Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 26 February 2016
Mintel in the Media is a review of the past week, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:
New York Times Cereal, a Taste of Nostalgia, Looks for Its Next Chapter Almost half of all American baby boomers and nearly 40 percent of the generation born before them say the cereals they loved as children remain their favorites, according to an August 2015 report by Mintel, the global market research company.
USA Today Haters gonna hate: Millennial defends not eating cereal choice “Almost 40 percent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.”
Today Show (VIDEO) Some millennials find eating cereal to be ‘too inconvenient’ According to a new article posted by the New York Times, almost 40 percent of millennials surveyed for a Mintel report say they don’t eat cereal because it’s too much trouble to clean up the bowl and spoon afterward.
CBS This Morning (VIDEO) Why Millennials don’t eat cereal On Monday, the New York Times published a story about the breakfast favorite, and the most disconcerting part was this: almost 40 percent of the Millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.
The Washington Post The baffling reason many millennials don’t eat cereal On Monday, the New York Times published a story about the breakfast favorite, and the most disconcerting part was this: Almost 40 percent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.
Business Insider Millennials aren’t eating cereal because it’s too much work Almost 40% of millennials surveyed by Mintel said that cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice, because they have to clean up after eating it, reports the New York Times.
Chicago Tribune Beauty brands hope virtual makeovers encourage shoppers to try new looks It’s a vexing problem for beauty retailers who sometimes struggle to convince shoppers to try new things, said Diana Smith, senior research analyst with market research firm Mintel.
Adweek Magazine Why Blue Apron, Hello Fresh and Plated Must Step Up Their Marketing Game Jenny Zegler, global food and drink analyst at Mintel, doesn’t see much longevity in the trend, either. “By teaching people how to cook, they could be making themselves redundant,” she said.
USA Today Laundry Biz Reacts as More Men Wash Their Own Clothes The Journal’s data comes from a survey by consumer research firm Mintel, which found that last year 60 percent of men aged 35 to 54 did their own laundry. The biggest increase, however, came from men aged 18 to 34. Some 67 percent now do their own laundry, a figure that grew by 23 percent since 2013.
Marketwatch Why companies are making laundry detergent just for men “We talk about companies who want to try to find that ‘white space’ opportunity, that empty spot in the market that needs to be filled with something,” said Lynn Dornblaser, the director of innovation and insight at market-research firm Mintel.
Forbes The Hot New Thing That Consumers Are Buying According to new statistics by Mintel, nearly one in five consumers are planning on increasing discretionary spending month-over-month.
CNBC Craft beer under threat from the mega-brewers “In the U.S., as well as the U.K., there has been an intensification of big brewers acquiring craft players,” Jonny Forsyth, global drinks analyst at Mintel, told CNBC via email.
MediaPost Bottled Water Sales Set Record In 2015 Bottled water sales reached record levels last year as Americans continued to turn to healthier alternatives to carbonated beverages, reports Mintel.
London Fashion Week The British Fashion Industry & London Fashion Week Facts & Figures Mintel Group Ltd today releases new statistics about the fashion accessories market: £2.7billion worth of fashion accessories sales in the UK in 2015. This is a 3.4% rise from 2014.
BBC World News Live interview with Jonny Forsyth Jonny Forsyth discusses the latest AB InBev results and the impact on the global beer market.
The Guardian How the simplest hot drink became pudding in a cup A report for Mintel found that global chai latte product launches (for home drinkers) in the year to September 2015 had increased by 20%.
Daily Mail The Bake Off effect strikes again: Sales of specialist kitchen gadgets have DOUBLED in the past five years thanks to cooking shows (but would you pay £200 for kettle?) And consumer analysts Mintel, who produced the report, forecast kitchen gadget sales to reach a new record of £976 million this year.
The Observer Purity, cleanliness, guilt and modern diets High levels of prime-time TV exposure for cookery, including The Great British Bake Off and MasterChef, is creating interest in top-of-the-range food preparation equipment, says Jane Westgarth, senior retail analyst at Mintel, which released the stats.
Marketing Week Why Fitbit is shifting focus from fitness to fashion Analysts Mintel revealed this is a 41 per cent increase in spending over five years, thanks to a variety of factors.
