With Valentine’s Day come and gone, the allure of health and wellness goals from New Year’s resolutions may be starting to lose their luster, especially as harsh weather and a record-breaking flu season leave many opting for the couch rather than the gym. While some consumers have thrown in the towel, many are still optimistic toward their health goals and want to see them through. By helping consumers reach health goals that are often considered important – but challenging – to achieve, brands stand to strengthen their relationships with consumers by gaining their trust and appreciation.
To support consumers’ pursuit of health and wellness, and position themselves as a trusted partner, brands and retailers can utilize the strategies below to provide shoppers with tools and encouragement.
1. Make wellness easy
According to Mintel’s US report on health management, 43% of adults agree they would meet virtually for a common illness diagnosis, meet virtually with a mental health professional, or do so for a chronic issue. By promoting virtual health appointments with medical, health, or nutrition experts, brands are making these services more convenient and accessible, improving the likelihood that consumers will engage. Companies without virtual wellness offerings can explore other ways to make wellness easier that are relevant to their scope, such as a grocery store putting healthy foods more front and center.
2. Discourage disappointment
After slipping up a few times, some consumers may feel too discouraged to stay the course. However, two in five adults see their well-being as a work in progress. Remind consumers that wellness is a journey and that occasional missteps are not a reason to give up as they are often a part of the process. Encourage consumers to “dig deep” to uncover potential triggers that could be driving misbehavior, such as not having enough healthy snacks on hand or belonging to a gym that’s too far away.
3. Acknowledge progress
Even if progress toward healthy resolutions begins to suffer, many are still practicing healthy behaviors in some way or another. In fact, 93% of adults complete a wellness activity daily such as taking a vitamin, getting enough sleep, or eating a well-balanced diet. By acknowledging the progress many consumers have already made, their goals may seem more within reach, and they may feel more empowered to stick with them. Non-dairy milk brand Silk leveraged this strategy in their new ad campaign “Progress is Perfection,” which highlights the importance of small victories such as making a healthy choice for breakfast or going for a walk.
4. Tailor your message
Younger adults tend to be more interested in the appearance-based benefits of healthy behaviors, while proactive care becomes more of a focus for adults later in life, according to Mintel research. Tailoring wellness messages to different age groups with these preferences in mind can enhance their effectiveness by addressing the specific end goals adults are seeking.
What we think
According to Mintel’s US report on healthy lifestyles, among the adults who don’t always maintain a healthy lifestyle, nearly half agree staying motivated to eat healthy or exercise is hard. Implementing these strategies beyond January will garner appreciation (and perhaps stronger customer loyalty) from the many consumers who are working toward health goals.