Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 15 February 2016
Mintel in the Media is a review of the past week, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:
Wall Street Journal Men do laundry their way From consumer researcher Mintel’s annual laundry survey of approximately 2,000 consumers, split roughly evenly between women and men, researchers found that the jump is particularly stark with men, age 18 to 34, with 67% saying they were “mainly responsible for the laundry” last year, up from 44% in 2013.
Chicago Tribune Abbott Labs launches snack bars “Consumers are interested in health, but they don’t want it to come at the expense of taste and flavor in their snacks,” said Amanda Topper, senior food analyst at Mintel, a market research firm. “Flavor continues to be a purchase driver.”
USA Today One Nation: Millennials help fuel surge in crowdfunding for health care, other causes The trend is backed up by a survey from market research firm Mintel, which identified education as the top concern for millennials.
Time Magazine We’re So Over Pushy Makeup Salespeople A new Mintel market research report found that nearly half of American shoppers who buy beauty products would rather turn to their mobile device to get information about beauty products, even if they’re in a store where salespeople are on hand, and 16% specifically choose stores where the salespeople won’t strike up a conversation unless the customer approaches them first.
Bloomberg Abbott Brings `Salted Decadence’ Bars to Crowded Snack Aisle A July 2015 report from the research firm Mintel found that 94 percent of Americans snack every day.
Business Insider A dramatic shift in how Americans think is killing the diet industry “Consumers are not dieting in the traditional sense anymore – being on programs or buying foods specific to programs,” Mintel analyst Marissa Gilbert said to NPR. “And there’s greater societal acceptance of different body sizes.”
ABC News (VIDEO) Death of the ‘diet’: Study says most Americans do not like the word Mintel, a market research firm, found 94 percent of the 2,000 people they surveyed did not identify as ‘dieters.’
Marketwatch What Chipotle’s farm-to-fork approach looks like post-food safety scandals Thus farm-to-table, despite its ability to attract customers, “is more than just a marketing and a purchasing strategy,” said Paul Pendola, a food service director at market research firm Mintel.
QSR Magazine Unpredictable Proteins Among Expected 2016 Trends The Mintel Foodservice team has identified and analyzed five trends set to hit the mainstream in the U.S. foodservice industry this year, including implications for companies and brands.
Prepared Foods Modern Life Combats Health The conveniences of modern life in the US may be getting in the way of 2016 New Year’s resolutions, as new research from Mintel reveals that 43% of Americans agree that living a modern lifestyle makes it very difficult to be healthy.
Marketwatch What the ATM of the future will look like For example, about 44% of consumers would be interested in a mobile app that allows them to make a cash withdrawal without using a bank card, according to a survey of almost 2,000 Internet users with a checking and/or savings account conducted by market-research firm Mintel in November 2014.
Food Business News Mintel: France overtakes the U.S. in pizza innovation New research from Mintel finds that following consumer demand, the number of pizzas launched globally with a gluten-free claim soared 58% between 2012-15.
Progressive Grocer Mintel: Americans Want to Live Healthy, But They’re Struggling New research from Mintel, Healthy Lifestyles US 2015, reveals that 43 percent of Americans agree that living a modern lifestyle makes it very difficult to be healthy.
MediaPost What Food And Beverage Marketers Can Learn From The Presidential Primaries Mintel recently reported on a trend they called “Balance or Bust,” where consumers weren’t finding comfort in a moderate middle. Rather, they were finding harmony in embracing extremes in creating their own personalized sense of harmony.
Financial Times Crisps lose their crunch as Britons go nuts for popcorn Sales in Britain of potato crisps fell to £1.34bn in 2015 — the second consecutive year of decline — and were outsold for the first time by other snacks, according to a report on crisps, nuts and savoury snacks released on Wednesday by Mintel, the consumer research group.
The Telegraph Popcorn no longer just for the cinema as sales more than double Sales of popcorn reach estimated £129 million thanks to healthier lifestyles, according to Mintel research, while sales of crisps fall by £50 million.
London Evening Standard What your choice of office snack really says about you The amount spent annually on regular crisps in the UK is falling, from £1.39bn in 2013 to an estimated £1.34 billion in 2015, according to Mintel research.
The Guardian Crunch time for crisps as posh popcorn explodes According to the market research firm Mintel, the amount spent annually on regular crisps in this country has fallen from £1.39bn in 2013 to an estimated £1.34bn in 2015.
The Times Crunch time for crisps Popcorn sales also more than doubled in five years to reach £129 million last year, Mintel found.
BBC London and ITV News Richard Perks discusses the launch of easyFoodStore and its impact on the retail sector in the UK.
