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Mintel in the Media – This week’s highlights

February 25, 2014

Mintel in the Media is a weekly review, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights from the past weeks include:


Bloomberg Businessweek: Single-serve coffee revolution brews industry change. By 2018, market-research firm Mintel expects consumers to spend nearly as much on coffee pods as they do on bulk coffee.

New York Times: In shampoo ads for men, it’s not just the hair, it’s what it does for you. Only 56 percent of men reported using conditioner in the last 12 months, compared with 88 percent of women, according to a 2013 study by Mintel, a market research firm.

New York Times: A big bet on gluten free. In dollars and cents, sales of gluten-free products were expected to total $10.5 billion last year, according to Mintel, a market research company, which estimates the category will produce more than $15 billion in annual sales in 2016.

MarketWatch Radio: Newscast: Coke stock is ice cold. Coverage of Mintel’s gluten free data.

NBC News: Snack bar sales soar on hunger for productivity, convenience. With that kind of workplace dynamic, it’s no wonder the popularity of bars has soared, said Beth Bloom, food analyst at Mintel. “Busy, on-the-go lifestyles definitely support growth in the category,” she said via email. “These items are easy to grab and go.”

CNBC: A big bet on gluten free. In dollars and cents, sales of gluten-free products were expected to total $10.5 billion last year, according to Mintel, a market research company, which estimates the category will produce more than $15 billion in annual sales in 2016.

CNBC: Snack bar sales soar on hunger for productivity, convenience. With that kind of workplace dynamic, it’s no wonder the popularity of bars has soared, said Beth Bloom, food analyst at Mintel. “Busy, on-the-go lifestyles definitely support growth in the category,” she said via email. “These items are easy to grab and go.”

CNBC: Nespresso takes a sip of US coffee market. U.S. consumers bought $3.1 billion worth of coffee pods last year. That figure is set to jump to $5.3 million in 2018, according to market research firm Mintel.

Chicago Sun-Times: Food industry sees gluten free sales rising. Sales of gluten-free products were expected to total $10.5 billion last year and might top $15 billion in 2016, says Mintel, a market research company. |

Shape Magazine: The good in gluten. And don’t expect it to go away anytime soon—market research firm Mintel predicts the $10.5 billion dollar industry will skyrocket 48 percent to $15.6 billion in sales by 2016. In fact, if you’re like three-quarters of this group that Mintel reports eats gluten-free foods because they think they are healthier, cutting out gluten could mean you’re cutting out these key nutrients that keep your health, energy, and metabolism at their best.

Seattle Times: Single-serve coffee revolution brews industry change. By 2018, market-research firm Mintel expects consumers to spend nearly as much on coffee pods as they do on bulk coffee. Mintel says that in 2013, U.S. consumers bought $3.1 billion worth of coffee pods — versus $132 million in 2008. In comparison, Americans last year bought $6 billion worth of traditional roasted coffee, and about $2.5 billion in instant and ready-to-drink coffee. The market-research firm expects the gap between single cups and bulk coffee to shrink to $1.4 billion by 2018.

The Press-Enterprise: Industry: Maryland weighs ban of energy drinks for minors. According to a report released in August by Mintel Group, a Chicago-based market research firm, U.S. sales were at around $13 billion last year and forecast to rise to more than $18 billion by 2018.

FoodNavigator USA: Green tea cereal: the next big nutritional punch at breakfast. According to Mintel data, breakfast cereals containing green tea remain a very niche sector but between 2009 and 2013 there was a 63% increase in new p


Reuters: M&S boss must fix catwalk or walk the plank. Broadcast – Interview with Richard Perks on M&S share buyback.

The GuardianWhy are food activists targeting Honey Nut Cheerios? The US cold breakfast cereal industry generates about $10.1bn annually and more than 91% of households buy cold cereal, according to market research firm Mintel.

Huffington PostWhoops! There’s Goes That Weight Loss Willpower Yet Again. It’s estimated that 15million Britons are on a diet at any one time. That’s one person in four! A recent Mintel survey showed that 29million Britons tried to lose weight last year.

The Daily TelegraphThe unpalatable truth: the colour has drained from our bathrooms. Mintel, the market researcher, says that as recently as 2008, 20 per cent of consumers said matching colours with decor was “one of the most important factors when buying household paper products”.

BBC News: Broadcast. Interview with Richard Perks, Director of Retail Research at Mintel: “These figures are very good. It is difficult to compare month on month and we have had the floods. The underlying fact is the  trend in retail sales growth is still strong and it has been strong through the last quarter of last year and into this year and that is very good news.”

The Daily MailIt’s official – stress DOES cause headaches (and the pain then causes us to become even more stressed) Research by Mintel in the UK found as many as 30.4 million Britons – three out of four adults – claim to have suffered from headaches or migraines in the past six months.

Metro: Hot Trend: Artisan Toast: Sales of artisan bread  increased by eight per cent  last year, according to a Mintel survey.

Food Navigator: Young Brits lack confidence in the kitchen: Mintel. Pupils in UK primary and secondary schools will have compulsory cooking lessons from September this year – as new research from Mintel suggests less than a third of British people aged 16-24 are confident in the kitchen.

Daily Star: Jamie’s a failure. Less than a third  of 16- to 24-year-olds feel confident in the kitchen, says a  survey by consumer analysts Mintel.

Daily Express: Why young won’t cook…More than two-thirds of those aged 16 to 24 who do cater for themselves eat ready meals, pizza or  soup more than once a week, a survey of 1,500 people by analysts Mintel found.

