Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 15 April 2016

April 15, 2016
14 min read

Mintel in the Media is a review of the past week, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:


City A.M. Amazon Prime Now one and two-hour delivery comes to Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire” The majority of online shoppers still mix online shopping with store-based shopping, but consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable shopping at online-only retailers with growth outpacing the total market,” said Mintel retail analyst Nick Carroll.

London Evening Standard Ten per cent of Brits ‘buy all their groceries online’ As many as half (48%) of Britons are currently online supermarket shoppers, while 11% now buy their groceries without visiting a bricks-and-mortar store at all, the study by analysts Mintel found.

Independent i More British shoppers going online to buy their groceries Half (48 per cent) of British people are currently regular online supermarket shoppers, while 11 per cent now buy their groceries without visiting a bricks-and-mortar store, a study by the analysts Mintel found.

The Grocer Amazon extends one-hour Prime Now grocery delivery to Surrey Market intelligence agency Mintel said customers were unlikely to turn to Amazon for a full weekly shop. It noted that 63% would be put off the grocery service by the need for Prime membership, which carries an annual cost of £79.

The Times Britons lose their taste for snacks in fight to get fit The number of people who ate chocolate as a snack in December fell by nine percentage points from the previous year to 59 per cent. The number who ate crisps fell by ten points to 57 per cent, according to a survey by Mintel.

The Telegraph Snackers are losing their sweet tooth Amy Price, senior food and drink analyst at Mintel, said: “Snacking in the UK is almost universal, however health considerations continue to play a significant role in the market.”

Daily Mail But adults snack less There have also been remarkable drops in the consumption of cakes, sausage rolls, pasties and pies as 70 per cent of snackers actively try to cut down, says analysts Mintel.

The Sunday Times Insta-brands take on the beauty giants According to Mintel, 17% of British women who visited social-media sites in the fitst six months of last year viewed beauty content on Instagram.

The Guardian The free-from restaurant boom that’s cashing in by stripping back Market researchers Mintel forecast sales of free-from foods to grow 13% to reach £521m in 2016, up from an estimated £470m in 2015.

Marketing Week The risks and rewards of Tesco pushing its own mobile payment app However, with new research from Mintel revealing that less than one in eight (12%) of British smartphone users have signed up to a digital wallet service – with only 7% of those actively using the service – the success of mobile-based contactless transactions has come under scrutiny.

The Sunday Times What’s not for tea? Mintel research shows that 11% of households with children under 12 now avoid gluten as part of a “healthy choice”.

Independent i The 30 Second Briefing UK retail sales of nail colour and care products were worth an estimated £722.2m in 2014, up 10.7 per cent from the prior year according to the research company Mintel.

The Guardian The worm has turned: how British insect farms could spawn a food revolution “I think there is undoubted potential and interest in insects, but you have to overcome a ‘yuk factor’ that isn’t there for seaweed and algae-based products such as spirulina,” says David Turner, a food and drinks analyst at Mintel.

BBC Business Live Burberry and JD Sports release latest results Nick Carroll discusses the latest retail figures live on BBC World.

Cosmetics Design Europe Chanel taps into K-pop tactics to target edgier EU consumers Mintel’s research shows that there are still sceptical attitudes when it comes to advertising in the colour cosmetics category.


Wall Street Journal Fintech Lenders Dial Back Marketing in Response to Softer Investor Demand At Avant, the number of loan offers it sent to customers through the mail fell by nearly two-thirds, from 4.6 million to 1.7 million, between December and February, according to Mintel Comperemedia, a database that tracks advertising trends.

New York Times It’s Dinner in a Box. But Are Meal Delivery Kits Cooking? Like frozen foods or the microwave oven, meal kits may be a kitchen innovation that fundamentally changes how people cook at home. “Bagged lettuce seemed like a fad, too,” said Jenny Zegler, the global food and drinks analyst for the research company Mintel.

Wall Street Journal K-Beauty: The Exhausting Skin-Care Regimen That May Be Worth the Effort “For years, Korean women have focused on skin care products rather than makeup,” said Sarah Jindal, senior innovation and insights analyst for market research firm Mintel. “The ultimate goal is to achieve a complexion that has a dewy, glowing finish, one that doesn’t need concealers and foundations to hide it.”