BBC World Rebecca McGrath discusses the Online Dating market and the business of love live on BBC World News.
Channel 4 Supershoppers Richard Caines discusses the toilet paper market and the potential for washlets.
Marketing Magazine Gender stereotyping: can brands fight sexism or merely dabble in tokenism? According to Mintel research 17% of men aged 16-24 found that the use of male models in ads made them more self conscious about their looks.
Marketing Week How wearables are changing the face of sports brands Brits purchased three million fitness bands and smartwatches last year, up 118% on 2014, according to data from Mintel.
The Times Wiggle deal may leave less room for rivals Michael Oliver, senior leisure and media analyst at Mintel, said: “It is hard to see the business case, other than to take a competitor out of the marketplace. I think the independent bike trade will be quite worried about this.”
Metro Metro Bites A third of Britons have eaten ‘free-from’ foods which do not contain ingredients such as gluten.
The Guardian Growing trend for ‘athleisure’ fashion sees Lululemon’s fortunes rise “Sports brands focusing on women such as Sweaty Betty and Lululemon have helped redefine the female sports market by selling fashionable and feminine gym and yoga clothes that are comfortable,” Amanda Lintott from Mintel said.
The Telegraph The death of Valentine’s Day as we know it? “There is a lot of sentiment in the market that Valentine’s Day has become too commercialised,” said Nick Carroll, a retail analyst at Mintel.
The Sunday Telegraph My love is like a red rose shipped all the way from Africa Among the more popular presents are a day out making chocolate and home-made brunch, analysts at Mintel said.
B&L MedienGesellschaft Markt für Trinkjoghurt wächst weiter Die Marktforschungsagentur Mintel sieht speziell in würzigen Sorten wie sie soeben von Chobani eingeführt wurden, großes Potenzial.
Die Welt Vom Obdachlosen zum Seifen-Millionär Die Marke sei insofern einzigartig, dass sie verschiedene Elemente wie Optik, Geruch und Haptik mit dem Einkaufserlebnis verbinde, erklärt Jamie Rosenberg, Analyst für Körperpflegeprodukte beim Marktforschungsdienst Mintel. “Für ein Unternehmen im traditionell nicht sonderlich innovativen Seifensegment ist Lush sehr erfinderisch”, urteilt Rosenberg.
Wiadomosci Handlowe Rośnie liczba bezglutenowych nowości na światowym rynku pizzy – raport Badania firmy Mintel potwierdzają, że w odpowiedzi na zapotrzebowanie konsumentów liczba wprowadzanych do sprzedaży pizz, które producenci reklamują jako wolne od glutenu, wzrosła w latach 2012 – 2015 o 58%. Polski rynek pizzy wśród najbardziej innowacyjnych W 2015 roku 4 proc. wszystkich nowych pizz wprowadzanych do obrotu na świecie miało swoją premierę w Polsce, co uplasowało nasz kraj na ósmym miejscu w rankingu dziesięciu najbardziej innowacyjnych rynków pizzy na świecie – wynika z analiz firmy badawczej Mintel. La France, la plus innovante au monde en matière de pizza La France est devenue cette année le marché le plus innovant au monde en matière de pizza, si l’on en croit l’étude Mintel qui vient de paraître.
Portalspoż Polska wśród 10 najbardziej innowacyjnych rynków pizzy na świecie – raport W 2015 roku 4 proc. wszystkich nowych pizz wprowadzanych do obrotu na świecie miało swoją premierę w Polsce, co uplasowało nasz kraj na ósmym miejscu w rankingu dziesięciu najbardziej innowacyjnych rynków pizzy na świecie – wynika z analiz firmy badawczej Mintel.
La Repubblica Bellezza lowcost istruzioni per l’uso Oltre a 6,7 mila rossetti e prodotti per le labbra e oltre 6 mila nuove creme per il viso, secondo l’ultimo report del Centro Studi di Cosmetica Italia su dati Mintel.
Več Dvije milijarde ljudi danas radi u proizvodnji hrane No, unatoč tome što najveći proizvođači mogu biti i dobro ocijenjeni po pitanjima transparentnosti, prošlogodišnjim istraživanjem britanske tvrtke Mintel zaključeno je da potrošači u dobi od 21 do 38 godina dvostruko manje vjeruju korporacijama.
Puro Marketing Lo retro y lo vintage siempre vuelve porque siempre vende Como apuntan desde Mintel, el 17% de los adultos estadounidenses aun posee una consola Nintendo de las antiguas y porcentajes muy similares lo hacen con modelos del passado de PlayStation o Xbox.