Herald ScotlandMost young adults lack confidence to cook. The survey by analysts Mintel found just 30% of those aged 16 to 24 were confident cooks and 16% perceived cooking as stressful, compared to 11% on average.

The People: What happened to the Marlboro Man? A report by marketing firm Mintel last year found that more than four in 10 men regularly use moisturiser.

The Grocer: Pre-filled impulse wine glasses full of potential, say suppliers. Mintel analyst Chris Wisson said drinking opportunities were so limited it was unlikely to ever be more than a niche category.


Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy): Le Fragranze diventano sexy (Fragrances become sexy). Infine, una buona comunicazione tecnologica: «Il futuro delle fragranze intesserà storie nella rete di Internet, e le scie vincenti saranno quelle che sapranno sedurre più utenti possibili attraverso contest e social network, convoglianodogli all’ecommerce», spiega la società di ricerca internazionale Mintel.

Novinky (Czech Republic): Beatles se mýlili, peníze vám můžou koupit lásku (The Beatles were wrong, money can buy you love). “Simply, more money can equal more social chances and thus result in more partners, “said Richard Cope working as an analyst in the firm Mintel, which carried out the research.

NSMBL (Netherlands):  ‘HOE HOGER JE INKOMEN, DES TE MEER KANS OP LIEFDE’ (The higher your income, the more chance at love). Richard Cope, van Mintel: “Connectivity has increased our availability, whilst taboos are breaking down. Among the young, celebrity culture has made whirlwind romances something to aspire to, and break-ups nothing to be ashamed of.”

Food & Drink Europe: Green tea cereal: The next big nutritional punch at breakfast. According to Mintel data, breakfast cereals containing green tea remain a very niche sector but between 2009 and 2013 there was a 63% increase in new products on the market.

Food & Drink Business Europe: Pressure Cooking For Young British Consumers. Latest research from Mintel reveals just 30% of those aged 16-24 feel confident in the kitchen, compared to 39% on average of UK adults.


Meio & Mensagem: Parceria de shoppings com supermercados estimula a frequencia de adultos e familia. O brasileiro adora fazer compras, mas se engana quem pensa que o shopping center é o local preferido da maioria. De acordo com o relatorio Estilo de Vida Regional, da empresa de pesquisa Mintel, hipermercados e Supermercados sao os servicos mais proximos e mais frequentados pela populacao, especialmente pelo perfil familia.

Pequenas Empresas Grandes Negóciois: A Guerra dos Sorvetes.  A receita total da area, que reune cerca de 10 mil empresas no pais, foi de R$ 4,06 bi em 2012, contra R$ 3,54 do ano anterior, de acordo com  o instituto Mintel.

Isto É Dinheiro: Red Bull foge da balada No Brasil, não apenas o consumo de energético está associado ao de bebidas alcoólicas, como o de uísque está intimamente ligado ao de energéticos. Segundo dados da consultoria britânica Mintel, 30% dos consumidores brasileiros da bebida destilada costumam misturar os dois drinques. Apenas 26% afirmam apreciar o malte escocês puro ou on the rocks. “O brasileiro está trocando a caipirinha pelo uísque com energético”, afirma David Turner, diretor de pesquisa da Mintel no Brasil.

Valor Economico: Mercado de Cafes Especiais segue com bom preço. “Os baristas e as cafeterias independentes da moda estao estao influenciando o que as pessoas bebem”, diz Jonny Forsyth, da empresa de pesquisa de consumo Mintel.

Revista Cafeicultura: Mercado de cafés especiais segue com bons preços Os baristas e as cafeterias independentes da moda estão influenciando o que as pessoas bebem”, diz Jonny Forsyth, da empresa de pesquisa de consumo Mintel.

Atualidade Cosmetica: Atitudes sob o sol na America Estudo da Mintel aponta como os consumidores americanos enxergam a categoria de protecao solar e de bronzeadores

Supermercado Moderno: A vez dos paes especiais Cerca de 37% dos brasileiros consomem pães especiais, como ciabata, italiano, sírio, baguete e bagel, de acordo com pesquisa feita pela Mintel – empresa global de inteligência de mídia. Desse total, 60% compram os produtos em padarias especializadas no Brasil.

Cosmetic Innovate: Posicionamento para diferentes necessidades da pele pode aumentar a utilizacao de sabonetes Perto de uma penetração universal, 99,8% dos brasileiros usam algum tipo de sabonete, e sendo este o mesmo indicador em praticamente todos os segmentos demográficos, de acordo com a pesquisa do consumidor da Mintel.


Vogue China: 巧迪深耕彩妆领域十三年完美呈献 (Qiao Di roots in the field of makeup perfect present). 据英敏特(Mintel)全球新产品数据库的数据显示,现如今的中国,随着经济攀升、收入增加、教育水平提高,中国女性对日常工作、交际生活中的仪态妆容表现出了日趋重视的需求,彩妆在众多女性消费者心中已然成了必备品的存在。而女性庞大的消费力,则很好地带动了中国彩妆市场的迅速扩张,仅2008年至2011年间,中国彩妆的增长率便达到11.7%,近几年来彩妆市场的消费额更是连连攀升。

South China Morning Post: China Mengniu Dairy sees change in fortunes: Research firm Mintel said China’s rapid growth in dairy consumption – at 8.2 per cent annually in the five years to 2017 – would surpass that of raw milk supply.

Sian Brenchley
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