Daily Mail The Bake Off effect strikes again: Sales of specialist kitchen gadgets have DOUBLED in the past five years thanks to cooking shows (but would you pay £200 for kettle?) The study from consumer analysts Mintel found sales of small kitchen appliances are up 41 per cent in the past five years to a record breaking £897m in 2015.
Metro Great Bake Off craze whips up gadget sales Jane Westgarth of analysts Mintel said The Great British Bake Off, The Hairy Bikers and Masterchef were ‘creating interest in top of the range food preparation equipment and healthy eating trends have helped drive demand for blenders, liquidisers and juicers.’
Marketing Week Why Fitbit is shifting focus from fitness to fashion Last year saw 31 per cent of British women buy a handbag and of those who did, 29 per cent bought a smaller type such as a clutch bag, retail analysts Mintel said.
Daily Mail Why less is more when it comes to a new handbag: Third of women now go for smaller clutch and grab bags Last year saw 31 per cent of British women buy a handbag and of those who did, 29 per cent bought a smaller type such as a clutch bag, retail analysts Mintel said.
Metro Small change… As handbag demand slows down More than one in four women who have bought a bag in the past year say they prefer the petite variety – such as grab bags or clutch purses, according to analysts Mintel.
The Telegraph Mock meat: the rise of the vegetarian butcher According to consumer research group Mintel, the value of meat-free food sales in the UK rose from £543 million in 2009 to £657 million in 2014.
The Grocer Young’s targets gluten avoiders with new fish fingers in main aisles Young’s hopes that by appealing to the one in six consumers actively avoiding wheat and gluten [Mintel].
The Daily Telegraph Hindmarch banks on bejewelled straps in battle of the handbags‘ High levels of prime-time TV exposure for cookery, including The Great British Bake Off and MasterChef, is creating interest in top-of-the-range food preparation equipment,’ says Jane Westgarth, senior retail analyst at Mintel, which released the stats.
Campaign Asia Smart strategy? Brands believe intelligence can boost white-goods sales Mintel’s Online to Offline Retailing report says 74 per cent of Chinese consumers agreed interactive activities help them make purchases.
Do Marketing 2016年百事可乐要用Emoji营销挑战可口可乐 能逆袭吗? 根据调研机构Mintel最新报告,2016年将是数字包装印刷发展具有转折点的一年,数字印刷将不再仅仅运用于品牌产品的私人订制、限量订制化,而将因其经济实惠、更新上市周期短等优势站上主流包装市场的舞台。
Ringier工业资源网 多功能性令海藻在全球美容市场掀起波澜 根据英敏特的观察——在近期推出的美容及个人护理消费产品中,海藻再一次证明了它作为一种成分具有的多功能性,而且这一次,它很有可能在全球身体护理市场掀起波澜。
新华网 进口葡萄酒降价是好是坏? 全球領先的消費、産品和市場情報供應商英敏特(Mintel)最新發佈的行業分析報告指出,到2017年中國葡萄酒市場消費能力將達到28.27億升,消費總額達到938億元人民幣,增長幅度達102.5%。
一财网 她将“维秘”内衣卖了500亿人民币 但为什么现在要辞职了? “中国的高级内衣市场增长强劲。主要是因为中国人的人均收入在不断增加,这也让更多消费者想要买质量上乘、价格更高的产品。”咨询公司Mintel的亚太区研究员Matthew Crabbe说。
China Daily Economic slowdown, cool summer shrink brew sales The beer market in China is maturing as total sales volume over the past few years has slowed and finally experienced a drop of 1 percent in 2014, according to a report released in December by Mintel Group Ltd.
China Daily Crafting beer with Chinese characteristics China’s overall beer market is worth an estimated 543.3 billion yuan-the world’s largest by volume at 47.5 billion liters, according to Simon Moriarty, head of emerging markets research at Mintel Research.
China Daily Chinese buyers buoy Shiseido sales Laurie Du, an analyst at Mintel Group Ltd, the United Kingdom-based research firm, said Chinese consumers have gained more awareness of international brands through frequent overseas travel, especially for Japanese goods bought in Japan.”Chinese consumers strongly believe in the competitiveness, quality and price of Japanese products,” she said.
