Mintel in the Media is a weekly review, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights from the past two weeks include:
CNN: Camping: horror or bliss? Campers spent more than $1.75 billion dollars on camping equipment in 2011, according to an April 2012 Mintel Group report. Yet most people are buying their gear at Walmart, which was the top supplier for 62% of campers surveyed by Mintel. Coleman was the most popular brand purchased.
New York Times: Mike’s, a flavored alcohol brand, tries to widen its appeal. Among men, 21 percent would not want to be seen holding a ready-to-drink flavored alcoholic beverage, compared with 11 percent of women, according to a poll by Mintel, a market research firm.
Bloomberg Businessweek: Yale startup GoBlue offers a tobacco cessation app. GoBlue is one of a number of tech startups vying for a piece of what Mintel Group says is a $1 billion market for tobacco cessation products. “These apps are helpful in that they provide people with a virtual support system,” says Emily Krol, a health analyst at Mintel. Just 1 percent of quitters currently use mobile apps, but more than 30 percent have expressed interest, according to the research firm.
ABC News: Kosher meets industrial food at enzymes, acids. U.S. sales of kosher prepared foods, meat, fish and dairy topped $12.5 billion in 2008, according to market research firm Mintel. That was projected to grow by this year to about $15.3 billion as more and more existing products join Oreo cookies and Tootsie Rolls in becoming certified, the firm said.
CNBC: Six pack: beer buzz of the week: Star Track brew. To mark the occasion, Market Research firm Mintel released some data from several of its recent beer reports that sheds light on the typical craft beer consumer. Among the findings, seasonal offerings are a big part of purchasing decisions, with 84 percent of craft beer consumers likely to choose their beer depending on the season.
Advertising Age: Coffee overkill has more marketers thinking it’s time for tea. But the growth in tea among specialty retailers, and even fast-food chains, is more recent, and part of the reason is that “we’re maxing out on coffee,” said Kathy Hayden, food-service analyst at Mintel. Though tea may never be as big as coffee for Starbucks, there’s potential for significant expansion because of the chain’s footprint. “It’s pretty astonishing what Starbucks can do,” said Ms. Hayden.
Advertising Age: Pop psychology: ready made popcorn gains on microwave brands. “You don’t have to take the extra step of opening the box, opening the wrapper,” and “hoping you have the skill to watch it appropriately so you don’t ruin the product,” said Beth Bloom, a food and drinks analyst with market researcher Mintel.
Advertising Age: Wendy’s last among big burger chains with Hispanics: survey. Last year, McDonald’s spent nearly $85 million on measured media on Spanish-language networks, according to Kantar and the Golden Arches has long courted the Hispanic demographic, said Julia Gallo-Torres, category manager for U.S. foodservice at Mintel. “McDonald’s has really for a long period had great outreach to Hispanics.” She added that Burger King also had a leg up on Hispanic marketing last year with a major menu rollout and campaign featuring Hispanic actors like Salma Hayek.
Brand Packaging: Homeopathic and herbal remedy sales reach $6.4 billion. Emily Krol, health and wellness analyst at Mintel, says, “Recalls of traditional OTC remedies, a holistic approach to health, and more availability in traditional retailers all helped to fuel growth in this market. The sector is primed for continued success as US consumers increasingly seek products that are natural and organic, particularly as it relates to healthcare. This is especially true for families with small children as many OTC medications are unsafe for children under the age of two.
Chicago Business Journal: What’s the serious craft beer drinker really about? American Craft Beer Week is here, and Chicago-based Mintel, a global provider of consumer research, has some new research that reveals a lot about the typical craft beer drinker who’s young and thirsty. It’s information that bodes well for craft beer brewers.
Omaha World-Herald: ConAgra tries to change consumers’ perceptions about frozen food. One of the fastest-growing categories is frozen hand-held food, such as breakfast sandwiches and burritos. People who buy these products tend to be more interested in convenience and price than in health benefits, Mintel said.
Tampa Bay Times: Craft beer craze arrives in Brandon area with pubs, home brewing. Craft and craft-style beer sales more than doubled from 2007 to 2012 — from $5.7 billion to $12 billion, according to a Mintel market study reported in the Nation’s Restaurant News in April.
QSR Magazine: Coffee is king. Kathy Hayden, foodservice analyst at research firm Mintel, says specialty coffees and beverages have become standard at quick-serve restaurants, with Starbucks setting the standard and both McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts in the mix. “While Burger King has expanded its morning products over the past few years, it has only been able to reach a certain level without specialty coffees,” she says.
