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Mintel in the Media – This week’s highlights

March 25, 2014

Mintel in the Media is a weekly review, bringing together a selection of the most high profile press stories showcasing Mintel’s data and analysis from around the world. Highlights from the past weeks include:


Bloomberg Businessweek: Diageo wants to send a bartender to your home. European online sales will increase 72%, to $448 billion by the end of 2018, researcher Mintel predicts.

CNBCNext understands its customers: Pro. Richard Perks, director of retail research at Mintel International, highlights that retailer Next is doing “very well” and says that the underlying U.K. retail environment is “pretty firm.”

Marketing Week: Profile: Keith Barr, InterContinental Hotels Group. According to a report that Mintel published last year, millennial travellers will account for about 50 per cent of spending on business flights by 2020 and will become the leading cohort for another 10 to 15 years.

Marketing WeekBudget 2014: the key marketing takeaways. Mintel predicts the UK cider category will reach sales of £3.7bn over the next four years, driven partly by previous duty increases but also rising brand awareness, helped by major campaigns from the likes of Stella Cidre, Magners, Bullmers, Carling British Cider and Carlsberg’s Somersby.

The Daily MailDon’t have time for the gym or just too tired to workout? One in three Brits admit to shirking exercise…but men are still the more active sex. A spokesperson for Mintel, who carried out the research, said: ‘The research finds that a significant chunk of the population rarely or never exercise.

Elle Magazine: Be Pro Protein. Protein rich breakfast are in the thing, according to Mintel.

Stylist: Classically Curly. Source: Mintel.

Independent.ieLean Cuisine demand thaws as habits change. As consumers turn away in droves from the supermarket freezer (two-fifths of US adults say frozen dinners have little nutritional value, according to researcher Mintel), sales of Lean Cuisine have dropped by more than a quarter in the past five years.


USA TodayEaster’s peeps hatch to year round snack.  “I think that may dilute the fun and wonder,” says Lynn Dornblaser, director of innovation & insight at the research firm, Mintel. “Peeps mean springtime. They mean nostalgia. I think year-round Peeps would lessen the impact and harm the brand long-term.”

Inc MagazineGood news for pet start-ups: spending by pet owners is at an all-time high.  They spent just under $44 billion on carbonated soft drinks in 2012, based on the latest year of data available, the Mintel Group said. In 2013, Americans spent $83 billion on beer, Mintel said.

QuartzThe slow death of the microwave.  “Microwaves have sort of had their day,” says John Owen, a senior industry analyst at Mintel.

Palm Beach PostDiet Coke celebrates entrepreneurs’ caffeine addiction.  Among 18-to 34-year-olds in the U.S., 83 percent of men and 72 percent of women regularly consume soda beverages, according to Mintel’s 2013 Carbonated Soft Drinks report.

The Motley FoolAnheuser-Busch entering the cider market.  “Some 22% of Americans say they are drinking less domestic beer because they’re drinking wine instead, and 18% are focusing their alcohol consumption on liquor in lieu of domestic beer,” according to new research from Mintel as reported by Food Product Design.


La Repubblica: Proteine truccate (Italy). «I nuovi prodotti mimano sempre di più i carboidrati», dice Laura Jones, Food science analyst di Mintel. «Nel 2013 il 10% dei nuovi alimenti low carb erano pasta, il 10% pane e brioche, l’8% snack e barrette» (ma in ascesa anche le proteine di latte, per cui si prevede un mercato che nel 2015 peserà oltre 214mila tonnellate).

Cosmopolitan: Mixologie (France): ces produits de beauté qui nous facilitent la vie et allègent nos sacs. Selon une étude menée par Mintel, le phénomène de la mixologie est tel qu’il devrait prendre le pas sur nos habitudes du quotidien en 2014.

Portalspozywczy (Poland): Producenci soków stawiają na trend prozdrowotny. Polacy chcą pić soki, bo chcą żyć zdrowo. Jednak produkt te są około trzy razy droższe niż butelkowane wody oraz półtora razy droższe od gazowanych napojów owocowych – podaje firma badawcza Mintel.

IOL (South Africa): Sweeter, healthier, it’s the new sugar. Laura Jones, a food science analyst at Mintel, said: “Consumers want to cut sugar, but not compromise on taste. They don’t want anything artificial, so the appeal of plant-derived products is much stronger.”

Bakery and Snacks (France) : Sweet potato cookies: The new way to indulge. According to Mintel NPD data, between 2011 and 2013 there was a 130% growth in global sweet biscuits and cookies product launches that contained sweet potato as an ingredient.


H&CQuais sao os principais canais de compra de produtos de limpeza cosmetica? A pesquisa Mintel detectou que as mercearias independentes também são muito populares no norte, nordeste e sul do país, onde cerca de um quinto (17%, 19% e 18% respectivamente) dos entrevistados dizem comprar seus produtos de limpeza. Isso se deve também à maior concentração de mercearias independentes nessas regiões.

O TempoA BH Que O Gringo Vê “A Copa vai fazer o mundo inteiro se apaixonar por todas as coisas relacionadas ao Brasil”, decreta a consultoria britânica Mintel, especializada em pesquisa de mercado.

Portal da PropagandaExtra realiza campanha de incentivo ao consumo de iogurtes A rede acompanha as tendências de consumo do brasileiro e quer com essa campanha, incentivar ainda mais o consumo de lácteos no país. Segundo pesquisa de 2013 da Mintel, empresa global de inteligência de mídia, o   consumo de iogurtes no Brasil vem crescendo à taxa média de 5% ao ano, graças ao aumento do poder aquisitivo da classe média e a penetração nos lares já é de 74%.


BBC WorldHow to buy a brewery. Beer Consumption in China has grown by 29% since 2007 and the country now consumes more than 50 billion litres, according to Mintel, a market research firm.

Linkshop (China): 英国Next超越玛莎百货成最赚钱服装零售商.  Mintel分析师Richard Perks认为从多方面来看,Next都是“最成功的多渠道零售商”,根据当前的趋势,“除非M&S 可以扭转局面,否则Next将一举超越成为市场领导者”。

Nofashion (China): Next 2013年税前利润增12% 超越Marks & Spencer玛莎百货成为英国最赚钱服装零售商. Mintel 分析师Richard Perks 认为从多方面来看,Next PLC (NXT.L) 都是“最成功的多渠道零售商”,根据当前的趋势,“除非M&S 可以扭转局面,否则Next 将一举超越成为市场领导者”。

Sian Brenchley
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