Sohu 英国人眼中的可穿戴产品究竟是什么? 来自Mintel公司2016年1月的数据表明,2015年英国共售出300万可穿戴智能腕带和智能手表,这一数字是2014年的两倍多。
中国糖酒网 从“熊猫精酿”看中国的精酿啤酒市场 市场研究机构英敏特(Mintel)的报告指出,2014年超过18%的消费者饮用过精酿啤酒,34%的酒客愿意为口感更好的精酿啤酒支付更多钱。
Sohu 可可价格继续走高 巧克力厂商如何过好情人节? 根据市场研究机构英敏特(Mintel)的调研,尽管27%的中国消费者不介意购买含有代可可脂的巧克力产品,但多数消费者声称可以从口感中分别出可可与代可可脂的差别。此外,“代可可脂”的说法会给消费者产生负面印象,认为产品不正宗、不健康。
The Straits Times Chinese splurge during Golden Week Mr. Matthew Crabbe, research director at market research firm Mintel, noted that as the wider economy shifts towards a greater dependence on domestic consumption, the Internet will be a key plank in raising its significance.
Asia News Network Chinese splurge during Golden Week Mr. Matthew Crabbe, research director at market research firm Mintel, noted that as the wider economy shifts towards a greater dependence on domestic consumption, the Internet will be a key plank in raising its significance.
Business Insider India Millennials aren’t eating cereal because it’s too much work Almost 40% of millennials surveyed by Mintel said that cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice, because they have to clean up after eating it, reports the New York Times.
뉴스zum [리얼푸드] 해조류가 육류 대용으로?…독일서 슈퍼푸드로 부상 – 뉴스zum 영국의 시장조사기관인 민텔(Mintel) 조사 결과에 따르면, 독일인 5명 중 3명은 “단백질 대체 식품으로 해조를 섭취하고 싶다”고 밝혔다.
DailyFT HSBC CFW showcases importance of menswear in fashion business Although trends tend to move more slowly in menswear, research by Mintel suggests wearing clothes that feel current (as opposed to bowler hats or spats, presumably) is an increasingly important factor for young British men.
HT Syndication Third of women now go for clutches : Why less is more when it comes to a new handbag Last year saw 31 percent of British women buy a handbag and of those who did, 29 percent bought a smaller type such as a clutch bag, retail analysts Mintel said.
Asia Pacific Food Online Food Labels — The Claim To Success Featured According to an analysis by Amanda Topper and Katrina Fajardo from Mintel, 59 percent of consumers aged 18-24 (otherwise known as young millenials) are skeptical about health related claims despite actively looking for clean product labels.
Hànộimới Online Đau lưng ở người trẻ tuổi – Hậu quả do ngồi nhiều Cuộc khảo sát đã được thực hiện bởi các chuyên gia đến từ công ty nghiên cứu Mintel (Anh). Kết quả cho thấy, 2/5 dân số Anh đang phải chịu đựng chứng đau lưng và đây cũng là một trong 5 chứng bệnh phổ biến tại đất nước này, bên cạnh cảm lạnh, nhức đầu, đau họng và ho.
Frozen Food Europe Seasonal innovations create warming flavors This performance is significant in a category that is inherently seasonal. Mintel’s Ice Cream and Desserts – UK, June 2015 report revealed that 48% of category users eat ice cream to cool down in hot weaher, ranking it as the second most common occasion behind “when I feel like a treat.”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Happy Shopping in London Laut einer Mintel-Umfrage haben 51 Prozent aller Britinnen 2015 eine neue Handtasche gekauft.
Premium Beauty Les Américains recourent de plus en plus à la technologie pour leurs achats de cosmétiques Une étude de Mintel révèle qu’en magasin 45% des acheteurs de produits de beauté préfèrent chercher des informations sur les produits via leur appareil mobile plutôt que de demander l’aide d’un vendeur.
TK Report Minus 18 Eis ohne Milch: Der Markt boomt Speiseeis ohne Milch ist klar im Kommen, ermittelte die Agentur Mintel in einer Umfrage. Danach waren 63 Prozent von 1.840 befragten deutschen Internetnutzer über 16 Jahren an milchfreien Alternativen interessiert, zum Beispiel an Speiseeis, das mit Mandel- oder Kokosnussmilch hergestellt wurde.