Washington Post A trend the restaurant industry could really do without If as many Americans are opting to order something other than soda while out at restaurants as Mintel’s report indicates, the industry could be facing a difficult truth: soda is even losing its appeal as an indulgence.

Chicago Tribune Peloton virtual cycling classes can help you pedal off pounds While only 17 percent of U.S. adults reported having a membership at a specialty studio or paying for individual visits, that’s partly because studios are only found in urban areas, said Mintel health and wellness analyst Marissa Gilbert.

Business Insider We investigated a major conspiracy about one of the world’s most popular breakfast cereals and the results were surprising Almost 40% of millennials surveyed by Mintel said that cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice.

CNBC US chocolatiers looking for new sweet spot Overall, dark chocolate accounted for 36 percent of all chocolate launched in the U.S. in 2014 and 37 percent in 2015, according to Mintel Group.

New York Times A Cocktail Shot Company Looks Beyond Beer Pong Cocktails may be trending big, but at least one expert isn’t sure cocktail shots will be equally fashionable. “Shots are not usually meant to savor or drink or sip,” said Beth Bloom, a food and drink analyst at Mintel. “Shots are the thing you drink to get to the end — which is drunkenness.”

Forbes How China Is Becoming The World’s Largest Market For Healthy Eating According to new research from Mintel on plant protein drinks (PPD) in the country, nearly nine in ten (87 percent) Chinese consumers now drink plant-based concoctions, be it soybean drinks, juices or grain drinks.

MarketWatch Chipotle is moving into the ‘better burger’ market Consumers are willing to pay more to “indulge” because they increasingly care about overall food quality and ingredients. Low gas prices and more consumer confidence are also helping that trend, said Caleb Bryant, a foodservice analyst at market-research firm Mintel.

QSR Magazine When Vegan Goes Mainstream A 2015 survey by market analyst Mintel found that 61 percent of consumers say they enjoy menu items that heavily feature vegetables (which jumps to 75 percent among 25–34-year-olds).

Packaging Digest Fighting words: How ‘unboxing’ videos are reshaping consumer purchasing behavior According to Mintel’s January 2016 US Beauty Retailing report, 39% of U.S. adults who are social media users and have purchased beauty products in the last 12 months agree that social media posts encourage them to buy particular products.


红商网 跨境电商税收新政将影响低价化妆品 “爆款”价格优势不再 “最主要的冲击还是低价的化妆品。那些低价的爆款丧失了优势。”英敏特资深美容及个人护理分析师杜蕾表示,因为政策新出台,目前短时间内影响的主要是一些以保税仓模式为主的跨境电商,特别是对于一些日韩平价爆品。而这些化妆品的价格通常是百元之内。

Netease 海淘加税,涨价也比国内便宜 根据国际市场调查组织Mintel的数据,在过去的五年里,互联网进口商品交易增长了63%,在2015年达到6380亿人民币,占整个互联网零售额的17%。目前,中国各类跨境平台已超过5000家,他们都将在新关税政策实行后受到较大冲击。

前瞻产业研究院 香水领涨化妆品市场 未来行业发展4大趋势分析 现代生活节奏加快,调查表明近八成英国人感到精力匮乏,28%的美国人将疲劳看作头等健康问题,为了保持旺盛的精力,人们未来将采取双管齐下的措施:一方面,消费者坚持全面健康的生活方式以追求长期的皮肤保养,中国和巴西的护肤人群都将提高睡眠质量、膳食平衡、加强锻炼列为健康生活的Top三要素。

荣格工业资源网 巧克力消费市场:有利情绪的食用享受 英敏特最新研究发现,超过三分之一(38%)的英国巧克力消费者认为巧克力对于抚慰情绪的助益大于任何健康问题。更重要的是,24%的英国人说他们在过去三个月买了巧克力糖果用来缓解他们的低落情绪,而16%表示通过购买巧克力希望获取治愈的能量。

