiert haben, um ihr Gewicht zu reduzieren oder zu halten.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Oh, Wunder Laut einer Untersuchung des Marktforschungsunternehmens Mintel stieg die Anzahl der eingeführten Lebensmittel- und Getränkeprodukte, die als Superfood, Superfruit oder Supergrain bezeichnet werden, im Zeitraum von 2011 bis 2015 weltweit um 202 Prozent.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Suppen in Bestform Laut dem englischen Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel Group Ltd. interessieren sich hierzulande immer mehr Verbraucher für verschiedene Länderküchen. “Unsere Daten zeigen, dass 60 Prozent der deutschen Suppen-Fans gerne neue Geschmacksrichtungen ausprobieren. Vor allem asiatische und orientalische Kreationen mit Zutaten wie Ingwer, Kokos, Wasabi und Kichererbsen sind auf dem Vormarsch”, konstatiert Katya Witham, Senior Food & Drink Analystin bei Mintel.

Puls Biznesu Premium Na potrzebie spokoju też można zarobić Spadek tempa będzie grał coraz większą rolę — twierdzą analitycy firmy badawczej Mintel.

Lebensmittel Praxis Veggie lebt! Dennoch verspricht eine aktuelle Verbraucherumfrage von Mintel eine “leuchtende Zukunft” für Fleischersatzprodukte, denn die Kernzielgruppe ist jung. Rund 15% der Bundesbürger im Alter zwischen 16 und 24 Jahren verzichten bereits aus ethischen Gründen oder Umweltgründen auf Fleisch.

Lebensmittel Praxis Frei von: Aber bitte mit ohne Da Mehl ohne Getreide in der Regel einen höheren Proteinanteil habe als Weizenmehl, könne dieser Werbeclaim auch Verbraucher ansprechen, die sich proteinreich und kohlenhydratarm ernährten, rät Katya Witham, Senior Food and Drink Analyst bei Mintel.


Confectionery News Nestlé offers overseas products to Chinese consumers through new partnership with Alibaba “Not only does Nestle’s online presence help increase penetration into larger cities, it helps them gain wider potential distribution into prefecture level cities and towns, as well as market directly to rural consumers,” Mintel’s director of research Asia Pacific, Matthew Crabbe, told ConfectioneryNews.

Inside Retail Asia BeautyFresh has bold Asian ambitions Market research firm Mintel says that a growing number of Chinese consumers are going online to buy international beauty products.

My Paper More in China drink in health juice trend But there are barriers to conquer, such as the premium price, cold-chain distribution system and consumers’ unfamiliarity, said Ching Yang from Mintel.

Food Daily 美 아이스크림 시장에도 ‘웰빙’ 바람 시장조사기관 민텔(Mintel)에 따르면 아이스크림 주요 쟁점은 가격이 아닌 건강 관련 문제인 것으로 나타났다. 기존 아이스크림 업체들은 야채 아이스크림, 유제품이 들어있지 않은(Dairy Free) 아이스크림, 그릭 요거트 아이스크림 등 다양한 제품을 통해 소비자들을 공략하고 있다.

Huffington Post Australia Is Buying Organic Really Worth It? There’s skepticism among consumers, however, about the trustworthiness of organic labels. Last year, a study by market research firm Mintel found that a majority of American consumers think organic labeling is merely an “excuse to charge more.”

Naver [글로벌워치]인도네시아 식품시장, 트렌드를 잡아라 영국 리서치 업체인 민텔(Mintel)에 따르면 중국은 이미 아시아 최대 애완동물식품시장이며 세계에서도 1위, 2위를 다투고 있다. 앞으로 연평균 성장률은 30%에 달해 2020년에는 1200억위안 규모로 성장할 전망이다.

Foodmate Meat substitutes show potential for expansion in China This compares to the US where about 7% of the population, or about 22 million people, claim to be vegetarians, according to Mintel’s Meat Alternatives-US-June 2013. Growing interest in vegetarian foods and diets in China has provided opportunities for the development of vegetarian foods such as meat analogues catering to this growing consumer group.

Business Mirror Cereal-makers try to get millennials back to table A study last summer by consumer research group Mintel concluded that convenience at breakfast was especially critical among millennials, defined by Mintel as between ages 22 and 39. Measured against three older groups, millennials by far agreed most with the idea that cereal should be more portable, and that cereal is inconvenient because it involves washing dishes.

Yahoo Finance Evergreen Packaging Introduces New SmartPak Cartons As households shrink, beverage options are on the rise – with more than 4,000 new beverages introduced in the U.S. every year, according to Mintel. As household size declines and beverage options rise, the need for more size options on the retail shelf also rises.

MSN Will Pizza Hut soon be run by robots? Still, using a robot server instead of a human one doesn’t make sense in every circumstance. Ordering from a robot makes the most sense for restaurants where orders are simple and recommendations aren’t necessary, said Carli Gernot, the manager of trends in North America for Mintel, a market-research firm. “I see this being most successful in restaurants that are kind of like vending machines brought to life,” she said.


BNN Why Canadians adopted a conservative spending mentality in 2015 (VIDEO) There is only so much money coming into a household, and according to a new report out by Mintel, Canadians put debt reduction and saving for the future ahead of spending, as they tried to balance luxury with responsibility.

Strategy Canadians give up (some) pleasures for prudence Food-related categories took up the majority of Canadians’ dollars in 2015, causing consumers to be more prudent when it comes to other discretionary spending like travel, leisure and entertainment, according to the new Canadian Lifestyles report from Mintel.

The Globe and Mail Millennials distrustful of Canada’s food system, survey finds The Canadian study on Millennials’ distrust of the food industry is in line with survey results in the United States conducted by the market research firm Mintel last year.

