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Mintel in the Media – This week's highlights, 3 March 2016

March 3, 2016

Mintel in the Media is a review of the past week, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights include:


The Guardian Spending pennies: UK shoppers buy cheaper toilet paper to cut costs This has wiped 6% off the value of what is euphemistically called the soft hygienic tissue paper market in the UK. It has shrunk from £1.19bn in 2011 to £1.12bn in 2015, according to a new report from market research company Mintel.

The Times Cramped budgets force loo roll sales down the pan Concern for the environment was notably lacking, according to Mintel, the market research group, with only one person in ten agreeing that using toilet tissue made from recycled paper was important.

Daily Star STAR BURST Brits have wiped £75 million off their spending on toilet roll in the past five years. Sales fell from £1,192m in 2011 to £1,11m in 2015, analyst Mintel said.

Daily Mirror WE’RE NOT FLUSH Sales of loo roll have sunk 6% in five years as Brits try to save cash. Analysts Mintel found that almost six in 10 families have cut back.

The Sun LOO ROLL SALES HIT BOTTOM Jack Duckett, of Mintel, said: “The increasing popularity of the discount retail sector has negatively impacted value sales of toilet tissue.”

Marketing Week The supermarkets will have to step up their ecommerce game after Amazon/Morrisons deal “So for Amazon it makes sense to get Morrisons on board,” says Richard Perks, director of retail research at Mintel.

The Guardian Is the Sunday roast over – or just getting posher? “I was surprised because I would think they are popular,” says Chris Wisson, a senior food and drink analyst at Mintel.

The Times The lowdown Cereal I read this Mintel report on the dramatic decline in cereal sales and I was like, of course! The study showed nearly 40 per cent of Millennials consider it an inconvenient breakfast choice “because they had to clean up after eating it.”

The Independent Dragons’ Den’s Scott Cupit’s male stripper routine at a hen party went down a little too well According to Mintel, 40 per cent of young people surveyed said that cereal was “inconvenient” because “you have to wash up after eating it.”

The Grocer Brewdog releases over 200 beer recipes to public BrewDog said the move was unprecedented – a claim supported by Mintel senior drinks analyst Chris Wisson. “We’ve seen similar kinda of things in other markets – such as McDonalds ‘Ask us anything’ campaign – but nothing quite like this,” he said.

Daily Mail Millennials ‘too lazy’ to eat cereal: Forty per cent of younger generation skip traditional breakfast because they don’t want to do washing up  Instead, many are choosing to the convenience of protein bars or skip breakfast altogether rather than clean up after themselves, according to a Mintel report in the New York Times.

Express.co.uk Boost for Bolognese and scratch cooking fans The scratch (home-made not shop bought) factor combined with downward pressure on prices has hit the pasta sauce market recently, according to analyst Mintel.

Morning Advertiser 10 facts to help boost your pub’s pie sales Mintel research showed that overall fat content and saturated fat were the biggest worries of UK adults.


Marketwatch Banks want your voice to be your new password Lily Harder, a vice president of research at market-research firm Mintel, said voice-biometric technology is likely still in its infancy, and it may take some time for customers to trust and use it.

Wall Street Journal Young Men Are Obsessed With Their Hair “Instead of using the female product that’s already in the bathroom, [men] are buying a product of their own,” said Margie Nanninga, home and personal-care analyst at Mintel.

CBS (VIDEO) MoneyWatch New research from Mintel shows sales in the US bottled water category are up more than 6 percent, topping $15 billion in 2015.

ABC News Survey says millennials are too lazy to eat cereal According to a 2015 report from Mintel, 40 percent of millennials surveyed said they considered cereal inconvenient because they had to clean up after eating it.

Forbes 5 High Yield Stocks Benefiting From Low Oil The recent Mintel American Lifestyles 2015 report shows that Americans are planning on increasing vacation travel by 27 percent. It’s a good time to buy stocks that are directly benefiting from this trend.

Fortune Millennials Think Eating Cereal Is Way Too Difficult The newspaper reported that a survey conducted by Mintel, a global research firm, found nearly 40% of millennials consider cereal inconvenient to consume.

Business Insider Weight Watchers has massive problems that even Oprah can’t fix “Consumers are not dieting in the traditional sense anymore – being on programs or buying foods specific to programs,” Mintel analyst Marissa Gilbert said to NPR.

Los Angeles Times California Inc.: Adios, Ahwahnee. Hello, Majestic Yosemite Hotel But what caught our eye was this particular sentence: “Almost 40% of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.”