Neue Verpackung Online Nachhaltige Verpackung im Fokus „Nachhaltigkeit wird sich von einer Nebensächlichkeit zu einem notwendigen Bestandteil bei dem Entwurf neuer Produktinnovationen entwickeln“, meint das Marktforschungsinstitut Mintel in seiner Studie „Global Food and Drink Trends 2016“.
Foodaktuell Weltweiter Boom von glutenfreien Fertigpizzen Laut einer neuen Untersuchung von Mintel ist aufgrund der verstärkten Verbrauchernachfrage die Anzahl der weltweit auf den Markt gebrachten Fertigpizzen mit dem Zusatz glutenfrei zwischen dem Jahr 2012 und dem Jahr 2015 um 58% gestiegen.
Verslo žinios Ką gersime šiais metais„ Kavos gėrimų pardavimai panašiais tempais turėtų augti iki pat 2020 metų“, – mano Elizabeth Sisel, JAV tyrimų bendrovės „Mintel“ analitikė.
L’Eco Di Bergamo Sei ingrassato? Ecco il motivo Tutta colpa dello stress sul lavoro La conferma viene da un recente studio effettuato dalla Mintel, la società britannica che indaga gli orientamenti dei consumatori, secondo cui un impiegato su tre consuma alimenti ipercalorici come biscotti, patatine o pasticcini per «affrontare» una forte condizione di stress sul posto di lavoro.
Germany Trade & Invest Weinimporte der VR China auf Rekordniveau Nach einer Mintel-Untersuchung waren die zehn meistverkauften Weine in China 2011 alle lokaler Provenienz und hielten gemeinsam einen mengenmäßigen Anteil von 26%.
Puro Marketing El retorno a las tiendas de siempre o por qué grandes del ecommerce apuestan por las tiendas offline Como explicaban en un analisis en Mintel tras la apertura de la liberia de Amazon, el movimiento de la firma “habla del deseo del consumidor por una experienca personal, en person” en sus processo de compra.
Kommersant Money Мясо убитых растений По данным исследовательской группы Mintel, за последние пять лет продажи “безмясных” продуктов в Великобритании выросли с £543 млн до £657 млн.
El País El pasado vuelve para quedarse El que compra nostalgia está dispuesto a afrontar un gasto mayor, y lo hace porque le genera bienestar, según apunta un informe de la agencia de inteligencia de mercado Mintel. Trostessen: Stress verleitet zu ungesunder Nahrung In den vergangenen 12 Monaten stand Trostessen für die Briten an erster Stelle, um Stress zu bewältigen. 33 Prozent der Beschäftigen greifen zu ungesundem Essen, weitere 30 zu Alkohol und 15 Prozent zu Zigaretten», erklärte das Mintel-Team.
Portalspoż Polacy stali się bardziej świadomymi konsumentami kawy Z analiz firmy Mintel wynika, że ogólna konsumpcja kawy w Polsce to 2,8 kg na jednego mieszkańca rocznie, co jest stosunkowo niskim poziomem w porównaniu do innych rynków europejskich. Pozostawia to ogromne możliwości dla dalszych innowacji i rozwoju rynku.
Toronto Star Millennials say cereal is more trouble than it’s worth “Almost 40 per cent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.”
Marketing Magazine Millennials: Hard-working, budget-conscious, stressed According to a new survey from Mintel, Canadian millennials 18-34 view themselves as being accepting and open minded (67%). However, the majority agree that older generations see them as entitled/spoiled (63%) or self-centred/narcissistic (57%).
Strategy How millennials see themselves Mintel and Lightspeed GMI surveyed 739 internet users between the ages of 18 and 34, asking them about their perceptions of themselves, how they believe other generations perceive them and what their true priorities are.
The Globe and Mail Omnivores sink teeth into meat-alternatives market A study by global research company Mintel found that of the 36 per cent of Americans who bought meat substitutes, only 7 per cent identified as vegetarian.