联商网 未来10年化妆品行业怎么走?英敏特说有4大趋势 根据英敏特的用户调查,18%的中国护肤人群表示会使用智能护肤设备,2014年该比例仅为13%;将近半数的英国护肤人群热衷于皮肤管理App;30%的美国女性表示会尝试美容仪器。消费者越来越接受新型智能技术在健康管理中的运用,期待更多高科技美容产品的面世。

东南之窗 2016衣物洗涤升级战继续 洗衣皂粉“温和”突围 据Mintel全球及亚太市场大众消费品趋势,诉求天然、安全的产品在亚太区洗涤用品市场中,成为消费者最关注的诉求。

光明网 英敏特:75%的中国城市消费者在半年内购买过自有品牌产品  英敏特最新报告《对自有品牌的态度》显示,四分之三(75%)的中国城市消费者在截止于2015年11月之前的六个月内表示他们曾购买过自有品牌产品。目前,最常见的自有品牌产品包括烘焙产品(67%)、零食(60%)、洗浴产品(56%)和洁厕产品(53%)。

好奇心日报 我们充满热情购买维生素,是因为科学,还是因为恐惧? 在英敏特最新发布的调查报道中,近六成的中国城市消费者都认为进口保健品更好。超过七成消费者已经养成了海淘保健品的习惯。

荣格工业资源网 美容仪 :欲善其事,先利其器 “我们生活在令人激动的时代,技术、品牌合作和产品开发上现在都有革命性的进步,”英敏特美容及个人护理部全球总裁Jane Henderson就新近行业发展发表评论时表示。“但是,我们认为未来几年在个人护理技术上将出现泾渭分明,推动接下来几十年的美容创新。而且,美容品厂商已经在开发新一代的美容产品了,它们将满足消费者对速度和功效的要求。”

搜狐 女性为什么不买智能手表? Mintel公司零售与服装高级研究分析师Diana Smith表示:“这是一个很现实的可能性,在未来五年内,智能手表销售额将可能蚕食其他传统手表销售额。”

荣格工业资源网 Beneo展示来自益生菌的力量 全球 87% 的消费者希望借助食品和饮料改善消化系统健康。据英敏特的研究显示,2013年至2015年,全球有16% 的功能性方面专利申请与消化系统健康有关,因此,消化系统健康成为最重要的功能性专利申请之一。

中国网 美媒:中國養生花費顯著增長 健康飲食市場風生水起  在上海、北京等大城市,製作銷售排毒蔬果汁等健康飲品的企業如雨後春筍。根據市場研究公司英敏特針對中國植物蛋白飲料的最新研究,將近九成的中國消費者如今都在喝用農作物製作的飲料,比如豆漿、果汁。“


Lebensmittel Zeitung Vertrauenssache Fleisch Egebnisse einer aktuellen Untersuchung des britischen Marktforschungsinstituts Mintel Group untermauert diese Einschätzug. Von knapp 1900 in den vergangenen drei Monaten befragten Konsumenten geben 54 Prozent an, dass ihnen detaillierte Informationen über die Fleischherkunft sehr wichtig sind. Mintel: Warzywne herbaty kolejną szansą na pobudzenie rynku przekąsek Względna dojrzałość europejskiego rynku herbaty oraz fakt, że konsumenci piją jej coraz mniej, sprawia, że producenci poszukują nowych trendów i innowacji.

Die Welt Kosmetik-Legende Body Shop kämpft um ihr Vermächtnis Branchenexperten halten die neue Image-Kampagne für überfällig, läuft die Marke doch Gefahr, inmitten einer Vielzahl von Biokosmetika übersehen zu werden: “Body Shop hat es in den vergangenen Jahren nicht geschafft, seine Markenbotschaft erfolgreich rüberzubringen”, sagt Alice Goody, Einzelhandelsanalystin beim Marktforschungsdienst Mintel.

Portalspoż Wysyp innowacji na polskim rynku spożywczym – raport Jako jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się gospodarek w UE, jesteśmy interesującym rynkiem eksportowym dla zagranicznych podmiotów – wynika z analizy Mintel opublikowanej w serwisie

Puro Marketing Cómo la realidad virtual cambiará la estrategia de vídeo de las marcas Varios son los elementos que cambiaran el video y lo harian mas atractivo, como aputnam en el infomrme de Mintel.

