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The value of research at times like these

September 11, 2020

I can’t imagine there is anyone who has not been affected by the circumstances we find ourselves in today. The scale and breadth of the pandemic’s impact requires all of us to be flexible and responsive like never before. And research too must evolve, if it is to prove truly valuable.

This is why we launched our COVID-19 Tracker, which surveys consumers in 16 markets every couple of weeks to assess how their attitudes and behaviors are changing. It’s why we spent hundreds of hours training our analysts to consider the myriad of factors and influences relating to consumer choice so that we can help our clients navigate this unprecedented time. And it’s why we make sure we’re always on hand to provide direction and recommendations based on reliable research, thorough analysis and well-rounded expertise. It’s what is needed at a time like this.

With the world changing so quickly, we also understand the need to find answers faster. One of the benefits of working with Mintel is access to years of historical insights. But this can make finding that one specific thing you need challenging, and as a result, we are working on how we create, as well as present, insights to streamline the experience.

While historical knowledge is important, it is not always enough. Companies need not only to understand their target customer but anticipate what that customer will want in the future. In line with this, we are developing our content to bring all of what we do together in a consistent way, with the aim of being more predictive to help our clients understand opportunities more effectively than ever before.

By doing this, we are also able to give companies a 360-degree, objective view of what consumers want and why, based on reliable, relevant methodologies that clients can trust. This approach will protect businesses from the “echo chamber” that is so prevalent today and which can result in decision-making that is based on a sample set that’s simply too narrow – a move that can have serious, long-lasting ramifications.

Mintel is unique in that we have deep and wide expertise. Our data covers consumers in 35 markets and product innovation in 86 markets, and our analysts have the industry knowledge and skills to uncover invaluable opportunities for our clients. But our research is only really brought to life through a profound understanding of our clients’ objectives and projects. Ultimately, it is the strong, long-lasting relationships we build with our clients that make our research truly valuable in this ever-changing world that we now live in.

Julie Lizer
Julie Lizer

Global President of Research and Insights, Mintel

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