Food Business News Slideshow: Five food service trends in 2016 The days of exclusively looking to fine dining for the next big food trend are over, said Paul Pendola, director of Foodservice at Mintel, Chicago.

BeverageWorld Magazine Red Bull expands Editions line According to Mintel, flavor ranks as the key factor for consumers as they choose their purchase—over brand, price, caffeine or sugar content.

Beauty Packaging Male Beauty: The Role of Packaging Viktorija Gnatoka, Global Packaging Analyst at Mintel, provides exclusive analysis to Beauty Packaging on the opportunities for development of male-focused personal care product packaging in the US and Brazil.

Beverage Industry U.S. Bottled water market grows 6.4 percent in 2015 As Americans look for better-for-you alternatives to carbonated soft drinks (CSDs), the U.S. bottled water category is reaching unprecedented heights, according to new research from Chicago-based Mintel.

VICE Millennials Don’t Like Cereal Because They Hate Doing Dishes According to a survey by Mintel, almost 40 percent of Millennials aren’t into eating cereal for breakfast. Why? They told Mintel that it was an “inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.”

Happi Magazine Gel Manicures Are Still Trending Although growth in the nail care and color market has slowed since 2013, interest in gel polish manicures continues to be popular. Mintel reveals 23 percent of female consumers have received a gel manicure at a salon in the last year, an increase of 35 percent over 2013 (17 percent).


Lebesmittel Praxis Interview mit Katya Witham: Ohne Getreide ist Trend Die Deutschen greifen seltener zu verpackten Brot- und Backwaren. Welche Optionen es für Hersteller und Handel gibt, das weiß Katya Witham, Senior Food and Drink Analyst bei der Meinungsforschungsagentur Mintel.

Wiadomosci Handlowe Z lodów wycieka mleko Sześciu na 10 Polaków przyznaje, że aktywnie ogranicza konsumpcję żywności zawierającej dużo cukru, tłuszczu i soli, trzech na 10 deklaruje, że unika czerwonego mięsa i węglowodanów, a dwóch na 10 odmawia sobie tradycyjnych produktów mlecznych – twierdzi firma badawcza Mintel.

Puls Biznesu Z lodów wycieka mleko Mleczne lody bez mleka stały się domeną Włochów. Polacy się przyglądają — tu jest potencjał, a udziały nierozdane.

Il Post Perché i giovani americani mangiano meno cereali a colazione Secondo quasi il 40 per cento dei millennials interpellati dalla società di ricerche di mercato Mintel per il suo rapporto del 2015 i cerali rappresentano una scelta scomoda per la colazione perché li obbliga a pulire dopo aver mangiato.

Portalspożywczy.pl Rośnie popyt na bezmleczne lody – raport Z badań firmy Mintel wynika, że 78 proc. Polaków powyżej 16. roku życia zainteresowanych jest zakupem tego typu lodów.

Portalspożywczy.pl Rynek dań gotowych będzie dynamicznie rósł w kolejnych latach? Z kolei z analizy firmy Mintel, wynika, że rynek gotowych posiłków w Polsce znajduje się w stagnacji.

Men’s Health Espana ¿Son la leche? En Estados Unidos, las ventas de leches no lacteas han subido desde 2009 en un 94%, segun la empresa investigadora de mercados Mintel.

Blick.ch Alarm bei Kellogg’s: Millennials sind zu faul zum Müsli-Essen Gegen 40 Prozent der Millennials, die von der Marktforschungsfirma Mintel befragt wurden, halten das Zmorge-Müsli für unpraktisch. Grund: danach muss abgeräumt und abgewaschen werden, wie die «New York Times» berichtet.

N24.de Die Jugend ist zu faul für Cornflakes & Co Wie die New York Times nun anhand einer Studie des US-Marktforschungsinstituts Mintel zeigt, scheint sich das bei den sogenannten Millenials – also der Bevölkerung, die um das Jahr 2000 herum zu den Teenagern zählte – und nachfolgenden Generationen geändert zu haben. Die Absatzzahlen von Cornflakes, Müsli und Co sind in den USA in den vergangenen 15 Jahren um etwa 30 Prozent zurückgegangen.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Sortimente Grillsaison: Angeheizt Katya Witham, Senior Food & Drink Analyst beim englischen Marktforschungsunternehmen Mintel richtet ihren Blick auf die Vereinigten Staaten. Dort liege “low & slow” beim Barbecue schon seit Jahren im Trend, sprich langsames Garen bei niedrigen Temperaturen. “Von dieser Methode haben sich deutsche Hersteller inspirieren lassen und entsprechende Produkte auf den Markt gebracht”, sagt Witham.