The Canadian Press Budweiser to debut non-alcoholic ‘Prohibition’ brew in Canada as it chases near-beer lovers In 2013, nearly half of consumers bought an alcohol-free beer, according to market research firm Mintel.

Marketing Magazine Canadians embracing ethnic eats A Mintel survey of 2,000 Canadians found that 57% of respondents are more open to trying to ethnic foods now than they were a few years ago, and 72% turn to ethnic-inspired dishes to break the monotony at mealtime.

Strategy Exploring other cultures through food: Mintel report Canadians’ taste profiles are changing and they are more open to trying ethnic-inspired foods (giving the term melting pot new meaning).
So says Mintel in a recent report that looks at the country’s “Ethnic Foods and Flavours.”

Canadian Grocer Canadians increasingly receptive to ethnic foods “Consumers trust the knowledge and expertise of restaurants when it comes to ethnic foods and may be receptive to retail ethnic-inspired products showcasing a foodservice influence,” said Joel Gregoire, senior food and drink analyst at Mintel.

Food In Canada 3/4 of Canadians like experiencing new cultures through food Canadians are using food as a way to embrace various cultures, according to new research from Mintel.

Food in Canada Craft spirits on the rise New research from Mintel reveals that spirits positioned as “craft” have so far accounted for one in seven (15 per cent) new global spirit launches to date in 2016, up from just one in 20 (five per cent) in 2011.

The Globe and Mail Chinese TV shopping channels a big hit with older consumers In China, most retailers “are still generally ignoring older demographics,” said Matthew Crabbe, the director of Asia-Pacific research at Mintel.

The Huffington Post Canada Millennial Foodies Hunger For A Non-Traditional Grocery Experience As a Mintel study points out, 57 per cent of millennials said they only shop the fresh sections of grocery stores compared to 30 per cent of non-millennials.


Brazil Beauty News Indústria aposta em lançamentos para se destacar no competitivo segmento de cuidados para as unhas Desde 2011, os esmaltes lideram o ranking brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos na divisão de maquiagem, respondendo por quase 60% do total, segundo a Mintel.

Mundo do Marketing Maquiagem: crise pode aumentar desejo por kits e refis, aponta Mintel O recém publicado relatório Mintel, de Maquiagem e Esmalte para Unhas, 2016, revela que 24% das brasileiras afirmam que ofertas especiais/preços baixos as encorajam a experimentar novos produtos.

Valor Econômico Marcas associadas a causas sociais agradam mais Pelo contrário, 39% dos brasileiros, segundo estudo da Mintel, são inclinados a comprar de marcas que não agridem o meio ambiente.

Cosméticos BR Tendências: óleos tudo em um e aliméticos para maquiagem e unhas Um dos produtos de maquiagem que despertam maior interesse das brasileiras é justamente o removedor de maquiagem. De acordo com o relatório da Mintel Maquiagem e Esmalte para Unhas, 19% das brasileiras disseram ter interesse em óleos removedores de maquiagem.

Cosméticos BR Trends: oils all in one and alimetics for makeup and nails One of makeup products that most awaken the interest of the Brazilian women in makeup category is just the makeup remover. According to the report of Mintel _ Makeup and Nail Polish _ the makeup removers oils have good opportunities in the market, as 19% of Brazilian women said they were interested on them.

Datamark Bebida em embalagem cartonada asséptica protege aroma e sabor, reduz custo de produção e torna produto mais acessível para os brasileiros Dados do instituto de pesquisa Mintel mostram que o vinho de mesa representa 69% do volume da bebida comercializada no mercado brasileiro. E 80% do consumo está concentrado em vinhos de até R$ 20,00.

Cosmetic Business Mass Opportunities Mintel research shows that 23% of Brazilians are willing to pay more for facial products to protect their skin from the environment, including from the sun.

Beef Point Consumidores americanos veem hambúrguer como nutritivo e querem opções além da carne bovina Uma pesquisa com adultos americanos que pediram hambúrgueres em restaurantes descobriu que 82% concordaram que o item é uma boa fonte de nutrientes, embora muitos disseram que gostariam de ver alternativas além da carne bovina, de acordo com a firma de pesquisa, Mintel.

Atualidade Cosmética O tom dos millennial Interagir com amigos, ler notícias e pesquisar produtos que gostaria de comprar são as três principais atividades da geração do milênio no mundo on-line, conforme estudo realizado pela Mintel sobre o estilo de vida desse público.

Guia da Farmácia Beleza Realçada Dados da Mintel apontam que 73% das mulheres brasileiras usam um batom ou gloss e que 32% usam maquiagem regularmente.

Super Varejo Quanto mais natural, melhor Segundo pesquisa realizada pela Mintel, os consumidores confiam em marcas recomendadas por amigos, sendo mais influenciados pelas avaliações dos produtos do que pelas propagandas.

O Globo Economia colaborativa ganha espaço em meio à crise O cenário atual, de poder de compra (…) é um impulso à nova modalidade de consumo de serviços, explica Graciana Méndez, analista de tendências da consultoria inglesa Mintel Group: “É nos contextos de crise que possibilidades que eram consideradas alternativas ganham muita popularidade.”

Época Negócios Como e-commerce brasileiro pode, enfim, começar a lucrar No Brasil, os marketplaces deverão movimentar R$ 115 bilhões em 2018, registrando um aumento de 130% no período de cinco anos, segundo relatório da consultoria Mintel.

Exame O que fazer com as cervejas “artesanais”, Lemman? Já com base em um estudo da Mintel Group, o negócio de cervejas diferenciadas cresceu 36% de 2010 a 2013.

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