Die Welt Briten stürmen den ersten Easyjet-Supermarkt Branchenexperten zweifeln jedoch daran, dass sich mit dem Konzept Geld verdienen lässt. “Ist das eine Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung? Oder ein rentables Geschäftsmodell? Das ist nicht klar”, wundert sich Richard Perks, Leiter der Abteilung für Einzelhandels-Research beim Marktforschungsinstitut Mintel. Chips are down: how development of potato snacking products has slowed Mintel found that more than a third (35%) of Brits had eaten popcorn in a recent three-month period, rising to almost half (49%) of those aged 16 to 34 years.
Berner Zeitung Welt ohne Schokolade? Doch multipliziert man den Konsum der Inder mit den 1,2 Milliarden Einwohnern im Land, entspricht das dem Gewicht von rund 30 000 Asiatischen Elefanten. Und der Konsum wird laut dem Marktforschungsinstitut Mintel im Jahr 2019 um 60 Prozent zunehmen.
Verpackungs Rundschau Verpackungstrends – Die Top 10 Das globale Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel glaubt, dass 2016 der Wendepunkt für den digitalen Verpackungsdruck kommt. Markeninhaber und Verpackungshersteller beginnen, den Digitaldruck nicht nur für begrenzte Auflagen und Personalisierungen zu nutzen, sondern sie nutzen auch die ökonomischen Vorteile sowie die Speed-to-Market für die grafische Gestaltung von Mainstream-Verpackungen.
Cosmétique Magazine Les textures passent dans le transfo “Cet interet vient notamment de l’engougement pour les produits asiatiques, aux galeniques tres avancees”, affirme Emmanuelle Moeglin, global beauty analyst chez Mintel.
O Estado de S. Paulo Mercado de beleza investe em alta tecnologia De acordo com a Mintel, Pesquisa Global de Mercado e Insights, a água, por exemplo, está prestes a se tornar um dos bens mais caros do mundo.
América Economia Especial microcervejarias: setor cresce e se torna tendência Um estudo realizado pela Agência de Inteligência de Mercados (Mintel) aponta que o negócio de cervejas especiais (artesanais e premium) cresceu 36% de 2010 a 2013.
Correio Braziliense Empréstimo familiar para pagar contas Uma pesquisa da Mintel _ agência mundial de inteligência de mercado _ mostra que 18% dos brasileiros, de todos os grupos socioeconômicos, concordam com a frase: “Tenho dificuldades em arcar com os meus gastos totais sem pedir ajuda financeira a outras pessoas (por exemplo, pais e parentes)”.
TV Globo (Amazonas) Mais de 30% dos consumidores da Região Norte gastam menos com lazer Mintel is mentioned at the 00:49 mark of the program.
Band News radio Economista fala do consumo do brasileiro mediante a crise An economist comments on Mintel’s Marketing to the Middle Classes report findings.
Galileu Estou doente, mas estou na moda Em 2014, só nos Estados Unidos, 22% da população seguiu uma dieta sem gluten, segundo uma pesquisa do grupo Mintel.
Época Negócios Ufa! Tem Dinheiro na Rede No Brasil, os marketplaces dfeverão movimentar R$ 115 bilhões em 2018, registrando um aumento de 130% no periodo de cinco anos, segundo relatório da consultoria Mintel.
Agora SP Brasileiros cortam despesas com refeições fora de casa e com lazer, diz pesquisa Segundo levantamento feito pela agência de pesquisas Mintel, 56% dos brasileiros de classe média estão gastando menos com refeições fora de casa e com lazer.
DCI Busca pela saúde levou atleta para ramo da comida pronta De acordo com a consultoria Mintel, no ano passado, 60% dos brasileiros afirmavam tentar se manter em forma fazendo exercícios físicos ou praticando esportes. O levantamento mostra ainda que 41% da população concorda com a afirmação ‘prefiro comer alimentos frescos e preparados na hora’.
Destak Jornal 1 em 3 corta gasto com comida fora e lazer Levantamento da Mintel, especialista em inteligência de mídia e mercado, mostra que praticamente um em cada 3 brasileiros reduziu em janeiro, em relação a um ano antes, os gastos com lazer e refeição fora de casa.
Mundo do Marketing Brasileiros gastam menos com entretenimento e refeição fora de casa Mais da metade da população (56%) compra menos serviços relacionados a vida cotidiana, como comer fora e entretenimento. Levantamento realizado pela Mintel mostra que atualmente 33% dos brasileiros estão gastando menos com alimentação fora de casa.