Lebensmittel Zeitung Sortimente Grillsaison: Rekordverdächtig Nach Erhebungen der Mintel Group befeuern 43 Prozent der Deutschen gerne und regelmäßig den Rost. “In Polen sind es 37 Prozent, in Frankreich und Spanien 35 Prozent und in Italien nur 23 Prozent der Bevölkerung”, so Katya Witham, Senior Food & Drink Analyst bei dem britischen Marktforschungsunternehmen.

Slate.fr Les jeunes délaissent les céréales au petit-déjeuner à cause de la vaisselle Près de 40% de ceux interrogés par Mintel, un institut spécialisé en étude de marché, délaissent les céréales à cause de la vaisselle que cela nécessite.

DairyReporter Mintel report says non-dairy ice cream rising in popularity A new Mintel study of internet users around Europe shows demand for non-dairy ice cream is booming in Germany as well as other European countries.

Gastronomía & Cía La venta de agua embotellada aumenta de forma significativa en Estados Unidos Un informe de Mintel muestra que la venta y consumo de agua embotellada está aumentando de forma significativa en Estados Unidos, especialmente el segmento de las aguas con sabor y aguas carbonatadas.

Lebesmittel Praxis Brot und Backwaren: Stulle auf die Hand Eine Herausforderung für Handel und Hersteller ist der schrumpfende Markt für verpackte Brot und Backwaren. Nach den Schätzungen der Mintel Group, London, wird der Umsatz für diese Produkte nach 2,04 Mrd. Euro im Jahr 2014 auf 1,99 Mrd. Euro im Jahr 2018 sinken (siehe Interview auf S. 68).


South China Morning Post Slowdown, what slowdown? Outlook strong for China’s cross-border online shopping Market research firm Mintel on Monday forecast China’s cross-border online shopping market to grow 18 per cent each year to 2020.

北青网 英敏特:近六成中国消费者曾网络海淘 英敏特最新报告《海淘零售2016》显示,截止至2015年11月底前的六个月,近六成(58%)的中国消费者通过国内购物网站而购买过国外品牌的产品,产品的品质(63%)及价格(38%)是他们考虑网购进口产品的重要因素。

Qdaily 包装是品牌一张有故事的“脸”,2016 年它会变成什么样? “当品牌试图为消费者提供更多个性化体验的同时,其实消费者也寄望于产品包装可以满足类似的需求,”英国市场研究咨询公司英敏特(Mintel)在他们新发布的《2016 全球包装趋势报告》中这样写道。这意味着当消费者需求更加细化和多样时,产品包装也应该对此作出反应。

China Economic P&G commits to be more high-end in China Philix Liu, trends analyst at Mintel China, said P&G’s Chinese market has changed and become more diverse, as the country’s online retailing channels grow.

经理世界网 ASO100 2016 年1月旅游App 竞争报告 专业市场研究咨询公司 Mintel(英敏特)在 2015 年的报告中指出,七成左右的中国消费者曾在线预订旅游产品,且近五分之一(19%)的消费者预订的时候利用的设备是手机。

财经网 站在休闲食品电商的风口,百草味创始人蔡红亮如何布局差异化战略 2015年 5 月市场调研公司英敏特面向 3000 名 20 -49 岁的中国互联网用户的一份调研报告同样显示:57% 的受访者认为使用“天然成分”而非添加剂对健康食品很重要,51% 的受访者希望企业采用“更健康的生产方式”。

Global Food Mate How Small Food Companies Are Disrupting the Food Chain Recent research from Mintel (2015) showed that 43 percent of Millennials do not trust large food manufacturers, compared to only 18 percent of non-Millennials.

长三角新闻 7大关键词 前瞻2016全球化妆品产业趋势 且据英敏特介绍,未来的美容产品必须有明确的环保立场,向消费者表明品牌解决水资源短缺的方案,帮助他们控制个人用水。

新华网 进口葡萄酒量增价跌 每升不到八块钱 而根据消费、产品和市场情报供应商英敏特的行业分析报告,到2017年中国葡萄酒市场消费能力将达到28.27亿升,消费总额达到938亿元人民币,增长幅度达102.5%。


The Nation Drink industry success based on design, packaging “Sustainability is evolving from a secondary concern into a necessary component in the design of new product innovations,” the market research institute Mintel wrote in its study “Global Food and Drink Trends 2016”.