Markant Angrillen für die EM Grillen ist nach wie vor – genau wie Fußball – eine Mannerdomäne. Hauptzielgruppe sind Verbraucher zwischen 35 und 54 Jahren, so die Marktforscher von Mintel.

Brau Industrie Blick “über den Teich “Jonny Forsyth, Global Drink Analyst bei Mintel und für Mintel UK Getränke Reports verantwortlich ( Mehr als zehn Jahre Erfahrung in der Marketing-Branche mit Positionen bei Starcom Mediavest, AB-Inbev und Trinity Mirror.

TK -18 Report Vegane und vegetarische Fertiggerichte boomen Einer Untersuchung des Martkanalysten Mintel zufolge stieg die Anzahl an vegetarischen Fertiggerichten in Deutschland zwischen 2011 und 2015 um mehr als das Siebenfache (633 Prozent).

D – La Repubblica Cosmetici fai da te: un trend in crescita Secondo uno studio riportato da Mintel condotto nel 2015, il 48 per cento dei consumatori italiani e spagnoli acquista prodotti naturali e organici perché pensa siano migliori per la salute.

Schrot & Korn Eiszeit ohne Milch Beinahe zwei Drittel (63%) der deutschen Eisesser interessieren sich für milchfreie Alternativen, also für Eis auf Basis von Mandel-, Kokos-, oder Sojamilch, so das Ergebnis einer Umfrage der Agentur Mintel.

El Pais El agua, motor del consumo Aunque pueda parecer que elemento circunstancial o uno que despierta muchas mas preocipaciones entre los consumidores en otros mercados, lo cierto es que se va a covertit en un elemento crucial en cuestiones de consumo en Europa en el futuro immediato, segun la agencia de intelgencia de mercado Mintel.

Irish Examiner POLL: Knocking back energy drinks after exercise could lead to health problems Our consumption has increased accordingly, with Mintel reporting that €130.4m was spent on energy and sports drinks in Ireland in 2015.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Premiumschokolade boomt weltweit Die Zahl der neu auf den Markt gebrachten Premiumschokoladen hat von 2011 bis 2015 weltweit um 72 Porzent zugenommen, meldet das Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel. Innowacyjne smaki popcornu wzbogacą polski rynek przekąsek? Przy podejmowaniu decyzji zakupowej o wyborze przekąski kluczowym czynnikiem dla polskiego konsumenta jest smak. Jak wynika z analizy firmy Mintel, stwarza to szansę dla producentów innowacyjnych smaków popcornu.


Channel News Asia First Look Asia  Avanthi Ravindran discusses Asian food and drink trends ahead of Food and Hotel Asia.

Straits Times Revised levy on online imports Mr. Matthew Crabbe, research director at Mintel, said: “The new tax regime helps to protect consumers, reduces tax evasion and improves tax income. It also protects local products from unfair competition… This is positive for the market, longer term.”

Business Times Blackmores CEO downplays China e-commerce tax as shares sink Online sales of imported goods to Chinese shoppers have grown at a compounded rate of 63 per cent in the five years to 2015, reaching 638 billion yuan (S$133.2 billion) and accounting for 17 per cent of China’s total online retail sales, according to data from Mintel Group Ltd.

Sourcing Journal Plus Clothing Category to See Marked Growth Mintel, a global market research firm, released a report that shows16 percent of plus women buy what fits although it doesn’t necessarily mean they like the clothes.

FoodNavigator-Asia Mintel: Asia-Pacific market is being shaped by four key ‘mega-trends’ Healthier alternatives, brand story, visual eating and changing lifestyles describe the four key food and drink trends in Asia-Pacific, according to market intelligence agency Mintel.

Asia Pacific Food Online Asia Pacific’s Mega Trends According to market researcher Mintel, four mega-trends are dominating the Asia Pacific food and beverage market: healthier alternatives, brand stories, visual eating and changing lifestyles.