Meio & Mensagem Classe C ainda valoriza publicidade tradicional A classe C é a mais propensa a procurar promoções na TV. Segundo o estudo “Marketing para a Classe Média”, realizado pela Mintel, 25% dos consumidores de classe média afirmam prestar mais atenção em anúncios da mídia tradicional em vez de mídia online, saltando para 35% entre as mulheres acima dos 35 anos.
Globo (G1) 1 em cada 3 brasileiros reduziu gasto com refeição fora de casa e lazer Em tempos de recessão, a maioria dos brasileiros está gastando menos com entretenimento e refeição fora de casa, segundo pesquisa da Mintel, multinacional fornecedora de inteligência de mídia e mercado.
Revista H&C Tendencia dos coloridos cria necessidade de novas alternativas em produtos de cuidados com o cabelo em casa Do cabelo da Madonna, com pontas tingidas de rosa, as (sempre em mudança) madeixas da Kate Perry, que podem ser em arco-iris, pastel e rosa, elas estão na moda.
Revista Leite e Derivados O Ano do Desafio Outra tendência anunciada pela Mintel para 2016, vem ganhando fortes contornos no Brasil: produtos com uma historia legitima para contar.
Campaign India Gender stereotyping: Can brands fight sexism or merely dabble in tokenism? According to Mintel research 17% of men aged 16-24 found that the use of male models in ads made them more self conscious about their looks.
The Star Online Abbott to sell new line of nutritional bars A July 2015 report from the research firm Mintel found that 94% of Americans snack every day.
Afaqs McDonald’s gets health conscious According to global research agency Mintel, nearly 75 per cent of millennial consumers say they want to experience more flavours at restaurants.
Viet Bao Viet Nam Đau lưng ở người trẻ tuổi – Hậu quả do ngồi nhiều Theo Michelle Strutton – một chuyên gia đến từ Mintel, việc tiêu tốn quá nhiều thời gian ngồi trước màn hình ti-vi hoặc máy tính khiến cơ bắp của chúng ta yếu đi và lâu dần sẽ dẫn tới đau lưng.
China Daily Asia Foreign brands look to profit from the monkey Philix Liu, an analyst of Asia-Pacific trends at Mintel Group, said Chinese consumers and brands have put a lot of effort into marketing with a Year of the Monkey theme thanks mainly to the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West.
Singapore News Popcorn no longer just for the cinema as sales more than double Sales of popcorn reach estimated £129 million thanks to healthier lifestyles, according to Mintel research, while sales of crisps fall by £50 million.
Singapore News Mintel study finds stress at work is driving us to reach for the biscuits One in three British workers are turning to comfort food such as chocolate and biscuits to deal with stress, a survey has revealed.
South China Morning Post Kung Hei Fat Choy! What to expect in China’s Year of the Monkey Consulting firm Mintel found more than half of Chinese mothers control the family budget and that women are more willing to try new products and experiences than men.
Daily Times Chocolates and doughnuts as well : Stress at work drives employees to reach for the biscuit tin The figures come from retail analysts Mintel, who found something of a stress epidemic among workers, with 70 percent admitting to problems.
Sourcing Journal Online Clean Lines, Soothing Layers: What Consumers Want in Today’s Bedding “Opportunities exist in the home linens category for brands to emphasize product innovations, such as linens that prevent bed bugs or that improve sleep, as well as focusing on quality in order to attract consumers,” said Mintel’s Margie Nanninga, home and personal care analyst, in a report.
뉴스zum [리얼푸드] 해조류가 육류 대용으로?…독일서 슈퍼푸드로 부상 – 뉴스zum 영국의 시장조사기관인 민텔(Mintel) 조사 결과에 따르면, 독일인 5명 중 3명은 “단백질 대체 식품으로 해조를 섭취하고 싶다”고 밝혔다.
Canadian Press Restaurants from Seinfeld, Friends popping up to cash in on nostalgia The iconic fictional hangout re-creations are part of a trend as entrepreneurs and restaurateurs evoke nostalgia to lure in customers — a marketing ploy often used in retail. “If everybody else is doing that, why not restaurants?” said Carol Wong-Li, a senior analyst of Canadian lifestyle and leisure at Mintel.
Grocery Business Consumer Trends: Consumers Start Families Joel Gregoire’s article shares Mintel research on lifestyle trends among Canadian Millennials as they begin families.
Bakers Journal Trending 2016 Mintel identified this concept of yin and yang in its 2016 North American consumer trends report.
Yahoo Finance Investing for (Chocolate) Lovers: How to Buy Cocoa Stocks In the U.S., the world’s biggest market for the sweet treat, chocolate confectionery sales reached $21 billion last year, up 24 percent from 2009. Sales are projected to hit $25 billion by 2019, according to market research firm Mintel.
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