Financial Times: Britain’s pubs face lost decade. Although the number of people visiting pubs has fallen, people are spending more when they do go, according to Chris Wisson, an analyst at Mintel. “It’s a special occasion when people go out now – so they treat themselves,” he said. “Premium brands are actually doing quite well.
The Wall Street Journal: Chocolate Makers Fight for Farmers’ Loyalty. “If companies don’t do something to keep these young farmers engaged in cocoa farming, they run the risk of losing them to jobs in the city. Ivorian rubber companies are already luring cocoa farmers with what they say is a less risky crop,” said Marcia Mogelonsky, director of food insight at Mintel, a market research provider.
The Times: Single-person supplement rules out solo holidays. Many would travel on their own if the prices were not geared towards couples, families or groups of friends, according to analysts Mintel.
The Sunday Times: Halford follows that Mamil. “Incentives to commute (by bike) should increase as there are signs that transport planners are beginning to look more favourably on cyclists and to give more priority to their needs” wrote analysts at Mintel, the market research firm in a recent report.
The Guardian: Kosher meets industrial food at enzymes, acids. Market research firm Mintel projects kosher food sales will grow by more than 20 percent from 2008 to this year as more existing products such as Oreos and Tootsie Rolls become certified.
The Guardian: Chocolate bags: filled with calories. Resealability, says Mintel senior global packaging analyst Benjamin Punchard, gives a feeling of choice to the consumer. “”Whether it’s something they really want or brands are using it to hide behind, to say: ‘We’re not giving people large portions,’ that’s another question.
BBC: Crisps: Is classic potato losing its appeal? “We have seen more ‘better for you’ recipes come to the fore, with a big emphasis on baked as opposed to fried, and more wholegrain and multigrain crisps,” says Alex Beckett, a senior food analyst at Mintel.
The Sun: Morrisons to deliver price war. Richard Perks, of market analysts Mintel, said: “Our data shows 30% of Morrisons customers shop online from time to time at rival.”
Daily Mail: Ikea’s 70% UK surcharge: Flatpack giant makes us pay more than most of Europe. “Not any longer,’ he said. Richard Perks of analysts Mintel rejected the idea consumers here are victims of a rip-off culture, and also argued the raised prices are more likely to be the result of higher business costs.
Daily Mail: Why you need a nice splash of spring water in your soap: FEMAIL’s pick of cleansers which use the healing properties of minerals. Market research analysts Mintel say they have increased by 78 per cent between 2009 and 2012. Epitomising this trend is marine spring water – a natural anomaly found in France’s Loire-Atlantique region. This is loaded with magnesium, calcium and manganese because it has passed through geological layers and has been underground for thousands of years.
Daily Mail: “Single people ‘are being priced out of holidays’ as tourism bosses target couples and families. Many said they would travel on their own if the prices were not geared towards couples, families or groups of friends, according to analysts Mintel.
The Daily Mail: Knowledge is power: How to do market research to make a business idea a winner. If your business venture is a little bit more ambitious it might be worth paying for research tailored specifically to you, from companies such as Mintel.
Harpers: Wine trade needs to keep up with sweet-toothed consumers. The wine industry is failing to keep up with changing tastes among consumers, according to drinks analyst Jonny Forsyth of Mintel, speaking at the LIWF today.
The Grocer: “Will Brits accept pouch puree’ as an adult food?. Pouches had gained traction in Western markets with yoghurt brands aimed at adults, said Mintel analyst Chris Brockman.
Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy): Bellezza hi-tech con le “app”. A sorpresa, una ricerca Mintel rivela che i più reattivi a questo risvolto del comparto cosmetico sono gli uomini: anonimato, comodità, velocità e convenienza di questa modalità di acquisto affascinano il 60% dei maschi tra i 18 e i 34 anni, contro il 52% delle coetanee.
Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy): Caccia ai nuovi gusti per consumatori globali. Il caso Oikos e’ esemplare: “Quella dello yogurt greco non e’ una nuova categoria – spiega David Jago, direttore trends ed innovation di Mintel, istituto di ricerca londinese che grazie alla sua piattaforma Global New Products Database monitora i lanci dei nuovi prodotti di largo consumo in 50 paesi del mondo.
Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy): Prima regola: personalizzare i sapori. Secondo l’istituto di ricerca Mintel il 32% degli italiani usa salse a tavola per presonalizzare i piatti.