Inside Retail Asia Fast rise for Chinese cross-border eCommerce “The reason we chose to do this report was both due to Haitao becoming so large, and because this market is now becoming well-regulated, and encouraged by the central government,” said the report’s author Matthew Crabbe.

China Daily Asia P&G commits to raising level of China offering Philix Liu, trends analyst at Mintel China, said P&G’s Chinese market has changed and become more diverse, as the country’s online retailing channels grow.

Chennai Online Millennials may not be too lazy to eat cereal! “Overall, only six percent of all consumers say they’re eating less cereal than the year before, according to the same Mintel marketing report that included the 40 percent statistic,” the Live Science reported.


Aditivos & Ingredientes CRESCE LANÇAMENTO DE PRODUTOS SEM LACTOSE NO BRASIL O banco global de dados de novos produtos da Mintel (GNPD _ Global New Products Database) mostra que 5,9% dos lançamentos, em 2015, de comida e bebida, trouxeram informações na embalagem indicando quantidade reduzida, ou ausência, de lactose.

Revista Super Hiper Acerte o tom É o chamado “efeito batom” tradução livre para lipstick effect, termo cunhado em 2001 por Leonard Lauder, da Estée Lauder. Outro estudo realizado pela Mintel defende que isso ocorrerá no Brasil, ou seja, as pessoas tendem a cuidar de si mesmas com mais frequência a fim de esquecer problemas e preocupações gerados por um cenário econômico menos promissor.

Embanews Inovacao turbina flexiveis Segundo a MIntel, que publicou um relatorio sobre seis tendencias globais em embalagem os flexiveis, e especificamente os pouches, sao fenomenos.

H&C Brasileiros querem bronzeadores e protetores solares multifuncionais A pesquisa do novo relatório Bronzeador e Protetor Solar, da Mintel, mostrou que os brasileiros estão interessados em produtos com maior valor agregado.

H&C Há oportunidade para cosmético com mais valor agregado Uma pesquisa realizada em 2015 pela consultoria Mintel mostra que produtos para mãos e pés ainda são pouco usados pelos brasileiros.

Revista da Papelaria Tendencias-chave Anualmente, uma das principais agencias de inteligencia de mercado do mundo, Mintel, aponta tendencia que vao pautar os negocios ao longo do ano _ e possui a fama de ser bastante assertiva.

Engarrafador Moderno Em busca do paraiso perfeito A classe AB também parece estar migrando de refrigerantes comuns para os light/diets (88% e 16% em 2014 para 76% e 25% em 2015, respectivamente). De acordo com o relatório Alimentação Saudável – Tendências -, Brasil, novembro 2014, realizado pela Mintel, 37% dos consumidores de produtos saudáveis da classe AB concordam que “gostaria que tivessem mais opções de produtos saudáveis nos supermercados.”

Diario de Pernambuco Empréstimo para pagar conta Uma pesquisa da Mintel _ agência mundial de inteligência de mercado _ mostra que 18% dos brasileiros, de todos os grupos socioeconômicos, concordam com a frase: “Tenho dificuldades em arcar com os meus gastos totais sem pedir ajuda financeira a outras pessoas (por exemplo, pais e parentes)”.


CTV News Fussy millennials shunning cold breakfast cereal Market research experts at Mintel say the breakfast food industry is losing some of its snap, crackle and pop because of a drop-off in the popularity of cold cereals.

CBC Lazy millennial bowl-haters are hurting big cereal’s bottom line The results of a recent survey conducted by Mintel, a global research firm, suggest that nearly 40 per cent of people born between 1980 and 2000 consider cereal “inconvenient to consume.”

The Globe and Mail Advertisers (finally) depicting a broader view of masculinity From 2007 to 2012, product launches targeted to men in the beauty and personal care segment rose 70 per cent, according to research firm Mintel.

Toronto Star Don’t blame millennials for everything, let the raccoons take the rap: Teitel “Almost 40 per cent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel (a market research firm) for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.”

CBC Cereal loses its snap, crackle, pop with consumers A survey by global research firm Mintel, found that 40 per cent of of respondents consider cereal too “inconvenient to consume.”

Global News Why aren’t millennials eating cereal? It’s far too difficult “Almost 40 per cent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it,” the Times reported.

Metro “Millennials too lazy to eat cereal?” Turns out it’s not true Mintel surveyed Canadians who don’t eat cereal, asking what’s stopping them. The top answer — among Canadian millennials (33%) and all age groups (39%) — was they’re eating breakfast foods with more protein.

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