Canadian Pizza Magazine Report offers insight into motivating Canadian millennials Canadian millennials do not see themselves as fitting in with the stereotypical labels given to their generation, new research from Mintel suggests.
Strategy Boomers by the numbers Here, we break down some recent numbers from Media Technology Monitor and Mintel on how boomers are getting their info and how they spend their dollars.
Yahoo Canada Coca-Cola finds smaller is better (and more profitable) “It is somewhat surprising that smaller cans can have a strong impact on Coca-Cola’s earnings, but when we look at what Canadians identify CSDs (carbonated soft drinks) with, it absolutely makes sense,” says Joel Gregoire, a senior food and drink analyst at market insight firm Mintel.
Yahoo Finance Canada Hamburg bans coffee pods, is Canada next? According to research from Mintel, nearly half of Canadian coffee drinkers say they have a single-serve coffee machine at home and an additional 21 per cent say that while they don’t currently own one, they are interested in buying one.
Supermercado Moderno Maior notoriedade a marcas reconhecidas pela transparência é um exemplo Pesquisa da consultoria internacional Mintel identificou quatro comportamentos para este ano.
El Economista Éxito de la fusión de AB InBev depende de recortes de gastos en Latinoamérica Según datos de la consultora Mintel, desde 2017 el crecimiento del consumo de cerveza en Brasil se desacelerará a un promedio de apenas 0.6 por ciento al año hasta 2019 debido a una población cada vez más consciente de la salud y en un proceso de envejecimiento sostenido.
Revista H&C newsletter Frase da semana “A alga marinha tem mostrado a sua versatilidade como ingrediente, estando presente em vários lançamentos recentes de produtos de consumo, mas agora ela também surge fortemente no mercado global de cosméticos para o corpo.” David Tyrrell – Analista global de cuidados faciais, beleza e higiene pessoal da Mintel.
Packing Cosmetica Inteligentes, pessoais e para qualquer ocasião De olho em 2016, a consutoria britânica Mintel anunciou as seis principais tendências que, de acordo com os seus especialistas, impactarão os mercados globais de embalagem durante o ano.
Cliente SA Marketing branding e o Ser consumidor De acordo com o relatório Mintel de Tendências de Consumo 2016, os consumidores brasileiros estão explorando modelos de compra alternativos como compartilhamento, aluguel e troca.
E-commerce Brasil Online ou off-line: classe C ainda valoriza publicidade tradicional A classe C é a mais propensa a procurar promoções na TV. Segundo o estudo “Marketing para a Classe Média”, realizado pela Mintel, 25% dos consumidores de classe média afirmam prestar mais atenção em anúncios da mídia tradicional em vez de mídia online.
Beef Point Cinco tendências de food service da indústria americana em 2016 A Mintel Foodservice, de Chicago, identificou e analisou cinco tendências que deverão moldar a indústria de foodservice dos Estados Unidos em 2016.
Supermercado Moderno Consumidores ainda preferem marcas conhecidas de café 20% dos consumidores ainda optam por comprar cafés de marcas já conhecidas como Nescafé e 3 Corações. Hoje, apenas 7% se arriscam nas novas opções, indica o relatório da Mintel, empresa global de inteligência de mídia.
Doce Revista Um ano complicadoApesar de focalizar apenas o primeiro semestre de 2015, esse resultado certamente influenciou o período seguinte, com reflexos diretos no varejo nacional, conforme já haviam captado as planilhas da Mintel.
Doce Revista O que muda no visual _ As seis correntes em embalagem que irão impactar os mercados globais em 2016 Com foco em embalagens, a Mintel anunciou as seis principais tendências que impactarão os mercados globais durante o ano e suas implicações para consumidores e marcas.
A Crítica Famílias mudam hábitos para controlar o orçamento familiar durante a crise Mais da metade dos brasileiros reduziram o consumo de produtos e serviços. É o que comprovou a pesquisa realizada pela Mintel, em janeiro deste ano.
Revista Santa Cruz Os queridinhos do verãoDe acordo com o relatório Mintel Bronzeador e Protetor Solar, Brasil, 22% dos participantes disseram comprar novos produtos de cuidados com o sol quando a estação chega.
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