The Times of Israel: Kosher meets industrial food at enzymes, acids. US sales of kosher prepared foods, meat, fish and dairy topped $12.5 billion in 2008, according to market research firm Mintel. That was projected to grow by this year to about $15.3 billion as more and more existing products join Oreo cookies and Tootsie Rolls candy in becoming certified, the firm said.
Distribution Actualidad (Spain): Alimentación, cambio de tendencia. Prueba de ello es que, entre 2010 y 2012, el sector de las especialidades creció un 25,4%, frente al 7,9% del resto de la industria. Al menos es lo que se desprende del último informe de la Speciality Food Association, realizado en colaboración con Mintel.
La Vanguardia (Spain): Pintaúñas, el octavo arte.La empresa de investigacion Mintel afirma que el mercado de los pintaunas empezo a crecer en el 2007 y se preve un crescimento positivo.
Food Stuff South Africa: The trend to bite-sized chocs in bags. Resealability, says Mintel senior global packaging analyst Benjamin Punchard, gives a feeling of choice to the consumer. “Whether it’s something they really want or brands are using it to hide behind, to say: ‘We’re not giving people large portions,’ that’s another question.”
Campaign Asia: Fast food and takeaways in Chinese market to reach RMB 1.8trillion by 2017. According to a report released today by market insight leader Mintel, the fast food and takeaway market is expected to reach RMB 1.8 trillion by 2017.
China Daily: Crafting beer for world’s biggest market. China is the largest beer market in the world, with more than 500 breweries. Production increased by 29 percent in the five years to 2011 and reached an all-time high of 50 billion litres for the first time in 2011, according to a 2012 study by Mintel, the international market intelligence group. The US ranked second with 24 billion litres.
China Daily: 进口葡萄酒份额显增长 国产酒价格优势遭威胁- 中国日报网. 葡萄酒在中国酒类零售市场的份额在不断增长中。全球领先的消费、产品和市场情报供应商英敏特(Mintel)最新发布的行业分析报告指出,到2017年中国葡萄酒市场消费能力将达到28.27亿升,消费总额达到938亿元人民币,增长幅度达102.5%。“葡萄酒正逐步从啤酒和中国传统蒸馏饮料市场中争夺份额。白酒的酒精含量高达40%
China Post: At US plant, Kosher meets industrial food. U.S. sales of kosher prepared foods, meat, fish and dairy topped US$12.5 billion in 2008, according to market research firm Mintel. That was projected to grow by this year to about US$15.3 billion as more and more existing products join Oreo cookies and Tootsie Rolls candy in becoming certified, the firm said.
Hindustan Times: Baking delight. By 2010, the cupcake had become one of the most popular cakes to make at home after it was featured prominently in the American TV series Sex and the City, says a study by London market research firm Mintel.
Inside Retail Asia: Growth predicted for China’s fast food market. China’s fast food and takeaway market will hit 1.8 trillion yuan (US$293.4 billion) by 2017 as economic power in lower-tier cities rises, Mintel says.
Australian Food News: Stevia continues to sweeten up globally. There has been a widespread rollout of products containing Stevia in recent times, with new products containing the natural sweetener increasing by 400 per cent globally between 2008 and 2012, and 158 per cent between 2011 and 2012, according to new research from global market research organisation Mintel.
Globo TV: Bem Estar vai ensinar a conciliar qualidade de vida com trabalho. Interview with Sheila Salina about stress at the workplace.
O Globo: Com renda maior, emergentes vão adquirir curiosos hábitos de consumo até 2016. Olhando para as despesas das famílias e as tendências na China, Índia, México, África do Sul e Turquia, em contraste com os mercados desenvolvidos dos Estados Unidos e Reino Unido, pesquisa inédita da consultoria britânica Mintel tenta mostrar como a melhoria de renda e a facilidade em adquirir novos produtos vai alterar os gostos dos consumidores destas regiões nos próximos três anos.
Supermercado Moderno: Alimentação saudável. A maioria dos brasileiros tenta seguir uma dieta balanceada com opções nutritivas, diz pesquisa da Mintel empresa global de inteligência de mídia
Globo TV: Vacina contra o HPV pode prevenir câncer de colo de útero na mulher. Interview with Shelia Salina about the practice of sports as an enhancement to the professional life.
Confectionery News: Functional cookies for women: Opportunities in growing Brazilian biscuit market. The Brazilian biscuit market is set to grow 25% in value sales in the next five years and a big opportunity exists for healthy cookies marketed to women, according to market analysts Mintel.
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