S02 Ep58
Vices: Moderation, mental health, community, and culture
Most consumers have them; many have grown during the global pandemic. From indulgent food and drink to enticing gaming and gambling, vices have been a part of human history from the very start. In this episode, Mintel analysts discuss what makes a vice so 'bad', its impact on cultures and mental health, its role in entertainment and emotional release, as well as what brands must do to help consumers balance between extremes. While vices make for good (bad) headlines, they also provide catharsis, security and community. Listen now to find out what that means for consumer and companies today.

Most consumers have them; many have grown during the global pandemic. From indulgent food and drink to enticing gaming and gambling, vices have been a part of human history from the very start. In this episode, Mintel analysts discuss what makes a vice so ‘bad’, its impact on cultures and mental health, its role in entertainment and emotional release, as well as what brands must do to help consumers balance between extremes. While vices make for good (bad) headlines, they also provide catharsis, security and community. Listen now to find out what that means for consumer and companies today.

Meet the Host
Edward Bergen
Global Food and Drink Analyst
Meet the Guests
John Poelking
Senior Gaming Analyst, Mintel Reports US
Marcia Mogelonsky
Director of Insight, Mintel Food and Drink
Jonny Forsyth
Associate Director, Mintel Food and Drink
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