ECNS.CN Web tax repercussions remain ambiguous Research firm Mintel said almost three in five consumers have bought foreign products online from domestic shopping websites.


TVO The Agenda Mintel research on cereal is featured in a panel discussion on the changing landscape of breakfast, 3:35 into the segment.

Canadian Grocer Who’s winning the grocery cart wars? Almost 90% of Canadians have never tried online grocery ordering, according to a survey by Mintel Group; and 68% have no interest in doing so.

Canadian Food Insights Canada’s Juice Market Juice drinks in Canada have struggled in recent years, with volumes declining 1.3% in 2014 and 2.7% in 2015, according to Mintel estimates.

Canadian Food Insights Natural Emerges as a Solution to Energy Drinks Woes As the Mintel Trend Supernanny State describes, many governments are enforcing taxes, fines and, occasionally, outright bans to encourage people to improve their behaviour.

Marketing Magazine Move over millennials, there’s a new teen in town According to Mintel, at this very instance, there is over $2 billion in Gen Z’s collective pockets.


Globo News Mercado de sucos saudaveis cresce mesmo durante a crise Mintel analyst Amy Price discusses trends in the smoothie market.

Cosmetics Online In-cosmetics Paris: foco nos EUA e extenso conteúdo educacional David Tyrell, analista em skincare da Mintel, falou sobre as tendências no mercado norte-americano e como elas influenciam o mundo; as diferenças entre as gerações e seus interesses de compra; além de novos ingredientes, formatos e texturas.

Pequenas Empresas, Grandes Negócios Como faturar com o novo mercado de alimentação “Trata-se de um movimento que ainda nao atingiu todo o seu potencial. O segmento deverá ficar ainda mais forte quando destacar fatores como a produção local e a procedência dos ingredientes”, diz Naira Sato, da consultoria britânica Mintel. “Existe muito espaço para negocios com essas propostas.”

Cosmetics Online In-cosmetics Paris começa hoje Na Innovation Zone, os visitantes terão acesso a mais de 80 ingredientes e tecnologias recém-lançados no mercado; às inovações em produtos acabados selecionados pela Mintel.

Cosmetic Innovation Como a indústria cosmética pode investir na consumidora madura De acordo com o relatório Mintel, Mature Beauty, de dezembro de 2015, dos Estados Unidos, 63% das mulheres com 65 anos ou mais procuram por produtos de beleza adequados à sua idade (em comparação com 54% para todas as idades).

Revista IT Mudanças no Consumo A tendencia Green and Lean da Mintel reforça este comportamento. Cada vez mais existe a necessidade de quantificar os benefícios financeiros dos produtos sustentaveis para o consumidor.

Mundo do Marketing Cresce a venda de água engarrafada Mintel O mercado de água engarrafada tem crescido rapidamente nos últimos … As taxas de reciclagem ainda são baixas no Brasil, mas as empresas podem.

Fator Brasil Amendoim é o novo queridinho do brasileiro Segundo análise feita pela ABICAB a partir de dados da Mintel – renomada fornecedora global de dados de mercado –, o Brasil é o quinto país que mais lançou produtos alimentícios com amendoim em todo o mundo.

Portal Nacional dos Seguros Líder em alimentos sem glúten, Schär traz ao mercado brasileiro novidades que atendem à crescente demanda por produtos saudáveis A conclusão é da pesquisa da consultoria Mintel, na qual 30% dos brasileiros demonstraram seu desejo em encontrar mais produtos saudáveis no varejo de alimentos.

Jornal do Commercio/Portal do Amazonas Empresário de Manaus realizam adaptações em tempos de crise Isso pode ser constatado com a pesquisa divulgada pela agência de análise de dados e pesquisa de mercado (Mintel) em que 33% dos brasileiros afirmam que estão gastando menos com alimentação fora de casa, como em restaurantes fast-food.

Exame Kellogg busca em jovens salvação para cereal Um relatório recente da Mintel Group, uma empresa de pesquisas de mercado, apontou que 56 por cento dos jovens pensam que os cereais deveriam ser mais portáteis, enquanto 39 por cento disseram que lavar a louça depois de comer é incômodo.

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